Anyone have relationships ruined during a hunting trip?


Active Member
Anyone experience this? What happened in your situation?
Invited BIL on a hunt. Before we even set out on our 14hr drive I could tell he had reservations about the trip. I also knew I should have drove my own rig due to the chances of him wanting to bail out early.
Long story short he was complaining off and on everyday trying to get us to agree to leave early. We Got a flat tire yesterday, which tried to blame on me. I wasn’t driving. I finally snapped told him we will change his FN tire pack up camp and head home.
Really pissed he ruined mine and my sons hunt. I guess I am more upset I let it happen knowing it was very probable. If he didn’t want to go then he should have said so. Lessons learned I guess. Never again. This one cannot be undone.
Thats a bummer! It's fine to go on hunts with others, but I always drive my own rig in case plans change or an emergency comes up.
You invited him, but ended up taking HIS rig??

Did you have a stellar relationship with the guy prior? Has he always been a little salty and/or flaky?? Or did his behavior come totally out of left field?
We have been pretty close good friends for 25 years. We stayed 4 days. With plans to stay till Saturday or when we tagged out. Was a cow elk hunt.
We decided to take one rig and a trailer so he didn’t have to drive by himself. Again I’m always a bit too nice for my own good.
Not looking to cause a family **** show. But he asks for my help with a lot of other stuff, I’m gonna be too busy in the future. Takes a lot to rile me up but this one done it. More made now at home than any other point. Hunting is my time with my youngest son who is 18. My dad is in his 70s now so I know the memories I am making with my son and he will carry those on with his. Was not any special type hunt, game wise, but every hunt with my boys is a trophy in memories.
Mostly mad cause I saw it coming and chose to be too nice. Thanks for letting me vent fellas.
This has happened to me in the past. I ALWAYS drive my own rig and bring my own rations. I hate relying on others or others relying on me. I have had to be the one to bail out before for different reasons and wouldn't want it to inconvenience anyone else. I wouldn't get to mad over it, ya it sucks but use it a teaching tool for your son. I would have brought him home and went back with your son and made some more memories. Might make for a really awkward thanksgiving dinner.
Yep. Miss the wifes birthday every year. Always during late muzzy elk hunt or a Colorado deer hunt. Get reminded occasionally, but try to make it up before or after.

Yep. drive own rig, hunt with sons and a few friend's that I have hunted with for many years.

Need to pick your hunting partners like you would your wife. A bad one can really ruin a hunt!!!
Went to the Kaibab on a last minute invite once. Guy said I’ve got all the food and we will be back in 7 days. Well he only brought one loaf of bread and a pack of lunch meat for 3 guys. Luckily I packed some Ramen. On day 7 he said we’re going to stay another 7 days. I had to go back to work or get fired. After some heated arguments we left that day. Always take my rig now
It could be a learning lesson. Like one guy said, bring own vehicle and rations. The ration part is very true. I like a certain type of beer and snacks. With it being separate, it’s problem solved. You won’t even have any back and forth at the store when grocery shopping for the trip. No weirdness between each other about paying either. A positive about another truck is having the advantage of parking the other one far away and hunting to it then driving it back to camp or the other truck. Sometimes you use that method and sometimes you change plans. At least it’s an option and could be a productive hunt. It prevents any backtracking and was very helpful for me once. With the other vehicle, he can go at anytime. I know an elk by yourself is going to be hard, but this time of year the temperature is in your favor.
This is an interesting topic and I have seen problems often, especially in families. My advice would be to not make a big deal out of it and just learn from the experience. I would not ruin a family relationship over a hunt. It would not be worth it to your family. It sounds like you are handling it well.

My situation was bad as well and I hesitated even bringing it up. A cousin of mine was going through a rough spell and had recently been fired at his job. I tried to be nice and invited him on a hunt in New Mexico. It went well the first few days.

We hunted hard and finally had a good lead as to where we needed to go. However, it was about a 13 mile round trip hike to do what we needed to do. We made it back to the hotel and I wanted to get a good night sleep. My cousin stayed up late with the tv quite loud. I did get to sleep and woke up late and turned the tv off (he was in another room). He came back in and came uncorked. I finally had enough and told him what I thought. I was something so stupid and I could not figure out why he would blow up like that. We got through the hunt but said little to each other.

