Anyone into Northern Pike?


Very Active Member
i love fishing for these other fish will make a wake on the surface like they do when they cruise over to your lure to engulf the WHOLE THING!

my biggest is 21 lb, 44 inches. caught in canada about a decade ago. wish i had more time and money to do another trip like that...

my favorite size is the 22-inch range cuz they throw a bunch of water when they hit near the surface, put up a good fight, and taste darn good!!!
We love to catch them. Most often with the fly rod using top water dodads like mice and such. Once I was guiding two spring brown bear hunters. They were the high roller types, both safari club international members that didn't blink an eye at the 10 grand their hunt was costing each of them. We were glassing ridge tops from my skiff as the ice was going off some of the little pikey bays around the lakes we were in. The pike always seem hot to take the first thing that hit's the top of the water right when the ice goes off. I'd brought a couple of my winston/able rod set-ups along and got these guys into nailing pike.With the still bays being very clear, as soon as a fly would hit the surface you could see 10 to 15 pike make their charge for the flies. The hunters quickly lost interest in climbing mountains to chase bears and spent the rest of their hunt chasing pike. Both guys went home very happy with a hand full each of custom pike flies I tied up for them. This hawg was taken by Josh Emmert down in northwest Montana with a little hand tied mouse and his fly rod.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-04 AT 08:34AM (MST)[p]Taqukaq,

yeah, i experienced fishing like that in sask back in '98. walleyes as well on that trip (tho not on a fly)...amazing how many, and how large, the fish are that cruise those waters!

i bet i know where that josh fellow caught that hog, but i ain't telling anyone ;-)

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