Antelope 57


Active Member
Well I finally drew a tag! After so many "unsuccessfull" results the last couple of years, I was surprised.
I have only been in this area once before while passing thru from Rawlings headed to Colorado. Also although I have taken a couple of lopes in the past, my experience on them is rather limited.
I am now considering what part of the season will work best for me. Considering the last week of Sept or possibly the middle of Oct. Do any of you have recommendations and why? Is this herd pretty much resident or do these goats migrate?
Thanks in advance.
Well I finally drew a tag! After so many "unsuccessfull" results the last couple of years, I was surprised.
I have only been in this area once before while passing thru from Rawlings headed to Colorado. Also although I have taken a couple of lopes in the past, my experience on them is rather limited.
I am now considering what part of the season will work best for me. Considering the last week of Sept or possibly the middle of Oct. Do any of you have recommendations and why? Is this herd pretty much resident or do these goats migrate?
Thanks in advance.
Super tag - congratulations! ???
I’ve hunted it 2x- good bucks but no monster.
Lucky breaks neeed too. Give it MAX effort.
Here are some good areas, Delaney Rim, eastern part, Adobe Town, south central part,
Poison Springs in far south part. Glass glass glass, it’s a huge area beyond belief ! Always be alert.
I’d start hunting Sept 21- start of the Rut in
Wyoming & hunt as long as you can - Oct brings snow usually, hard to glass in a snow storm. Plus antelope bunch up then- get wilder too !
Take plenty of gas ⛽️ & water ? & a high jack in case of getting stuck- muck gets bad at times.! Take a long nylon recovery strap too in case you get stuck !
Remember if you think it’s a good buck , it likely isn’t good enough, if you KNOW it’s a monster ,
drop him, he’s a B/C most likely, look for long heavy horns & long prongs , & Ivory Tips. Super long heavy prongs are the key 1 st.
Best of luck ?! Have fun - it’s the needle in the haystack! Don’t get discouraged- keep plugging!
Jerry Gold- Windsor, Colorado
My E Mail : [email protected]
Super tag - congratulations! ???
I’ve hunted it 2x- good bucks but no monster.
Lucky breaks neeed too. Give it MAX effort.
Here are some good areas, Delaney Rim, eastern part, Adobe Town, south central part,
Poison Springs in far south part. Glass glass glass, it’s a huge area beyond belief ! Always be alert.
I’d start hunting Sept 21- start of the Rut in
Wyoming & hunt as long as you can - Oct brings snow usually, hard to glass in a snow storm. Plus antelope bunch up then- get wilder too !
Take plenty of gas ⛽️ & water ? & a high jack in case of getting stuck- muck gets bad at times.! Take a long nylon recovery strap too in case you get stuck !
Remember if you think it’s a good buck , it likely isn’t good enough, if you KNOW it’s a monster ,
drop him, he’s a B/C most likely, look for long heavy horns & long prongs , & Ivory Tips. Super long heavy prongs are the key 1 st.
Best of luck ?! Have fun - it’s the needle in the haystack! Don’t get discouraged- keep plugging!
Jerry Gold- Windsor, Colorado
My E Mail : [email protected]
Super tag - congratulations! ???
I’ve hunted it 2x- good bucks but no monster.
Lucky breaks neeed too. Give it MAX effort.
Here are some good areas, Delaney Rim, eastern part, Adobe Town, south central part,
Poison Springs in far south part. Glass glass glass, it’s a huge area beyond belief ! Always be alert.
I’d start hunting Sept 21- start of the Rut in
Wyoming & hunt as long as you can - Oct brings snow usually, hard to glass in a snow storm. Plus antelope bunch up then- get wilder too !
Take plenty of gas ⛽️ & water ? & a high jack in case of getting stuck- muck gets bad at times.! Take a long nylon recovery strap too in case you get stuck !
Remember if you think it’s a good buck , it likely isn’t good enough, if you KNOW it’s a monster ,
drop him, he’s a B/C most likely, look for long heavy horns & long prongs , & Ivory Tips. Super long heavy prongs are the key 1 st.
Best of luck ?! Have fun - it’s the needle in the haystack! Don’t get discouraged- keep plugging!
Jerry Gold- Windsor, Colorado
My E Mail : [email protected]
The last couple days of September/first couple days of October are the best days. Most of the people are tagged out and gone home. And the rut is at it’s peak. Also, don’t be afraid to hunt out in the oilfield stuff. For some reason people think it’s off limits, but it’s mostly BLM and State land.
If you venture out in middle of it look into brining a land anchor for your winch or a come along/hi lift with the attachments to pull with. Many of the Blm “roads” are bad washed out where there small water crossings and there is nothing to grab onto when you get stuck thinking you got this no problem. Or just take a side by side if you have one. Take your time. Have a buddy hold your shells the first two days.
I agree with Chester on when to hunt. The last week of September is prime and hunting in the middle of the week will have you all by yourself. We hunted the unit next door many years ago and we did not see another hunter by going then.
It's a blast watching antelope bucks chase each other all over the country and sometimes old bucks come out of the woodwork.
I think mid October is too late with the rut winding down.
It should be a blast.
Thanks for the information guys. I appreciate your advice. I sure want to avoid getting stuck in the mud out there. I may consider bringing the SxS. Not sure yet if I want to get a room and day hunt from town or truck camp for a few days out in the unit. I see advantages both ways. Kinda leaning toward camping out especially if I go early.
My previous hunts have both been late and yes the goats were very skittish then.
I'm starting to get excited about it ?
I hunted it a few years ago the end of the season. I took a 82 1/8 B&C net goat the last couple days down near Baggs.