We somewhat mended fences but our relationship was never the same. About 1-2 months later he took his life. Sometimes you do not know how things turn out. I still regret that our friendship was not the same.

These days, its 99% family that hunts with me and I have a few friends that I will invite. Other than that, I would rather avoid potential problems.
Honestly if I was on day 4 of a cow elk hunt and still didn’t draw blood I would want to go home too ?.

Life’s too short to hold a grudge. Let it go. Learn from it and move on.
We were n elk every day. Looking for the right opportunity.
It can be tricky with two guys and one rig but if it's an out of state hunt two rigs is not practical. We lay everything out ahead of time. If he invites me, I'm all in with whatever he's planning on doing or I politely decline. I may never go again with him but I'm sticking it out on that hunt. If it's my hunt, I lay it all out what my plan is and let them know barring an emergency, we're sticking with the plan. If they can't live with that they better decline.

I hunt alone a lot.
Things happen and you never know what is bothering someone and making them want to go home early. I've found that sometimes the best part of my hunt is the important conversations I have with my hunting partner on the side of a mountain. If you feel like something is bothering them, or they are struggling with something, your gut is probably right. The animal and hunt should come second to being there for your buddy or family member. Take a step back, ask some genuine questions from the heart, and try to understand what they are going through. The 30 minutes you spend doing this may be life changing for one or both of you and then you can get back to hunting. I love to hunt as much as the next guy, but oftentimes the hunt is far from the most important piece of the puzzle.

However, I know that sometimes you just aren't compatible with someone in the woods. It usually only takes one hunt with someone to know whether or not that is the case. I had a bad experience a few years back with someone who had become my closest friend. We both hunted but it took us two years to end up on a hunt together. Two days in I was so sick of his style/ideas/opinions that I didn't want to be there anymore. I didn't text or talk to him for 3-4 weeks after the trip and was more upset than I should have been. I finally made the decision to avoid anymore hunting trips if at all possible because I valued his friendship too much and knew hunting together would be the end of that. To this day we are still great buddies, but we never hunted together again.

What I'm saying is that in my opinion it is case by case. It's not always cut and dry. Sometimes your buddy or family member is just struggling and other times they are real turds and don't get invited anymore.
I guess I approach things a little differently. Friendships are my most valuable assets. I love to hunt and send time in the natural environment, but learned long ago my friendships are more important. As a result I have had some extremely frustrating experiences regarding the issues being shared here……… really frustrating. My reaction is much as others have said, if I think there’s the slightest change the return dates might change, midstream, the menu will be lacking, the sleeping quarters will be uncomfortable, etc etc. I confront it well before the train ever leaves the station. As y’all know by now, I’m not bashful about conversations. I’ve learned to approach my hunting companions and my friendships this way from the hard knocks of life. Once you have a few of these train wrecks, you learn. Now, having said all that……… if I get into a issue with a hunting partner, out on the hunt, whether it’s an hour from the house or 14 hours away, I’ll make a mild effort to have the partner reconsider, if that doesn’t work, I’ll quietly concede and head home……..or bar an legal or overly dangerous action, let him have his way. I’ll get over it, I won’t hold it against him or let it destroy another otherwise healthy friendship. I’ll just try to avoid a repeat with that friend again. Good friends are damn hard to find and keep and I’m not going to sacrifice one over a big game hunt.

Weird huh!
I guess I approach things a little differently. Friendships are my most valuable assets. I love to hunt and send time in the natural environment, but learned long ago my friendships are more important. As a result I have had some extremely frustrating experiences regarding the issues being shared here……… really frustrating. My reaction is much as others have said, if I think there’s the slightest change the return dates might change, midstream, the menu will be lacking, the sleeping quarters will be uncomfortable, etc etc. I confront it well before the train ever leaves the station. As y’all know by now, I’m not bashful about conversations. I’ve learned to approach my hunting companions and my friendships this way from the hard knocks of life. Once you have a few of these train wrecks, you learn. Now, having said all that……… if I get into a issue with a hunting partner, out on the hunt, whether it’s an hour from the house or 14 hours away, I’ll make a mild effort to have the partner reconsider, if that doesn’t work, I’ll quietly concede and head home……..or bar an legal or overly dangerous action, let him have his way. I’ll get over it, I won’t hold it against him or let it destroy another otherwise healthy friendship. I’ll just try to avoid a repeat with that friend again. Good friends are damn hard to find and keep and I’m not going to sacrifice one over a big game hunt.

