antlerless hunts


Very Active Member
Any of you guys on here apply for antlerless tags? When I go through the annual ritual of applying for tags here in Wyoming I alwasy apply for a few antlerless tags. I feel that it makes me a better hunter in the respect that I know the limitations of my equipment and my own personal limitations when it comes to shooting. I feel it's a lot better to be able to get the "jitters" out on an antlerless animal so that you can be calm and collected when you are presented the opportunity at a trophy class animal. Plus it's a great way to fill the deep freeze with great tasteing meat. So any other "slickhead" hunters out there?
Everytime I hunted in Wyoming, we always applied for or bought over the counter doe tags for both deer and antelope. More great tasting meat in the freezer and it helps the game & fish dept. balance the herd on the doe to buck ratio. also helps out the rancher who loses crops to depredation.


I didn't need to put in for antlerless deer this year as all the mule deer bucks I saw resembled antlerless deer. I usually only put in for a cow elk tag each year but didn't draw this year. No bull tag this year either.

I appy for all as well, but I have only drew 1 cow elk tag this year in Ut, all WY gave me was a bull tag, so maybe next year I will get a WY cow tag...
I applied for elk here in NM, all 3 of my choices were for cow elk. I drew a late muzzleloader hunt. I killed a cow last year with my bow as well. I love to hunt and love big antlers just as much as the next guy , but I have no problem hunting for cows.The units I hunt don't have as many great big bulls so if I'm gonna have soem meat , might as well be a nice tender cow eh, thats what I tell myself anyhow lol...Spike elk and cows has been my elk hunting resume. I killed a small 5x5 in 02 with my smoke pole , but am yet to shoot a branch antlered bull with my bow...Any how , yes I hunt antlerless and enjoy it too....NM
I drove from Kali to WY to hunt antelope this year. I was a little "confused" during the application process so didn't put in for a doe antelope tag. And there weren't any over the counter doe tags for my area. Sure would have been nice though.

The buck I took is very, very good eating!

LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-07 AT 07:45PM (MST)[p]Chesterwyo, not sure! With 0 points, it would be a tough draw. I do have max. deer points so I may get after that big muley?

I would hunt 'lopes every year if possible! It's fun!


Edit: Thanks again for all your help on my antelope hunt this year. I appriciated it!
Go shoot jack rabbits if you have to shoot something. Leave the females alone.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-07 AT 09:47PM (MST)[p]Nothing wrong with shooting slick heads. I just don't do it & never have. Honestly, if you need the meat that bad; go to the auction & buy a holstine hefier. Cheaper than $3.00 a gallon gas to drive to shoot a doe antelope. What do you get off one of them stinkies? about 30lbs of edible meat?

Once again; to each his own!

>Go shoot jack rabbits if you
>have to shoot something. Leave
>the females alone.

I wish they had more anterless hunts in CA. It's sad that the F&G makes recomendations to help balance the deer herds however it's up each county to approve the antlerless hunts the way I understand it, as you can imagine to many tree huggers and bleeding hearts veto the F&G proposals and hence no antlerless hunts or very few throughout the state. One of many reasons our deer herds are out of balance (buck to doe ratio). So antlerless hunts are not only a good thing for the hunters that enjoy the meat but it helps maintain a better balance. Deer, Elk, Antelope.. antlerless hunts are a good thing.
Most hunters from CA. understand the importance of doe hunts since we have to live with a ratio of 1 buck to 75 does in some areas. Most of the does are not even bred during the rut. I have had several state game biologists tell me that we need more doe hunts, but the game dept always give way to the anti's because of the political pressure they apply to stop the hunts.

>Go shoot jack rabbits if you
>have to shoot something. Leave
>the females alone.

Whitetail does in MT are as plentiful as rabbits. I have shot two already and my son has shot four. We only have two more doe tags to fill.

Since we and a couple other hunters started knocking down the doe numbers on the place we hunt, the buck quality and doe size has increased a lot.

Besides, these are the best eating venison you will ever find. Alfalfa fed and tender as can be.

When you can shoot five a year and it is close by, it is not only cheaper than beef, but way more fun, and leaner and healthier.

Not sure if the same applies to muley does, as I never shoot them.

Happy Hunting!

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
I am talking about muleys. Does make bucks and dont buy into the fish and game saying that the buck to doe ratio needs to be in check. Say in a area you only have a couple hundred deer and 5 are bucks so doe,s that mean we need to shoot half the does to make the ratio better. No it means close the hunt for a couple years. But no lets all go out and shoot all the females. That 25 pounds of meat you get is damn expensive. If you left that yearling doe you shot alone and let her breed for 8 to 9 years look at all the deer you could have. But no use the meat excuse for the reason to go shoot them. I am talking about the area I live in. I dont know your situation where you live.
I would rather shoot a doe than a small buck. If the area has a population high enough for a doe hunt. I like to hunt big bucks as much as the next guy. But if I had to choose between a two point or even a 18 to 20" young, 4 point on a open hunt or a doe, I would take the doe. Most of our open hunts are all about how many two points can a area pump out. That sucks. Ron
"I am talking about muleys. Does make bucks and dont buy into the fish and game saying that the buck to doe ratio needs to be in check. Say in a area you only have a couple hundred deer and 5 are bucks so doe,s that mean we need to shoot half the does to make the ratio better. No it means close the hunt for a couple years. But no lets all go out and shoot all the females. That 25 pounds of meat you get is damn expensive. If you left that yearling doe you shot alone and let her breed for 8 to 9 years look at all the deer you could have. But no use the meat excuse for the reason to go shoot them. I am talking about the area I live in. I dont know your situation where you live."

