Another victim


Active Member
What kind of hunter are there out there and what kind of ethics are we teaching other hunters? There have been a number of posts about people stealing trail cameras, mounts, and such. I know not everybody on here beleives in hunting from a stand, but that is the option I have for hunt whitetail here in Minnesota. So to tell the story. I had my stand up at my uncles second farm. I also had a trail camera up. I have been hunting out of the stand, but I went to hunt it this morning and to my surprise it was not there. I went home and came back about an hour and a half later when it was much more light out. Stand and camera were gone, but the stand that was close to mine from a person that hunted his land last year had been attended to and another stand had been placed. My uncle told me nobody has permision to be out there, but me when I had got permison from him to hunt it. I called him today was not able to get ahold of him because his wife told me he was sleeping do to having the swine flu. When the cops got there. They told me that if I take down these other stands I could be charged with theft. Not sure if anyone on here will be able to help me since I beleive most people on here are from further west. What I am planning on doing is find out from my uncle if he did give out permision to somebody else and ask for my stand back. But what would you guys do? If he does not have permision the cop told me that my uncle would have to call the guy in. I want this guy caught and I want him charged, but am not sure what my uncle will do. He can be a push over. Any ideas as how to teach the guy a lesson or what would you guys do?
The cops actually came out to investigate a stolen trailcamera and a stand?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Snort, weren't you just bragging about a new deer stand you picked up for cheap? :) In all reality it boils down to a couple things; 1. They have to trespass to get to the stand, 2. When they come looking for the stand that was placed on private property ....prove it. But now that this is recorded in the anuls of the deep secret service vault that monitors the internet, those options are out. :)
That happened on a farm where I hunted several years ago, still hunt the same farm lots. But anyhow someone who didn't have permission came in and put up two tree stands. The landowner took a chainsaw and sawed the trees down with the stands still in them :eek:

Success is failure that tried one more time
>That happened on a farm where
>I hunted several years ago,
>still hunt the same farm
>lots. But anyhow someone who
>didn't have permission came in
>and put up two tree
>stands. The landowner took a
>chainsaw and sawed the trees
>down with the stands still
>in them :eek:

Problem Solved- Score for the landowner!! As far as ethics go, i believe that we are starting to see a trend of people thinking that they are hunters because they can shoot a bow or gun (some can't even shoot). They have a long ways to go to ever be hunter. A hunter is a mixed bag- conservationist, climatologist, weatherman, teacher, and finally a skilled marksman.
Im just getting tired of all the want-to-be hunters, buying "Monster" bows, thinking that they can shoot, then trespass into my property, shoot and injure deer, then I have to clean up their mess by getting a wildlife conservationist to give me permission to shoot said animal or making said animal suffer untill the conservationist can take care of animal.
Do some research on the laws in MN and find out from your uncle whether he gave anyone but you permission to hunt. If he did, then I don't really know what to tell you unless you can convince him to revoke their permission. Here in Bama all land is posted by law, you can only hunt legally with written permission from the landowner, you don't have to post your land as in some states, but it helps. One of the others posted a good idea...and we did this a few years back,....ask them to move the stand either in person or leave them a note....if they don't do that in a timely manner, cut the tree with the stand on it....makes a really firm impression on a lawbreaker. Good luck getting your stand and camera back.
Isn't this the same state a few years ago that arrested a Hmong Native living in the area that trespassed and was sitting in a tree stand on private property??
There was one or two killed before they got this Asian out of the tree and jailed.
He trespassed and did not care what anyone said who were trying to get him off their land.

Haven't heard this story. Please tell me more if you know, sounds like a great story!
What a nut! Thank God we don't have to worry about him for a while. Goes to show though, we never know who we may be confronted with out in the woods.
What's the big deal? Get two of your biggest buddies and just go take your stand back. If you run into some trouble with it, that's where the buddies come in. If all goes smoothly, i.e. no one sees you, get yourself that extra stand for the trouble you had to go through getting yours back.
See the clip above about the nut from Minnesota who shot the people who tried to get him off their property. Unfortunatley, we don't always know whos on your property and usually the people who are crazy enough to put a stand up knowing that the property owner is somewhere around with a bow or gun, is usaully crazy enough to defend himself. Usually. I do like mentioned and leave a note on the stand to please vacate the property, and if that doesn't work, I cut down the tree. I didn't know that some many of usdo the same thing.
if some one is dumb enough to hang something on my property he's probably dumb enough to never figure out where my new stand came from! sounds like he gave you a stand!
I don't friggin believe it! Me and hornhunter agree!LOL.
AS long as people allow fear to dictate how they act, these POS' are going to continue to do the things they do. I for one would not hesitate to do EXACTLY what I said. If he wants an ass whoopin' to boot I would be more than happy to oblige him. Society as a whole has gone down the crapper in my books and a lot of it stems from the fact that people don't stand up for what's right anymore.
Do you have family Im sure they would want you alive and well when you're young I would taken that same stand that you have cookie but when you have a wife, kids, that count on you no stand or camera is worth getting hurt or killed over.Is the guy wrong that may have taken his stuff sure but if you confront him you need to be level headed keep calm and if that guy wants to fight its not worth it .get the cops.I had a guy one time acuse me of taken his goose decoys I could see he was pissed off he dove right in the field opening morning 10 minutes before start I went through 105 goose decoys with him after he realised I didnt have his goose decoys he calm down,was still upset because someone stole his decoys. If I would have punched him out or hurt him bad.then I would have been sued for hurting him.or maybe its worse like what happen to those people in Min.

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