Weird huh!
Ya. Frustration will probably wear off. Things were discussed heavily before hand as he gets home sick. I asked repeatedly if he was sure he wanted to come along. Before we spent the first night he was complaining of wanting to go home. When we would glass each day he would just sit there playing on his phone until I pointed out something of interest. Chances are we will continue to be friends in Time just never hunting partners again. Live and learn. Probably will feel better after some sleep. Drove all night and still cleaning up gear to put away.
Ya. Frustration will probably wear off. Things were discussed heavily before hand as he gets home sick. I asked repeatedly if he was sure he wanted to come along. Before we spent the first night he was complaining of wanting to go home. When we would glass each day he would just sit there playing on his phone until I pointed out something of interest. Chances are we will continue to be friends in Time just never hunting partners again. Live and learn. Probably will feel better after some sleep. Drove all night and still cleaning up gear to put away.
I can certainly understand your frustration and your reaction. Been there, done that. My point is this……. IF this gentleman was a good friend (relative or not) and your previous relationship has been healthy and comparable……… I get over it, quickly if possible, so it doesn’t metastasize into some beyond the this trip. Forget…, forgive, if you can. These things have a way of eating you alive…… rather than the other feller.

Just my experience, you experience and return on investment may be different. All the best!!!
I have a lot of friends, but very few that I like to hunt with. Mostly because of what you went through (arguments), we hunt differently, or they aren't safe. The last two guys I "blackballed" either pointed a loaded rifle at me, or got in my vehicle with a loaded rifle.
Most of us only have a few days each year to hunt, mostly on vacation time, and I like to enjoy those days, not deal with a bunch of drama.
Have had one friendship die on a hunt, sort of a last straw deal. Had another temporary blowup over a difference of opinion that got out of hand for both of us due to stress, fatigue, and frustration. That one blew over but it's good information to have to help avoid a repeat of those circumstances in the future.
I have a lot of friends, but very few that I like to hunt with. Mostly because of what you went through (arguments), we hunt differently, or they aren't safe. The last two guys I "blackballed" either pointed a loaded rifle at me, or got in my vehicle with a loaded rifle.
Most of us only have a few days each year to hunt, mostly on vacation time, and I like to enjoy those days, not deal with a bunch of drama.
Agree. I had 1 week mule deer hunting in October. Then this week planned. Does not take a week to kill a cow elk. Usually not in a big hurry as watching the rutting mule deer is a lot of fun. Just feel a bit cheated out of a few days in my happy place. Not all hunting is killing, some of it is just the therapy of being there.




Not a hunting trip but a backpacking fishing trip. I got into a disagreement with a lifelong friend. It ended in a wrestling match, and he cracked a couple of my ribs. Try carrying a 50-pound pack with broken ribs, especially downhill. We both got over it. Boys will be boys. He died a few years ago.
Not a hunting trip but a backpacking fishing trip. I got into a disagreement with a lifelong friend. It ended in a wrestling match, and he cracked a couple of my ribs. Try carrying a 50-pound pack with broken ribs, especially downhill. We both got over it. Boys will be boys. He died a few years ago.
Note to self...always deal honestly with old dudes.
Not a hunting trip but a backpacking fishing trip. I got into a disagreement with a lifelong friend. It ended in a wrestling match, and he cracked a couple of my ribs. Try carrying a 50-pound pack with broken ribs, especially downhill. We both got over it. Boys will be boys. He died a few years ago.
Backpacking fishing trip? Wtf is that. Was the fight over wasting vacation time on a fuggin BACKPACKING fishing trip?
You guys must hunt with a lot different people than I do for sure!
I have never had a problem like this.
I guess growing up with like minded people we have weeded them out through all the years for sure!
Anyone experience this? What happened in your situation?
Invited BIL on a hunt. Before we even set out on our 14hr drive I could tell he had reservations about the trip. I also knew I should have drove my own rig due to the chances of him wanting to bail out early.
Long story short he was complaining off and on everyday trying to get us to agree to leave early. We Got a flat tire yesterday, which tried to blame on me. I wasn’t driving. I finally snapped told him we will change his FN tire pack up camp and head home.
Really pissed he ruined mine and my sons hunt. I guess I am more upset I let it happen knowing it was very probable. If he didn’t want to go then he should have said so. Lessons learned I guess. Never again. This one cannot be undone.
Fugging in-laws every time!?
I Will Have My Own Vehicle At All Times & it Will Be My Way!