Lots of goats but you'll have to wade through 1000's to see anything over 80". I'm sure earlier would have been better but I was pretty much the only hunter out there and that was nice.

Access and the amount of public ground are both great. sharpen up on your judging skills would be the best advice you're going to get.
I'll be out there with you. I am trying to figure out all the same things. I am planning on staying were ever I find myself. But can't decide if I should bring my quad or not. I have a SxS but then I have to drag a trailer also.

Good luck and save one good one for me.
Congrats on the Tag, DanMan. I somehow managed to draw it as well as a NR with zero points this year (crazy, but I'll take it given I blanked on everything else in ever wester state). I'm actually based out of my hometown in Steamboat so plan on being out there a bunch looking for one of those proverbial needles in the desert sage. Good luck and we'll probably run into each other out there!
Congrats on the Tag, DanMan. I somehow managed to draw it as well as a NR with zero points this year (crazy, but I'll take it given I blanked on everything else in ever wester state). I'm actually based out of my hometown in Steamboat so plan on being out there a bunch looking for one of those proverbial needles in the desert sage. Good luck and we'll probably run into each other out there!
Congratulations yourself Elktrout! Hitting on a premium tag in the random is a special feeling. It's rare but it does happen so that why we play these crazy games.
Sounds like several of us may run into each other out there. Maybe we can have a MM campfire ?.
I'll be out there with you. I am trying to figure out all the same things. I am planning on staying were ever I find myself. But can't decide if I should bring my quad or not. I have a SxS but then I have to drag a trailer also.

Good luck and save one good one for me.
Yep that's my thought also on bringing the SxS. I would have to pull it on a trailer 1200 miles just to get there?.
I'm hoping that its dry, but not too dry! I'm looking at going that last week in Sept.
I think there will be several good ones out there if we can find them, and lay off the trigger until we do ?
I love the comfort of a SxS but its a pain to trailer. I am leaning towards a quad in the back of the truck. Since I am solo anyway. That way if it gets sticky I can just wait it out to dry up but still should be able to get around and hunt. I might be over thinking it. I just haven't been in the area and don't want to get there and then wish I had it to get around.

