Anyone miss oral?


Long Time Member
Televangelist Oral Roberts died yesterday of pneumonia. We many not hear from Manny for a while as he is in mourning
F-dude, F-dude, F-dude! You owe me a new keyboard now!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Thanks Feleno, nice to remember such an influential man. I always wondered though, if Oral was his real name or a nickname. :)

Maybe Manny has a coat from him too.
would Jesus wear a Rolex if he were alive today ???

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>would Jesus wear a Rolex if
>he were alive today ???

Yes, and most of the carpenters I know also drive escalades with 20" wheels and a Raiders sticker not quite centered on the back window.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-09 AT 00:44AM (MST)[p]>would Jesus wear a Rolex if
>he were alive today ???
>great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I doubt it, he don't need a watch, Jesus created time, Brahtha...

you have no idea of which you speak 'Filly, we've lost most of the old time preachers, who's left to carry the torch, Creflo Dollar, hah, Mr. Money Bags himself, Billy Gram is the only one left.

just becareful whom you choose to mock, sall I'm sayin....Peace out.....
With a thread title like that I was a little uncertain about checking it out. But curiosity go the best of me.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-09 AT 01:50PM (MST)[p]"Anyone miss oral?"

I don't know who holds the title currently but Linda Lovelace had it originally and then Monica Lewinsky had it for a while....... Terry
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-09 AT 02:38PM (MST)[p]u 2, i hope the devil comes into your rooms tonight and makes you pee in bed....if you don't see him at first just smell for sulfur..
"Monica Lewinski was an amateur. Never knew when to keep her mouth shut."

NV.... There are some who also say she didn't know spit but I beg to differ..... Terry
I really hate to say this, but I don't miss Oral. I never really got to know her... I mean him. I thought about him a lot though. My wife is religious but just never was into Oral.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
"dang funny Eel! damn near made me gag."

Feleno, those were my wife's exact words!. Too weird!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
"u 2, i hope the devil comes into your rooms tonight and makes you pee in bed....if you don't see him at first just smell for sulfur.."

Manny, from now on if you got something to say, just spit it out!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Eel, you're getting worse. Will you just do the manly thing for your wife and clam up!
Fdude I love most of your post but this one pushes it.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
"bounch a school kids.... "

Manny, we're just having a little fun. Suck it up!:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
No just ignore me.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Ain't nothing scared round here?joke if you must.... but know this...

Matthew 12:36 (King James Version)
36But I say unto you, That every careless word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

Galatians 6:7-8
7 Don?t deceive yourself?you cannot mock God. You will always harvest what you plant. 8 Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and die from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the God will harvest everlasting life.

just because you don't believe it don't mean it ain't true...
LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-09 AT 05:19PM (MST)[p]did you know you were in the Bible...?

2 Peter 3:3 knowing this first, that in the last days mockers shall come with mockery, walking after their own lusts,
>Ain't nothing scared round here?joke if
>you must.... but know this...

scared? Uh, no.

>just because you don't believe it
>don't mean it ain't true...

And the opposite?

Sorry Manny, but you had to know.
I'll join the school kids. Eel said: Manny, we're just having a little fun. Suck it up! Anyone else see the humor in that? (LOL!) Thats not meant to offend you Manny but, thats funny.
+1 Manny

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Manny, your point is well taken, but we were not mocking God. We are having fun with the name Oral. Huge difference. It could have been Oral Jones, or Oral Smith, or Oral Hershizer.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
100% correct Eel, it was a play on the name 'oral', not about who's behind the name. If Mr. Cheney would have died the post would have been called "Anyone Miss D#ck".
Feleno, If you miss #####, that much, maybe you should go and find him. I'm sure you won't see him unless you have eyes in the back of your headbut thats OK we still love ya anyway!
>100% correct Eel, it was a
>play on the name 'oral',
>not about who's behind the
>name. If Mr. Cheney would
>have died the post would
>have been called "Anyone Miss

explain that to the Boss and see if it fly's......
Manny, Oral aint the "boss". Just another half crooked preacher selling his load of crap on TV. Get a grip. Come up for air. Breathing that much sand is bad for you.
One last note, when Oral was a young man, before penicillin, he had tuberculosis, while visiting a church he was healed, he also had a speech impediment which also was healed that day.

that was when he felt the call to enter the healing ministry, thats how he got his start...
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-09 AT 09:30PM (MST)[p]Seriously though, who names their kid Oral??? Did he have a brother named
Please send me $1 thousand dollars, and I will send you this Miracle hankerchief that will heal anything from TB to whatever tiger woods caught last night in the club.