If You Go With Me You Get Back Home When I Get You There!

If He Wanted To Go Home That Quick He Never Wanted To Go in The First Place!
So we’re taking your truck to the Henry’s??
Just forget about it. I understand the frustration. Kind of like the saying “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us”. I know it’s talking about trespassing and not elk hunting, but you can still make the connection.
Said every puzzy snowflake who ever lived. F’ him. Now ya just gotta get your sister to leave his ass????
Backpacking fishing trip? Wtf is that. Was the fight over wasting vacation time on a fuggin BACKPACKING fishing trip?
I should have known we were going to have trouble from the get-go. We started meal planning, and we couldn't agree on what to carry or eat. Finally, he said "Fine, you bring what you want to eat and I'll bring what I want to eat. We'll carry, cook and eat our own food" I said okay, great!

About day 5 he ran out of food and wanted some of mine. "F### that! You should have planned better." Things kind of escalated after that.
I should have known we were going to have trouble from the get-go. We started meal planning, and we couldn't agree on what to carry or eat. Finally, he said "Fine, you bring what you want to eat and I'll bring what I want to eat. We'll carry, cook and eat our own food" I said okay, great!

About day 5 he ran out of food and wanted some of mine. "F### that! You should have planned better." Things kind of escalated after that.
Moral to that story:

Don’t backpack fish/hunt.

“See this key…….. it’s for the truck. There’s a grocery store 75 miles from here, they got food there. See ya when ya get back.”

True story and we’re still buds……. ?
Back in the 80’s, my Dad hunted with his two best hunting partners for years, they all worked together and talked their fall hunt plan all year long. A new employee started pestering about going along. They kept him at bay for a couple seasons and finally relented, he went along, wasn’t too bad of company, hit the bottle a big harder than he should have in the evening, it affected his desire to hunt in the mornings. I kept my distance and my opinions to myself and hunted in the opposite direction each day. His hunt was unsuccessful and he was clearly envious of our success at tagging bucks.

The following season he went along, kept his head down and stayed mellow in the evenings and got his cheeks out of his bedroll predawn and bagged a buck. Good for him, he may have figured this deer hunting out, I thought.

The third year at departure time, he springs on my Dad’s group he is bringing his next door neighbor, a loud dude, but the guy did have a really fine looking Sako Deluxe in .30-06 with exceptional wood, can’t be all bad, I hoped? He was an ass the whole hunt, I kept my distance from him and took a decent 4x4, a good time hunting with my Dad but the campfires were not my scene that trip.

Third year now, another work colleague joins the group, a boss of their department. He rides with my Dad and his buddies, 4 in a rig, all understand how long they’re planning to be gone, no one has an issue. Day 4 the boss fella goes into town and comes back with a tale of an urgent matter, he needs to get home ASAP, something big at the refinery. This is all pre-cellular phone days, calls all made from pay phones. My Dad says, F that, I’m staying. He rode with me, the other two packed and left with the boss. They pulled up to drop him off and his wife comes rushing out of the house with a Halloween Costume and says, “Hurry, try this on and make sure it fits, we want to look good at the company party.”
After that, it went back to my Dad’s original group of three plus me.

