Another accident by a misunderstood person

I remember years and years ago, on the Refuge Forum website, I had posted about the DWR doing a forensic investigation on an arrow that someone had illegally shot a banded goose with and that they were able to pull fingerprints off the arrow and had leads on who shot it. (The goose didn't immediately die, but was walking around with an arrow in it in a place the public freqented and was not open to hunting.)

I posted that because I'd heard a "rumor" about who had done it, and I knew that person was a regular poster on that forum. It was not an hour after posting that comment that I got a PM from the very guy it was rumored to have shot it asking if I was serious and if they really could do that. I had a pretty entertaining back and forth talking about the CSI stuff they were doing in the case and how it wouldn't be long before the person was arrested. He was pooping himself, but trying to pretend he was "just curious" about it all. That was pretty funny!

I wish they could pull the prints off this one. Anyone that would just shoot a cow moose for no reason to let it rot is a total POS of a human being. That is seriously depraved conduct.
I Think We've Got A TYPO?

So I'll EDIT It!:D

The bull moose hunt has begun, but the antlerless (cow) moose hunt does not start until Sept. 21.
Is there a cow elk season running there, then?

There would be multiple other species being hunted in the area at that time.

Archery spike elk (which would also include the ability to kill a cow instead), archery LE bull elk, and archery general season buck deer.
I know that Colorado provides some warning to elk hunters to be sure your target is not a moose. I’m sure mistakes are made.
I can see how this could be an accident if there are cow elk on license at this time.

Would have been better if they would have turned themselves in assuming the DWR would have utilized the meat in some fashion.
I've seen a number of flat landers come here and shoot elk mistaking it for deer and vice versa. It's people not doing their research and properly identifying their game. Mistakes do happen, but a cow moose. The hunter should have turned themselves in, bite the bullet of the fine they will be issued and help the warden gather the meat.
Bummer deal. My empathetic side wants to think someone shot it thinking it was an elk... but you'd have to be so incredibly irresponsible (or dumb)... I just can't believe that. 😠
You Guys Do Remember The KALI Hunter Many Decades Ago That Strapped A Mule To The Front End Of His Rig During Deer Season Here In DRATville & Headed Back To KALI,Right?:D
Hey Tri!

I'd Place Money On Whoever The JACK-ASS Was That Shot This Cow Moose Knew Exactly What They Were Doing!

If You've Been In The Field At All There Is No Excuse Not To Know The Difference!

If You Don't Know The Difference You Shouldn't Be In The Field Hunting!

I can see how this could be an accident if there are cow elk on license at this time.

Would have been better if they would have turned themselves in assuming the DWR would have utilized the meat in some fashion.
I can see how this could be an accident if there are cow elk on license at this time.

Would have been better if they would have turned themselves in assuming the DWR would have utilized the meat in some fashion.
There’s no ******** way it could be an accident!!!! If you’re that dumb and supporting people that are that dumb… You don’t belong our west with a tag in your pocket…
There isn't a horse hunt anywhere in Utah(unfortunately), so being within bow range of something horse sized and black and thinking elk, is inexcusable.

But even if your ray Charles with a bow, turn yourself in.

Not doing so shows what you are
You guys read the story that it was shot with a bow, right?

So if anyone is defending this, I question your own judgment in a major way.
Looks like me and Hossy posted the same time. And I guess we argued too much about DLL so we have to be of the same belief on this one! 😜
This is where there always seems to be a misunderstanding with what I write.

People start thinking I am defending things when I am not. I just discuss the possibilities. Whether this was an accident or a malicious act the person needs to face some consequences. I wish we knew which it was because that would probably effect those consequences.

Every year here we have people kill livestock, mainly horses and cows, and most of the time it's an accident. Most of the time it is kids hunting for the first time alone or elderly hunters. Sometimes it is mistaken identity, and sometimes it is not knowing their down range. It can be the effects of "buck fever" and poor judgement. It can be an eyesight issue. And yes, it can be someone just being a menace to society and wildlife.

Sure wish the meat hadn't spoiled.
Here's The Deal With This One Tri!

Whoever This JOKER Was?

They Got Close Enough To Kill The Moose With Their STICKFLIPPER!

There Is No Comparison Between An Elk And A Moose!

They Sure The Hell Didn't Think It Was A Deer Did They?

Let's Say It Was Some Wanna-Be Hunter That Actually Did Make The Mistake!

(((Which I Ain't Buying Not Even For A Second!)))

They Coulda Turned Their-self In & Done The Right Thing!

