Antelope score


Howdy MMers,
Just a fun thread looking for guesses on what this CA speedgoat would score? I’m awful at scoring antelope so looking for help! Be nice to have a baseline while we r out there sizing them up!
Thank u!!!!



Super nice buck..nice markings can't beat a really nice black face..I'd say upper 70s..would look nice on anyone's wall
I don't know much about anything especially judging antelope but I'm guessing he's closer to 70". One thing I noticed while there was that all of the more mature bucks that I came across had fully dark faces. Just my experience but something to think about.
Great goat congratulations and you definitely put some effort into it with all your scouting? What unit did you end up killing him in? And what did he end up scoring ?
Great goat congratulations and you definitely put some effort into it with all your scouting? What unit did you end up killing him in? And what did he end up scoring ?
He came out of the MT dome unit.
Green unofficial score 79”
It was a fun hunt! Saw a ton of goats and learned quite a bit I think 😬😂
Are you sure the buck you harvested isn’t the buck you think got away? You would be amazed what heat waves do to photos. The neck markings and horn conformation on your buck are very unique and extremely close to the got away bucks.
Are you sure the buck you harvested isn’t the buck you think got away? You would be amazed what heat waves do to photos. The neck markings and horn conformation on your buck are very unique and extremely close to the got away bucks.
Yeah pretty sure. Moved places after I couldn’t turn the one in the photo up after a couple days to the place where I killed the this one. We knew the one I killed was there just never got any good photos or really couldn’t judge him either. Every time we saw him he was 1000 plus yards and the heat waves were brutal.

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