Anyone heard of this yet?


Active Member
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States reversed policy on Wednesday and said it would back launching talks on a treaty to regulate arms sales as long as the talks operated by consensus, a stance critics said gave every nation a veto.

The decision, announced in a statement released by the
U.S. State Department, overturns the position of former President George W. Bush's administration, which had opposed such a treaty on the grounds that national controls were better.

On Wednesday Obama Took the First Major Step in a Plan to Ban All Firearms in the United States. The Obama administration intends to force gun control and a complete ban on all weapons for US citizens through the signing of international treaties with foreign nations. By signing international treaties on gun control, the Obama administration can use the US State Department to bypass the normal legislative process in Congress. Once the US Government signs these international treaties, all US citizens will be subject to those gun laws created by foreign governments. These are laws that have been developed and promoted by organizations such as the United Nations and individuals such as George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. The laws are designed and intended to lead to the
complete ban and confiscation of all firearms.

The Obama administration is attempting to use tactics and methods of gun control that will inflict major damage to our 2nd Amendment before US citizens even understand what has happened. Obama can appear before the public and tell them that he does not intend to pursue any legislation (in the United States) that will lead to new gun control laws, while cloaked in secrecy, his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton is committing the US to international treaties and foreign gun control laws. Does that mean Obama is telling the truth?

Obama and the truth have never met.
He is the most consummate liar there is.

What it means is that there will be no publicized gun control debates in the media or votes in Congress. We will wake up one morning and find that the United States has signed a treaty that prohibits firearm and ammunition manufacturers from selling to the public. We will wake up another morning and find that the US has signed a treaty that prohibits any transfer of firearm ownership. And then, we will wake up yet another morning and find that the US has signed a treaty that requires US citizens to deliver any firearm they own to the local government collection and destruction center or face imprisonment.

This is not a joke nor a false warning. As sure as government health care will be forced on us by the Obama administration through whatever means necessary, so will gun control.

Please forward this message to others who may be concerned about the direction in which our country is

We are being led like a lamb to the slaughter (Socialism/Dictatorship).
Ponder this. If and when this happens, who is peacefully going to give up their guns and go willingly into that FEMA canp?

Or are you going to fight for your rights.

Those of you who think this idea is political paranoia, and will never happen here... don't hold your breath!
No, it is not new,did I say this is new to me.Don't come down on a guy because he is looking for more info, I'm on your side .
It may be considered untrue because it isn't legally possible at this point. That still won't keep your liberal gurus from trying now will it Cornhusker. They want our guns, by legal means or not. If they can get away with intimidation they'll do that too. The IRS and income tax isn't exactly legal either according to the constitution and the official definition of "income". It's more of a gray area. But they'll still come take your shyt if you don't comply with their bogus tax laws.

If they want to find a way around a law to get what they want, just give them enough time and it will happen. The government is not your friend as some of you seem to think.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-12 AT 11:16PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-12 AT 11:15?PM (MST)

>It may be considered untrue because
>it isn't legally possible at
>this point. That still won't
>keep your liberal gurus from
>trying now will it Cornhusker.
>They want our guns, by
>legal means or not. If
>they can get away with
>intimidation they'll do that too.
>The IRS and income tax
>isn't exactly legal either according
>to the constitution and the
>official definition of "income". It's
>more of a gray area.
>But they'll still come take
>your shyt if you don't
>comply with their bogus tax
>If they want to find a
>way around a law to
>get what they want, just
>give them enough time and
>it will happen. The government
>is not your friend as
>some of you seem to

Amazing people think all is well... No, he doesnt want your guns.He believes in the right to own guns. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....... As said before, sheep being led to slaugter...
Just like Zigga in another thread putting up resistance to the idea of people being interred in FEMA camps, for their own good. People think that life as we know it today with all our conveniences is a guaranteed right. Things are changing. Life as we know it and the governments involvement in our lives is changing. It may take 50-100 years for it to happen. We may be dead and long gone by then. But I suspect that society will a heck of a lot different by the end of this century. Thats only 88 short years, which is about one lifetime. That doesn't bode well for our children and grand children.

Lambs to slaughter!!!
I'm really at a loss on how to respond to this without insulting you guys but I'll try.

1. A false document was posted as fact and your response to that when proven to be false is yeah but it could happen. I believe we should probably take a look at why it can't legally happen.

a. In Reid v. Covert Supreme Court 1957 it was ruled that the U.S. Constitution is supreme over all international treaties that might be signed.

b. The president can't bypass the U.S. Senate and the 2/3rds vote needed for this to become accepted.