Going to be fun no matter what. Antelope meat is my families favorite. Can't wait to go. My goal is to get one bigger than my biggest and that is 78".
It's better to bring something and not need it than to not bring something and wish you had it! 4-wheelers and SXS's are pretty handy for game retrieval sometimes. Since most of 57 is BLM, it's legal to retrieve game off road.

Those roads can get bad sloppy when they're wet, but they usually dry out quickly. Don't try going across those "dry" washes. just go somewhere else. Goats are all over the unit, and plenty of nice ones.

My advice is: 1. Drive around and glass your butt off. 2. Find one you like. 3. Get out and shoot him. You might have to be a little sneakier than that, but that pretty much covers it. If you're after 80+, then you may need to spend more time glassing. It's a huge unit. Explore it! Lots of remote country in 57.

Watch for elk. ;)
I love the comfort of a SxS but its a pain to trailer. I am leaning towards a quad in the back of the truck. Since I am solo anyway. That way if it gets sticky I can just wait it out to dry up but still should be able to get around and hunt. I might be over thinking it. I just haven't been in the area and don't want to get there and then wish I had it to get around.

Going to be fun no matter what. Antelope meat is my families favorite. Can't wait to go. My goal is to get one bigger than my biggest and that is 78".
When are you planning to hunt ?
I haven't decided yet but probably opener on as I have a friend that asked me to help him on a deer hunt in early October. I'm a NR from CA. So I will only make one trip out.
I went with two buddies last year who drew.

I would not take a SXS.....a good 4WD pickup will do and take the tools to dig out if necessary. The country is MASSIVE and the access super easy for the most part.....but stuff can happen

We hunted hard for the first 7 days and took upper 70s bucks...really nice bucks, but not the magic "number"

Will be applying for that unit until I draw....
I took a quad but never unloaded it. I put my pickup in 4wd a couple times but probably didn't need to . the gas roads are everywhere and in good condition. bad weather could make it tougher on the secondary roads though.

I'm not sure what WY law is on ATV's are but you're going to be loading and unloading a lot if you can't travel on the HI way or major roads. I probably drove 100 miles a day .
I appreciate all the helpful suggestions. I'm gettin excited and just looking to enjoy having this tag. Are there any places / people to avoid ? You know where someone might be looking to give an unsuspecting nr a hard time and harassment?
Order a big steak at the Cowboy in Baggs and wash it down with a cold beer. That's my best advice for you!! The hunting should be great, plenty of animals to choose from.
That's great to know. I often do my own but sometimes will use a processor if circumstances dictate.
I've hunted it 3 times. Your biggest challenge will be not shooting a nice buck, before you find something extra special. Give yourself a lot of days and be patient. It's a really terrific place with a ton of average to slightly better than average antelope. On a light winter year like this year, there might be more big ones to choose from. I had one really good year where there were big bucks everywhere, and 2 years where I looked and looked and looked, and there were very few bucks in the 80 inch range. Each time I had it, I spent more than 10 days looking. you don't need an ATV, but if you have room, take it. They bunch up late in the season, but with 400 permits, 90% of those are filled first couple weeks and some of the hunters who scout, will have killed some of the best ones.
I had the tag in 2018, went the 2nd to last week and had the place to myself. Looked over thousands of goats before taking this guy. The bigger ones stand out over all the low 70” bucks. Barely misses BC but you’ll have fun. I had cell service in lots of places and slept in Baggs. It’s nice to shower and get out of the wind at least for a few hours each day.







I had the tag in 2018, went the 2nd to last week and had the place to myself. Looked over thousands of goats before taking this guy. The bigger ones stand out over all the low 70” bucks. Barely misses BC but you’ll have fun. I had cell service in lots of places and slept in Baggs. It’s nice to shower and get out of the wind at least for a few hours each day. View attachment 81625