Gotta know when to cut your losses, hunt opportunities are too tough to come by as it is in these days of tag lotteries with those with less skin in the game messing things up.
Almost killed my self one time.... me and two buddies did a quick hike in about 4 miles to a little lake that we could hunt from the following morning... that afternoon I got stung by a damn bee.... of course I'm allergic. I took Benadryl and even though I had an epi pen I didn't want to use it..... I got stung on the wrist and only my lower arm was swollen..... I really thought the swelling would go down..... they gave it about an hour and by then I had welts on my feet.... they forced me to use the epi pen and then packed up and carried all of my chit out to the trail head (I walked but just barely) and drove me to the hospital about 90 minutes away...... I took more Benadryl at the trail head but by the time we got to the ER at 11pm I was having some trouble breathing...... I fuggin HATED that I ruined their trip. Time is the most valuable thing in the world to me and I damn sure hate wasting mine but especially others..... I apologize if you wasted any time reading this ?
Hey Hardway!

Sometimes There's More Important Things Than Hunting!

Going Hunting Next Year Is One Of Them!:D

Almost killed my self one time.... me and two buddies did a quick hike in about 4 miles to a little lake that we could hunt from the following morning... that afternoon I got stung by a damn bee.... of course I'm allergic. I took Benadryl and even though I had an epi pen I didn't want to use it..... I got stung on the wrist and only my lower arm was swollen..... I really thought the swelling would go down..... they gave it about an hour and by then I had welts on my feet.... they forced me to use the epi pen and then packed up and carried all of my chit out to the trail head (I walked but just barely) and drove me to the hospital about 90 minutes away...... I took more Benadryl at the trail head but by the time we got to the ER at 11pm I was having some trouble breathing...... I fuggin HATED that I ruined their trip. Time is the most valuable thing in the world to me and I damn sure hate wasting mine but especially others..... I apologize if you wasted any time reading this ?
Had a buddy a few years back get a rifle deer tag. I agreed to go with him and help him glass. We went up and Every buck I glassed, he passed on due to distance. He wasn’t concerned about size. He was concerned about the amount of potential effort that may be needed to recover the animal. It basically had to be right off the road or he wasn’t going after it.

Lesson learned. Learn as much as you can about the person you will hunt with.

Always drive separate regardless. Stuff comes up and people have to leave for many reasons. Don’t get caught up in that snag by car pooling if this is the one time of year you look forward to.

Hunted Colorado with two buddies. We all drove separate that trip for several reasons. In case of truck probs, or family emergencies. Ended up having truck probs with one of the Chevy’s. Batteries went dead on his diesel on a -5 degree morning. Took the ole’ dodge diesel that morning and got the last of three kills because we had vehicle options.
Had a buddy a few years back get a rifle deer tag. I agreed to go with him and help him glass. We went up and Every buck I glassed, he passed on due to distance. He wasn’t concerned about size. He was concerned about the amount of potential effort that may be needed to recover the animal. It basically had to be right off the road or he wasn’t going after it.

Damn....sounds like a good Buddy to me.... to hell with all that packin meat BS.... my buddies shoot first ask questions later ?
I have found that some people are good friends and some are good friends and good hunting buddies. I have a lot of friends who want to hunt, but learned a long time ago that some folks just don’t see it the way I do. I have a core group now that I will share a hunt with and it makes it more memorable. I agree, let it go, he is not your future hunting partner. Live and learn, move on and learn from it.
Had a buddy a few years back get a rifle deer tag. I agreed to go with him and help him glass. We went up and Every buck I glassed, he passed on due to distance. He wasn’t concerned about size. He was concerned about the amount of potential effort that may be needed to recover the animal. It basically had to be right off the road or he wasn’t going after it.

Lesson learned. Learn as much as you can about the person you will hunt with.

Always drive separate regardless. Stuff comes up and people have to leave for many reasons. Don’t get caught up in that snag by car pooling if this is the one time of year you look forward to.