Nevermind the Rolex on my wrist and the 80 thousand dollar car I drive. or the 3.1 million dollar house I paid for in cash thanks to all these hankerchiefs Ive been selling. They sell like hot cakes. They sold out so fast I had to go back to Wal Mart and buy every last one they had.

Next I will sell Miracle water from my tap and see if I can pay for a summer home in Florida. Oh wait I already have one there. We'll try mexico this time.
A few years ago didn't he tell his followers that if they didn't send him millions of dollars right away, the Lord was going to take his life. Sounds alot like extortion to me. I guess the Lord finally made good on the offer.
>Please send me $1 thousand dollars,
>and I will send you
>this Miracle hankerchief that will
>heal anything from TB to
>whatever tiger woods caught last
>night in the club.

> Nevermind the Rolex on
>my wrist and the 80
>thousand dollar car I drive.
>or the 3.1 million dollar
>house I paid for in
>cash thanks to all these
>hankerchiefs Ive been selling.
>They sell like hot cakes.
>They sold out so fast
>I had to go back
>to Wal Mart and buy
>every last one they had.
> Next I
>will sell Miracle water from
>my tap and see if
>I can pay for a
>summer home in Florida. Oh
>wait I already have one
>there. We'll try mexico
>this time.


I never did a search on Oral to see if what your saying is true of him, but many have started right then beeing tempted by the all mighty $...

but heres something of interest: Chapter 19 of Acts:11: ?And God did special miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them.
I miss oral :( I'd hire me a personal escort but GOD might find out and judge me one day...LMFAO!! Manny you crack me up buddy :)


Ding ding ding! We have a winner. That has to be the funniest response to the missing Oral thread yet!
"Ding ding ding! We have a winner. That has to be the funniest response to the missing Oral thread yet!"

The amazing part is it only took 3 brain cells to come up with it.... Terry
>who'd of thought a post about
>a dead preacher would get
>50+ responses.... this is hard
>to swallow.

Well, most hunts are over with so its time for all the dumb crap to start up again. Some of it I find very entertaining! :D

Hope Ya'll have a great Christmas!

Success is failure that tried one more time

Quote again" you are a work of art by the masters hands, bout as much as Judas was?

Matthew 5:44 bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hate you.

John 8:42-44 (New Living Translation)
42 Jesus told them, ?If God were your Father, you would love me, because I have come to you from God. I am not here on my own, but he sent me. 43 Why can't you understand what I am saying, It's because you can't even hear me! 44 For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things like he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.
1 Timothy 6:10 (New Living Translation)
10 For the love of money is the root of all evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

Harrell writes:

"Roberts' two California homes, partly for security reasons, were not much discussed by the ministry. Oral also remained sensitive about press criticism of his lifestyle. His house in Palm Springs, purchased for $285,000 and financed by a Tulsa bank, was his only privately owned home. In 1982 ORU endowment funds were used to purchase a $2,400,000 house in a high-security development in Beverly Hills. Considered a potentially profitable investment, the house served as Oral's West Coast office and residence." (p. 355)

"Oral's homes in California inevitably kept alive the old questions about his personal wealth and lifestyle. While probably not as probing as the press had been fifteen years earlier, reporters still took a keen interest in Oral's financial affairs. In 1981, the Associated Press published Roberts' personal income figures for the preceding five years--ranging from $70,000 in 1976 to $178,000 in 1978.

"In addition to his healthy income, derived mostly from book royalties, Oral continued to enjoy generous expense accounts: 'The Robertses wear expensive clothes and jewelry and travel in a company-owned eight-passenger fanjet.'

Patti Roberts' book [following her divorce from Oral's son, Robert] and an earlier expose written by Jerry Sholes, renewed curiosity about the family's financial affairs, although Patti confessed that her own 'extravagance' while she was Richard's wife had 'blunted' her protest.