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Sometimes it's better to not say it barely missed B&C. Cherish the memory.
Any cell phone coverage out in the unit? If I camp out it might be nice.
Yes. There is decent coverage throughout most of the unit. In the few places you don’t have coverage just drive to the nearest high point and it picks up. The oil gas Mae sure they had good coverage out there. Interesting note you won’t have coverage in Baggs but all over the desert has decent coverage.
Yes. There is decent coverage throughout most of the unit. In the few places you don’t have coverage just drive to the nearest high point and it picks up. The oil gas Mae sure they had good coverage out there. Interesting note you won’t have coverage in Baggs but all over the desert has decent coverage.
Thanks, that's great to know.
Gettin close to hunt time now ?. I still haven't decided for sure if I'm going to camp out or try getting a room. I may end up doing some of both, depending on the weather.
Any of you guys stayed at the Cowboy Inn in Baggs? Looks like limited options for the unit.
Just got to Rock Springs to hunt 58. Will be interesting to see how much rain we get and how it limits access but hopeful for some sun and wind to dry things up if it does get wet!
Well good luck Rackmastr.
The main roads are pretty good so you will be able to get around to most areas. I'd just be careful and patient on taking some of the two tracks. And yes the wind will blow regardless.
It should be an awesome time for you two!
I started my hunt in 57 this past Sunday and just left out today. I cut it a day early due to the incoming rains as we were camped about 25 miles back in. They are rutting and chasing hard. Covered 450 miles and saw over 150 bucks but the biggest I could find probably wouldn't reach 75". Most of the mature bucks doing the chasin looked like 65 - 70 inch bucks to me but I'm probably a poor judge of score.
I had a great time and took one that I enjoyed watching chase and rut several times during the week. Sure wish that I had a few more days to find a big one and look forward to seeing what you guys come up with.
Well good luck Rackmastr.
The main roads are pretty good so you will be able to get around to most areas. I'd just be careful and patient on taking some of the two tracks. And yes the wind will blow regardless.
It should be an awesome time for you two!
Thanks Rick!

Had a great day today and saw a ton of bucks. This was the best we found. Tempting given the size of his prongs and the mass down low.

Would love to hear a guess or two on score.


The score is....keep looking.... and keep your gun unloaded for two days, it helps. There are some really good pronghorn down there. That one looks and 73/74 ish. Pretty buck though for sure.
The score is....keep looking.... and keep your gun unloaded for two days, it helps. There are some really good pronghorn down there. That one looks and 73/74 ish. Pretty buck though for sure.

Yep, pretty much want to put in a couple solid days to get an idea of the entire zone and keep track of all the bucks. I couldn't convince myself he was over 75 either, as nice as his prongs were.

Saw a really cool bull with a herd of cows as well. Great day out there!
Nice buck. I agree on score guess above. PM where you saw him if you don't want to kill him. I know a guy with the tag who would.
Nice buck. I agree on score guess above. PM where you saw him if you don't want to kill him. I know a guy with the tag who would.
Will keep him in our back pocket for now. He wasn't a super easy one for me to judge and originally thought higher 70s but easy to talk in circles at times haha

Glad to share his location once we're done!
Thanks Rick!

Had a great day today and saw a ton of bucks. This was the best we found. Tempting given the size of his prongs and the mass down low.

Would love to hear a guess or two on score. View attachment 88519

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It's crazy that you show me that picture Trev, because I was fooled by a buck like that down there when I hunted it. It's easy now to see how bladed his horns are from a front view (making them less massive than the side view indicates). Really good prongs but his tops are thin so he won't score near as well as he might appear at first.
I agree that you should keep looking.
Have a blast!
I started my hunt in 57 this past Sunday and just left out today. I cut it a day early due to the incoming rains as we were camped about 25 miles back in. They are rutting and chasing hard. Covered 450 miles and saw over 150 bucks but the biggest I could find probably wouldn't reach 75". Most of the mature bucks doing the chasin looked like 65 - 70 inch bucks to me but I'm probably a poor judge of score.
I had a great time and took one that I enjoyed watching chase and rut several times during the week. Sure wish that I had a few more days to find a big one and look forward to seeing what you guys come up with.
Sounds like you had a great time- big buck or not. Would still love to see your buck if you are willing to share a pic.

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