Hunted Colorado with two buddies. We all drove separate that trip for several reasons. In case of truck probs, or family emergencies. Ended up having truck probs with one of the Chevy’s. Batteries went dead on his diesel on a -5 degree morning. Took the ole’ dodge diesel that morning and got the last of three kills because we had vehicle options.
A forked horn above the road is better than a 4X4 below the road.
Alcohol ruined a hunt for us recently, just take it easy, it’s fine until it starts at 10 am every day, if this is you, get help.
I only had one trip where we were drinking that early, even much earlier than that. It was the only time in my life I started drinking so early. Archery Javelina and I was in my early twenties, for a four day trip. The good thing is that all of us were doing it and the trip was just a big party where we were all goofing off. All of us were having a good time and no one was mean or obnoxious. We could still control ourselves.
The only alcohol problem I've had out hunting was with a guide in New Mexico. One of the clients disarmed him. The client grabbed his gun and said, "Give me that gun before someone takes it away from you and shoots you with it." I won't mention any names, but his initials are SS.
Yup, I have "buddies" that I know their hunting trips are purely for getting away from the wife.....eating good, and getting hammered.... if an animal is killed it's a bonus.... I prefer hunting all day and having a few highball's around the fire. Ain't no wrong way to do it as long as nobody gets hurt....bad ?
Yeah, been there in a similar situation. A few years ago friend from back East bails out early on a 5 day CO archery elk trip. Shows up ill-prepared with crappy equipment (leaky tent, backpack unsuitable for packing out elk), newbie camping skills, and unreasonable expectations. Turns negative after the third day because the elk hunting is slow. Ended up interrupting my hunt because he wanted to leave and had to drive him an hour away into town so he could pick up a car rental so he could go home. Talk about me being pissed off!

Lessons learned. Next time hunting buddy better bring his own truck, decent equipment, and a dose of humble pie and listen to his much more experienced Western hunting friend OR he is on his own. The old saying, "Chose your hunting partners wisely" is so true.
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I had almost forgotten about this one.

30+ years ago I met this woman through a friend. We got along well. 5'3" or so, pretty and very well built.

A few months into the relationship, I realized something was not quite right. I got back from elk season and things got worse; she was very distant. And, she was awfully protective of her briefcase.

Curiosity got the better of me and I decided to get into the briefcase, so, I thumbed through all the possible combinations and looked inside.

What I found was a VCR tape marked 'private tape'. Gee, what could that be???? I also found her address book.

After the beginning of the tape, I realized she had shacked up with another guy while I was gone and made an adult movie with him.

***Elkasssssassin, I no longer have any of the tapes***

But, I did the right thing. I immediately went to the local walmart and bought every VCR tape I could carry and another VCR player recorder...and, well, I had her address book. It took me a couple days of copying all those tapes (I made one master, then put her tape back in her briefcase) in a friends room.

36 tapes later, I had my stash.

About that same time I found out she forged my name to a credit application to get stuff for her car, about $2200 worth of work. Yea, the bloom was off the rose by then. She got the boot.

At the time, I had just started working in the same building as a bunch of USN reserve guys, most of them were pilots for AA, United, Braniff, etc. Ever so often I would had a guy one of my tapes, addressed to whoever was next on the list, and have it mailed from Atlanta, Denver, Portland, Houston, etc.
Yep, I drew a 3rd season CO muley tag for fall of 2020. My best friend of 20+ years now a resident of Colorado, backed out of the trip. Not because he or any of us had covid but because he didn't want to "risk" mixing it up with us knowing myself and my 2 other buddies didn't give 2 sh**s about covid, still don't. I called him a ***** for not going. We had to absord his share of the cabin rental and groceries thay were already paid for. We ended up filling 3 of 3 tags with 2 of the bucks going 160. I sent him pics of what he missed out on. No response from him and haven't spoken to him sense. (Colorado Libs got to him) some friend eh.
PM Sent doc!

I had almost forgotten about this one.

30+ years ago I met this woman through a friend. We got along well. 5'3" or so, pretty and very well built.

A few months into the relationship, I realized something was not quite right. I got back from elk season and things got worse; she was very distant. And, she was awfully protective of her briefcase.

Curiosity got the better of me and I decided to get into the briefcase, so, I thumbed through all the possible combinations and looked inside.

What I found was a VCR tape marked 'private tape'. Gee, what could that be???? I also found her address book.

After the beginning of the tape, I realized she had shacked up with another guy while I was gone and made an adult movie with him.

***Elkasssssassin, I no longer have any of the tapes***

But, I did the right thing. I immediately went to the local walmart and bought every VCR tape I could carry and another VCR player recorder...and, well, I had her address book. It took me a couple days of copying all those tapes (I made one master, then put her tape back in her briefcase) in a friends room.

36 tapes later, I had my stash.

About that same time I found out she forged my name to a credit application to get stuff for her car, about $2200 worth of work. Yea, the bloom was off the rose by then. She got the boot.