Tax records indicate that Oral's partners donated in excess of $38,000,000 in the fiscal year 1977-78, "surpassing every other religious association in the nation." (p. 389)

In 1979 a book was published by Jerry Sholes, a former employee of Oral Robert ministries, which detailed deep deception and hypocrisy:

"Here is a portrait of the real Oral Roberts, the man not too many of his admirers know. He dresses in Brioni suits that cost $500 to $1000; walks in $100 shoes; lives in a $250,000 house in Tulsa and has a million dollar home in Palm Springs; wears diamond rings and solid gold bracelets employees 'airbrush' out of his publicity photos; drives $25,000 automobiles which are replaced every 6 months; flies around the country in a $2 million fanjet falcon; has membership, as does his son Richard, in 'the most prestigious and elite country club in Tulsa,' the Southern Hills (the membership fee alone was $18,000 for each, with $130 monthly dues) and in 'the ultra-posh Thunderbird Country Club in Rancho Mirage, California' (both father and son joined when memberships were $20,000 each--they are now $25,000); and plays games of financial hanky-panky that have made him and his family members independently wealthy (millionaires) for life. (When his daughter and son-in-law were killed, they left a $10 million estate!)" (Evangelist R.L. Sumner's review of Give Me that Prime- time Religion by Jerry Sholes)

"By the mid-1980s, Oral Roberts had come to be the chief executive officer of an organization that employed about 2,300 people and did an annual business of about 110 million dollars, about 60 percent of which was raised through contributions." (p. 485)


O Timothy Editor: Since the publication of Oral Roberts--An American Life by David Harrell in 1985, Roberts has claimed to have had more strange visions. In January 1987, he told his television audience that God had appeared to him in March of 1986 and had told him that he must raise $8 million within the next 12 months or he would die. The money was supposed to provide scholarships for medical students who attend Oral Roberts University. In the January broadcasts, Roberts claimed he has raised $3.5 million but he must have another $4.5 million before March 31--or he would die! Apparently the gimmick worked, because in April Roberts announced that he had received the $8 million


The last two decades have been marked by tragedy in the Roberts family. His daughter Rebecca and her husband Marshall Nash were killed in an airplane crash in 1977. His son Richard and daughter-in-law Patti, who were being groomed to take over the ministry, were divorced in 1979. Three years later, his rebellious older son Ronnie committed suicide. And last year [1984], his 10th grandchild--the son of Richard and his second wife Lindsay and the only heir to be named after him--died two days after birth.

Harrell describes the death of the grandchild:

"Within a few hours after his birth, doctors discovered the child was having difficulty breathing. The news, Evelyn recalled, 'just tore Oral to pieces.' For over thirty hours, while doctors fought to save the baby, Oral, Richard, and others prayed. Lindsay was wheeled up to the baby's side to pray; Kenneth Hagin and his wife, and other ministers, came to pray for healing. When Richard Oral finally died, on January 19, it 'devastated Oral.' He called it the worst tragedy of his scarred life. 'I think' Evelyn reflected, 'because he felt there was so much healing power in that room that they could have healed a thousand people ... But he said there was something in that baby and he got it as far as the head and it would not leave ... Some obstacle would not leave. It was stubborn.'

"The family once again faced misfortune bravely, searching for meaning in the death. They immediately announced the addition of an obstetrics suite in the City of Faith Medical Center in memory of Richard Oral Roberts." (p. 347, 348)
Thanks Manny, but it didn't exactly change my opinion of Oral Roberts (or any of the big time evangelists). It's all about getting the money. Would you give money to someone who said God told them they had to raise $8 million or die?
Hey Manny here's one for ya, Isaiah 29:13 King James version.

13 ? Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:
LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-09 AT 12:14PM (MST)[p]I remember about 7 years ago when I had the church in N, Cali. During one of our service?s, the Town drunk came stumbling in, intending to disrupt the service, it wasn?t 60 second before he went running up to the front and fell to his knees n repented, because the power of God was so strong in that place.

Now Reddog and the likes can say all the BS you want about me, it don't matter, cause it ain?t about me, when your time is up n you gotta face God he ain?t gonna ask you what about Manny or Oral or what denomination your with for that matter, he's gonna ask, why did you not believe his bible?

Romans 14:11 for it is written, "As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess[a] to God
>wasn?t 60 second before he
>went running up to the
>front and fell to his
>knees n repented,

Maybe he knew you had some good communion wine up there. :)
Did anyone else just here thunder? :)
Reddog and the likes can
>say all the BS you
>want about me, it don't
>matter, cause it ain?t about
>me, when your time is
>up n you gotta face
>God he ain?t gonna ask
>you what about Manny or
>Oral or what denomination your
>with for that matter, he's
>gonna ask, why did you
>not believe his bible?

