We had a dude in our barracks who was stealing stuff from different rooms. A couple bucks out of a wallet from one room, maybe a ring from another, etc. My roomie at the time was a black dude from Philly named Vince big dude, maybe 6'3" and 230.

Vince found out that another back dude named Al (he was on the barracks staff) was the thief. He threatened to kill Al if anything came up missing from our room.

Al had a heroin habit, and a habit of lacing his pot with angel dust. One day Al took a joint with a bit more dust in it than he figured on.

Goodbye Al.
What you learn from it is you can't help them. They have to help themselves. Whether it is anything. Some guys cheat on their wives. Getting kicked out and being let back in after a year didn't help a guy I know. He lost Her for good. He had to make a choice. Poor guy killed himself.

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