I wrote a senior term paper on the efforts of different groups to take gun rights in 1973 and yet you guys act like the gun control advocates just popped up. That is simply not true, there will always be people for more gun control and we can conjecture what we think will happen in the future. All your falsehoods and conjecture takes away your credibility. I'm often proved wrong on here an I except it but its by someone who is credible with there posts. Try to be credible or you'll end up like Faux an be entertainment for simple people and those who like to laugh. As a side note I love Faux and Friends so logic says I'm a simple person or like to laugh.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-12 AT 09:25AM (MST)[p]Rebuttal to Cornhuskers noninsulting post!

#1. The exexcutive branch will no doubt continue the use of the executive order to skirt around legalities.

#2. Amendments can be changed, including the second!
Is it going to happen in our lifetime, probably not. Its happened in other countries and it can happen here. Our guaranteed rights can be changed and it will happen so slowly no one will really notice. And then one day we have gun laws like Australia.

This has nothing to do with credibility and everything to do with what the government wants they get, no matter how long it takes.
It has everything to do with credibility. When you take a post that has been proven incorrect and then try to insert the what if into the debate that is not credible.

1. You really believe the Supreme Court would allow a president to use an EO to get around congress. It would end the same way as when Truman tried an EO to nationalize the steel industry, unconstitutional.

2. Yes The Constitution can be changed, 27 times in 223 year with only once a change to a written amendment. Comparing Australia gun laws to the U.S. doesn't work they had no gun rights amendment in their constitution.

You can see fear and conspiracy everywhere and end up like David Koresh in Waco or you can live in the real world. That's just the way I see it.
Are our rights generally safe at this point? Yes. You think their safety is carved in stone, I disagree. They want what they want and they'll chip away at it as long as they have to. It may take a hundred years, buy hey they've got all the time in the world.

Are you denying what their goal is? We don't have to agree on this issue. You may be right or I may be right. Only time will tell.

The problem with your real world is that most of those people believe the truth is what's fed to them from the mainstream media outlets. Step outside the box and look around.

The definition of conspiracy is not "fake", it means someone is "conspiring" to have a cause and effect without you knowing about it. Think about it.
Trigger I must be lost because I don't even know who the they you're referring to are. Is this an outside threat you speak of, a secret group, liberals or the government we elect?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-12 AT 06:28PM (MST)[p]"They"...anti gun proponents of the government.

Think about this corn, if we the people were voting to save our second amendment rights, then we have nothing to worry about. Unfortunately this won't be the case. Congress will be the one voting, and more than likely any concessions about gun ownership will be part of some give and take compromise. Also take into consideration that we the people have had a little trouble lately getting congress to comply with what we desire.

I mean, if you were a congressman which way would you vote? For your constituents or for those special interests and corporations that are funding your poitical existence. I think we all see how that is working out.
We have an ever increasing cancer epidemic, the oceans are rising, the climate is changing and the earth has lost 40% of its biodiversity over the last 40 years.
Try to imagine the hightec weaponry thats developed by then.
And your worried about gun rights in 100 years? what the heck do you think about in your spare time?
Lets get back to the hunting and access bill that your party didn't want us to get, lets get back to reality and what effects us as sportsmen.
Damn Piper, don't forget about the falling sky. Everyone always forgets about the sky!!!
Sorry Piper, it just not realistic to try and have a discussion about reality with you!
no triggerman the sky isn't falling and your 2nd generation plasma weapon is going to be safe for quite a long time.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-12 AT 11:06PM (MST)[p]I swear that some of these concerns that the right bring up are simply contrived to weaken and divide.
They have no basis in fact or reality.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-12 AT 10:48PM (MST)[p]as far as I'm concerned, the line in the sand has been drawn, piper, 440, corny and people like them are on the other side of it, you're the ones who want government to take over everything, even us, we will change, we will not be a free people any more and i assure you they will tell you its for our own Good just like that chip they're gonna put in your hand...

look' another crash is inevitable now that obamma got a second term, he's in chill mode waiting for his orders for now, The Clowerd and Piven theory has begun, the time is ripe, all they're waiting for is another manipulation of the stock market to orchestrate another crash but a final crash a hole new way of life and a new money a one world money, its on its way and you know it...–Piven_strategy
Well eldo, I cant help it if you take everything the government and liberal media tells you at face value. Lack of foresight, its like a mental disease.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-12 AT 00:41AM (MST)[p]It amazes me how the right after Watergate, Iran-Contra and the Iraq War can pontificate to Dems about government trust and credibility. This has to be the height of arrogance or ignorance.

Let me explain this one more time. I mistrust the government period. The government I see has no sides, except...them vs. us.
They are conducting the biggest con game on the planet and people like you and piper continually drink their kool aid.

You know that old saying, you cant see the forest for the trees, well that best describes government trusters like you and piper.