At the time, I had just started working in the same building as a bunch of USN reserve guys, most of them were pilots for AA, United, Braniff, etc. Ever so often I would had a guy one of my tapes, addressed to whoever was next on the list, and have it mailed from Atlanta, Denver, Portland, Houston, etc.
Rule #1
Always, and I mean Always make sure you take your own Truck and or make sure your own truck is the one taken on the trip. For the last 46 years I've never been at the mercy of someone else's vehicle. Except for my Sons. And he still does what he's told. LOL
so there was this one time.....

My wife killed an elk and shortly after pics, a raging blizzard move in and it was now after dark. I got it skinned and quartered and wanted to pack out one (1) load that night and the rest the next morning.

She wouldn't hear or such nonsense! She wanted ALL of her elk out THAT NIGHT. You can guess what happened. She won and I packed elk in a freakin' blizzard until 1AM!
(Thank God for GPS's or I'd have never re-found the elk on subsequent trips)
She's a damn good woman!

I got even with her, we had a wrestling match but it was the following night (no ribs were cracked but damn near). Hehe

I have a couple others I could share but I'll protect those whimps from ratting them out

Ok, I had a coworker that wanted to go on a short-range deer hunt with me in a Washington State many years ago. I had the Intel, the boat that was needed to get there and tge truck to pull the boat. We got to the unloading area and he jumped over the bow, ran up the hill and killed two deer a d said I could have the small one.
On another trip I went with a guy with my truck and camper. We drove two hours for an elk hunt no big deal. I head up the canyon and spot a big herd. I took a shot and missed at 500 or so yards. They ran onto the refuge. He had tired out without even getting to a one mile uphill and not too steep hike. I find him and he said he fell and knocked scope off and if I would take him back to town he would get another rifle of his and repay me for fuel and return back. He called that night after dropping him off and said he was sick. Found out later he was chasing tail in a bar that night. I brought a learning curve to my hunting trips. Not dealing with that stuff again.
We had two family friends come out to Idaho from Missouri two years ago for deer and elk, spent six months explaining what was in store and how to prepare, explained the importance of being in shape, having the proper footwear and clothing etc.
The first morning they didn’t get up on time, so I left them home, they missed the opener. Second morning they were on time, we started the hike and they kept having to stop and rest, so I left them, that evening, we caught up to them, they still hadn’t made it to the ridge top- lol - most from the east don’t realize what being in mountain shape means, it’s hard to understand until it’s been experienced.
Day 3 they were on their way back home. Still friends though.
Flash forward to this season, they came again, this time they were ready ? clothing, boots etc, and physically in top shape, everything went as planned, nice harvest etc.
they told me it was the most fulfilling experience of their life, to achieve the level of success they did. They thanked me for not baby sitting them ?
so there was this one time.....

My wife killed an elk and shortly after pics, a raging blizzard move in and it was now after dark. I got it skinned and quartered and wanted to pack out one (1) load that night and the rest the next morning.

She wouldn't hear or such nonsense! She wanted ALL of her elk out THAT NIGHT. You can guess what happened. She won and I packed elk in a freakin' blizzard until 1AM!
(Thank God for GPS's or I'd have never re-found the elk on subsequent trips)
She's a damn good woman!

I got even with her, we had a wrestling match but it was the following night (no ribs were cracked but damn near). Hehe

I have a couple others I could share but I'll protect those whimps from ratting them out

You're lucky. That's a woman that knows what she wants. Boy, did she crack the whip on you on that pack out?
so there was this one time.....

My wife killed an elk and shortly after pics, a raging blizzard move in and it was now after dark. I got it skinned and quartered and wanted to pack out one (1) load that night and the rest the next morning.

She wouldn't hear or such nonsense! She wanted ALL of her elk out THAT NIGHT. You can guess what happened. She won and I packed elk in a freakin' blizzard until 1AM!
(Thank God for GPS's or I'd have never re-found the elk on subsequent trips)
She's a damn good woman!

I got even with her, we had a wrestling match but it was the following night (no ribs were cracked but damn near). Hehe

I have a couple others I could share but I'll protect those whimps from ratting them out

I have to confess Zeke……. I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman like your wife……. ?

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