I wish there were NO DOE tags for my area (in Utah) as well. I
am sure it is different in other states.
>I am talking about muleys. Does
>make bucks and dont buy
>into the fish and game
>saying that the buck to
>doe ratio needs to be
>in check. Say in a
>area you only have a
>couple hundred deer and 5
>are bucks so doe,s that
>mean we need to shoot
>half the does to make
>the ratio better. No it
>means close the hunt for
>a couple years. But no
>lets all go out and
>shoot all the females. That
>25 pounds of meat you
>get is damn expensive. If
>you left that yearling
>doe you shot alone
>and let her breed for
>8 to 9 years look
>at all the deer you
>could have. But no use
>the meat excuse for the
>reason to go shoot them.
>I am talking about the
>area I live in. I
>dont know your situation where
>you live.

Drymoutain you are wrong. Antlerless hunts IS the way to keep the male/female ratio's in check. Closing the hunt for a few years won't do much even if the population were to reach the carrying capacity the male/female ratio would be near the same.

You have to take the area and amount of feed available as a factor concerning the taking of does. If you have several hundred deer and only 5 are bucks, you will have over a hundred does that will not get bred and produce. But those barren does are eating the available feed that could cause a die off of the fawns during a bad year or two. That means little bucks that will never grow up. This has happen in numerous areas at one time or another. On the other hand you have several good weather years and plenty of feed, what is the one thing you see with deer, does with twins. If you have 3-5 good years back to back, you have a deer explosion in population. You need to thin those does back at times like this, because mother nature is going to throw a curve ball and a severe winter will kill off the fawns and other weak deer first.
What you have to be careful about is not giving out too many doe tags during good years to rake in more money, shoot too many does, then a bad winter, and the deer herd will drop too low in population. I have seen Wyoming do this in the late 80's.
Most biologists will tell you that doe hunts are a control tool in many areas due to less habitat and too many deer for that area to support. Or you have the CA. problem. You go out and hunt and some areas only have 7% harvest rate because 93% of the deer you see are does and most of them are barren does with no fawns. But what I have seen is that the admin. in the game & fish departments will listen more to so called amateur conservation groups, who are anti hunting, or their own greed instead of their game biologists and you have problems with your game herd.
RELH is right on the money. I just don't understand why such a simple concept is so misunderstood by so many hunters. A piece of ground can only support so many deer regardless of whether they are male or female. I'd rather open up some room for more bucks to survive on that land than does. Simple math here guys. Would you rather the land support 20 does or 20 bucks? Granted nobody is trying to manage for 100% bucks as they would eliminate themselves shortly, but a steady balance requires the killing of does. It's no-brainer management, but for some reason some guys just can't pull their heads out on this. If you aren't killing does as part of game managment, then you are part of the problem not the solution.

I live in a state that intensly manages the does and the hunting for mature bucks is outstanding. Just glad I no longer live in Utard where the only management plan they have for deer is extinction.
Gotta love the anterless hunts...I agree with many of you; extra meat in the freezer, and a great chance to sharpen up your skills. I got lucky enough to arrow this monster cow back in September.
that is one good size cow. congrats, you will have some very fine eating this winter. If my wife had her way, I would only get to hunt cows. she is a old farm girl that knows cows are better eating then a old bull any time of the day.

I am talking about where I live (utard). There is no way that we have to many deer for any doe tags to be sold. Our deer herds suck out here in the basin. That is real funny that you would say that if you close an area down for a few years that that wouldnt help the herd. You must work for the fish and no game. I hunt on the rez. and there is no comparison in the herds. The state sells way to many tags.
Then your gripe is not about doe hunts, or them being used to benifit the overall herd. Your gripe deals with the subject I brought up. The Fish & Game Admin. not listening to their own experts on game management and selling too many tags due to outright greed on filling the coffers.
You and your fellow hunters in Utal need to voice your opinion, but I doubt it will do any good. Has not in CA. where we need the doe hunts in many areas. We need to ship more of our so called experts we have in the bay area to your state. Then you would not have to worry about over hunting the deer herd. Those ex-CA. experts will try to ban all hunting as they try to do here.


Closing an area down wouldn't have a serious impact of pop. growth compared to allowing antlerless hunts to ballance the ratio's.

Like RELH said....nobody wants to listen to the experts. Here in CA when you talk to a biologist they will tell you what needs to be done.The problem is that if it doesn't look good to the non-hunting eye (due to lack of knowledge and miss-intrepitation) it will not happen.

As long as I get to go out hunting and get to extend my hunting season and maybe even put some meat on the table and in the freezer and share the meat with others that do not hunt or don't hunt anymore, I really enjoy the antlerless hunts if drawn.

I hunt for the skin.... I am a pretty big brain tanner and it serves me with a little more meaning to kill my own hides. I also skin my deer including the hooves. Leg bones also make good scrapers.

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