When did I ever say I was a non believer?? Just because I think your a clown doesn't make me an atheist, does it?

The thing is manny, we have listened to you preach on this site for years, founder should charge you advertising space. We don't come here to get preached at, can you understand that?
Here is a song that is sure to lift your spirits NVB.'s_Harder_and_Harder.swf

Oral me 1911. :)

Hey, did anyone else notice that Oral had a son named Richard? What was he thinking? D!ck and Oral go together like peas and carrots.

You know what's so hypocritical about your statement there, I come on here minding my own business, to enjoy some hunting stories n pic?s, have been for 9 years now, then fools like you call me out or post some religious stuff and when I answer with biblical quote?s, you get your panties in wad and blame me for it, I just defend myself n you don't like it.

Did I start this post NO!

The Blind will lead the blind!

1911, shame on you, you really have no business posting that stuff, your church is as guilty as any other when it come to $, I told you I have a life long friend who is in your group n they make him show his total income to the church and he's forced to tithe, so spare me?
Where the heck have you been Wiz? Havent been around here in awhile, this Oral deal is getting good, it sounds like some of the bible thumpers havent been around Oral too much...BOB..
Nobody post anymore until I refresh my bowl of popcorn. I think we're gonna be moving from pg-13 into the "big show"! Let'r rip...

LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-09 AT 05:40PM (MST)[p]hypocritical huh? LMAO, I'll just use this thread as one example, who called you out? nobody, you came in to preach to us all on your own, like you always isnt always about you manny,but that never stopped you from making it so..

I think I know what your talking about to 1911,and you show your ignorance yet again. nobody "makes" anybody do or show anything.

but carry on, blind as always.
Manny shame on you for questioning my intentions to lead NVB to salvation.

..PS Either your friend is full of it or you are. Nobody is 'forced to show anyone their total income, nor are they forced to tithe.' Robbery laws prohibit such things.

In light of the fact that Dr. Gene Scott & others routinely air/aired those programs on television it is not as though I breached some confidential manifesto. I was razzing NVB so please SPARE ME.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-09 AT 06:14PM (MST)[p]OK Feleno, did you just hear thunder? Cuz I'm pretty sure I did. :) You are too much.
I thought that was a low flying jet going over!! i'm headed to the basement bunker but I guess if he really wants me he knows where to find me :)
Manny I've never heard a man of God be as coarse and judgmental as you have been on this thread.(Never heard a pastor use the phrase "panties in a wad' either...)
This thread is already up to 86.

From now on any post about oral should be limited to 69.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
anybody remember when manny used the F word a few times on MM?
I think an F bomb from manny is getting close.
that or maybe another resignation?
or maybe he'll head back to the political forum?
2 Corinthians 10:12 Oh, don't worry; I wouldn't dare say that I am as wonderful as these other men who tell you how important they are! But they are only comparing themselves with each other, and measuring themselves by themselves. What foolishness!

Zephaniah 3:2 they proudly refuses to listen even to the voice of the LORD. No one can tell them anything; they refuses all correction. they do not trust in the LORD or draw near to God.3 Her very own leaders are rapacious lions, Her judges are rapacious wolves out every morning prowling for a fresh kill.
John 12:48 Jesus said, He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him??the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.

Those who matter don't judge me. Those who judge me don't matter
This subject blows!
Corinthians, isn't that a type of leather found in Chrysler seats?

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Oh wow...someone mentions "ORAL" and WIZARD shows up outta the blue...concidence?? I think not!!

Welcome back Steve-O!!

Manny quit throwing the pearls!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
I'm pulling popcorn off the Christmas tree, don't stop now boys!

Success is failure that tried one more time
Guys just because Manny's head gets a little swollen over religion is no reason to push him to the big blow up.......Just because he likes and defends Oral doesn't make him a bad guy either.....I believe he follows the good path and isn't just giving religion lip service....I don't believe he's Catholic anyway.... Cum on where's the Christmas spirit..... Terry
Feleno, you need to be more careful what you post from now on. This turned out to be a pretty sticky subject.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

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