I have a tendency to bash the dems a little more because I don't agree with their ideology and they're the ones currently running the con game!
gun control talk again. I know a lot of gun dealers were happy when obama was elected. They doubled and tripled their prices and was there any attempt by the president to do anything about guns? The NRA was secretly hoping Obama would be elected and reelected so they could send out their mailers asking for more and more money and recruiting more members to build their empire. There will be no attempt to take away weapons for hunting or self defense. I do not have an assault rifle to go hunting and I do not need one.
...the second ammendment has nothing to do with hunting or self defense.......of course that is way over you 2's heads...
does it mean we can have any weapon the goverment can have?
so we can fight them if need be? what does it mean?
No limit on weapons, or a limit on weapons, it makes no sense because there are so many weapons the government can have and we can't, how can that be if the second ammendment means what you say it does?
>does it mean we can have
>any weapon the goverment can
>so we can fight them if
>need be? what does
>it mean?
>No limit on weapons, or a
>limit on weapons, it makes
>no sense because there are
>so many weapons the government
>can have and we can't,
>how can that be if
>the second ammendment means what
>you say it does?

that is exactly what it means get an A.....
piper, living in Wyoming, why are you worried about the oceans rising? You do realize that the rich people will just get richer. Is that what you're worried about?

Who knows, maybe moving the coast lines 5 miles east or west (depending on where one lives) could be the next big economic boom. It will be hard to export those jobs.
zigger- I know and its part of our constitution, how come citizens can't own the vast majority of weapons that the government has?

Im not worried eel, all these storms and costly disasters will keep us busy, one persons bust can be someone elses boom.
In the long run it will be in the history of the human race, and I will be dead in the blink of an eye.
Im saying things that effect other human beings are what good government should focus on, and that includes the environment.
If Rush Limbugh pops pills, thats his business, if some get rich quick nut pollutes the water supply and causes a cancer cluster somewhere, then its not just his business.
piper, not to speak for ZIGGER, but at the time the Constitution was written all that existed was muskets and maybe cannons. Yes, I believe the intent was for the people to have the same weapons as the government, and the purpose of the amendment was that the people could defeat the government if that time ever came. It had nothing to do with self defense against home invasion or hunting, or sport shooting.

There is no amendment that guaranteed the people the right to own fishing poles, or a saddle. Why guns? And actually the amendment doesn't say guns. It says to bear arms. I take that as not limited to just guns.

Granted, the government got waaaaayyyy ahead of the common man in the weapos department. Our 30-06 is no match for laser guided missles or GPS guided drones. As a practical matter, people can't afford all that high tech stuff. As a guaranteed right, I say we can.
I agree, but allowing everyone to have weapons of mass destruction is not practical in the modern world, too many nuts out there.
I didnt read the supreme court ruling, but its kind of hard to figure out how they came up with the limited nature of our rights.
Piper just let your hero appoint a few more anti gun liberals to the supreme court and you will see that they will have no limits on how far they go to interpret our rights under the 2nd. ammendment. You may be forgetting they can reverse previous rulings by past supreme court's decisions.

How does a totally fabricated initial post by someone who lacks the knowledge, or ambition to check it out become what this thread has become?
>How does a totally fabricated initial
>post by someone who lacks
>the knowledge, or ambition to
>check it out become what
>this thread has become?

Because Piper got involved. That's how.
>We have an ever increasing cancer
>epidemic, the oceans are rising,
>the climate is changing and
>the earth has lost 40%
>of its biodiversity over the
>last 40 years.
> Try to imagine the hightec
>weaponry thats developed by then.
>And your worried about gun
>rights in 100 years?
>what the heck do you
>think about in your spare
>Lets get back to the
>hunting and access bill that
>your party didn't want us
>to get, lets get back
>to reality and what effects
>us as sportsmen.
the oceans are rising,
>the climate is changing and
>the earth has lost 40%
>of its biodiversity over the
>last 40 years.

Really Piper? Has the earth really lost 40 % of its biodiversity in 40 years?

What's with you & the number 40? Maybe you drank 40 beers before you posted that crap?

You understand what the definition of Biodiversity is right?

I agree that there has no doubt been a loss of said biodiversity. That's been happening for 10's of thousands of years. Good thing too. I for one am darn glad that the Velociraptors were gone at the end of the Cretaceous Period.

Are you sure that in the last 40 years we've lost 40% of all living things on earth?

Good greif Piper. Let's get back to reality ok?

Our right to keep and bear arms has been under attack for decades. The current president has proven that he is capaple of bypassing any and all rules that govern this once great country if they don't fit into his agenda by way of executive order.

The post that started this thread is not completely a myth. There is a little bit of truth to it.

If you want to join together regarding issues that directly effect sportsmen, may I suggest you at least consider the possibility without your blinders on and then decided if it is plausible and therefore worth fighting for?

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