Like We've Got Enough Moose Left In This State For Some JOKER To Waste!

Sorry,But I'm Not Buying Any BULLSSHITT Excuses On This Deal Here!

(((And That Ain't Directed At Just You,That's For Everybody!)))

Alot Of Years Ago We Were Mostly On The Mountain/In The Woods With Mostly The Same Caliber Of People/Hunters!

SAD,But Even That's Changed A Bunch!
This is where there always seems to be a misunderstanding with what I write.

People start thinking I am defending things when I am not. I just discuss the possibilities. Whether this was an accident or a malicious act the person needs to face some consequences. I wish we knew which it was because that would probably effect those consequences.

Every year here we have people kill livestock, mainly horses and cows, and most of the time it's an accident. Most of the time it is kids hunting for the first time alone or elderly hunters. Sometimes it is mistaken identity, and sometimes it is not knowing their down range. It can be the effects of "buck fever" and poor judgement. It can be an eyesight issue. And yes, it can be someone just being a menace to society and wildlife.

Sure wish the meat hadn't spoiled.

It's only an accident until you run off, then it's a crime. No different than a hit and run.
Here's The Deal With This One Tri!

Whoever This JOKER Was?

They Got Close Enough To Kill The Moose With Their STICKFLIPPER!

There Is No Comparison Between An Elk And A Moose!

They Sure The Hell Didn't Think It Was A Deer Did They?

Let's Say It Was Some Wanna-Be Hunter That Actually Did Make The Mistake!

(((Which I Ain't Buying Not Even For A Second!)))

They Coulda Turned Their-self In & Done The Right Thing!

Like We've Got Enough Moose Left In This State For Some JOKER To Waste!

Sorry,But I'm Not Buying Any BULLSSHITT Excuses On This Deal Here!

(((And That Ain't Directed At Just You,That's For Everybody!)))

Alot Of Years Ago We Were Mostly On The Mountain/In The Woods With Mostly The Same Caliber Of People/Hunters!

SAD,But Even That's Changed A Bunch!
I agree if this is an accident it is gross incompetence, or legal blindness, 🤣 but it's mindblowing the stuff that gets killed by accident. It's enough to damn near get scared out of the woods.

We had an old man down here shoot a horse because he thought it was a whitetail deer. Try that one. At least an elk would be %40 the size of the mistaken animal and similar color. Damn whitetail is %10 the size of a horse and different color all together. Good thing that old man isn't hunting around me in squirrel season.🤣
This Was Around 1980!

We Were Hunting Elk & We Had Our Elk Camp Set Up!

A Couple Days In To Season We Had A Guy Stop By Camp To Look At A Bull Elk We Had Hanging!

He Was An Outa-Stater & I Don't Remember The State,It Doesn't Matter!

He's Hunting Elk & Asks:

Is That An Elk?

Ya,That's A Bull Elk!

The More He Talked The More You Could Tell He Had Not A Clue!

He Was Packing A Pistol & Told Us That Was What He Was Hunting With!

We Quizzed Him About His Pistol & It Wasn't Legal That Year To Be Hunting Elk With And I Don't Remember What Pea Shooter He Was Packin!

The More We Talked,The More He Was Making Us Nervous!

We Asked Him If he Knew What A Moose Was?

"Well HELL Ya I Know What A Moose Is!

I Said Good,There's A Bull Moose Hanging Out 200 Yards Up The Road From Our Camp & Beware,Don't Shoot That Moose!

We Left Our Camp The Same Time He Left Our Camp So We Could Do The Afternoon/Evening Hunt!

We Went South & He Went North!

Right After He Left Our Camp He Went & Shot That Bull Moose!

And Yes He Did Get His Dumb-Ass Caught!

Minutes After He Looked At The Bull Elk We Had Hanging He Shoots A Moose!


Yes Tri!

I Get What You're Sayin!

Makes you Wonder How Many Times We've Had The Cross-hairs On Us With JOKERS Using Their Rifles For Bino's!

Been Probably 15-18 Years Ago I Did See One Of The Braver Hunters I've Ever Seen!

It Was PUMPKIN Season!

And up Where I Was At There Ain't Alot Of Hunters Around But There Are Some!

I'm Looking At The Steep Crap In Front Of Me & First Thought Was That's Gotta Be A Bear,about A Half Mile Away!

I Get My Bino's Out & That's No Bear!

A DRAT Hunter In Dark Brown Full Body Coveralls Hiking & Hunting Right During PUMPKIN Central!

Braver Than Me!

I agree if this is an accident it is gross incompetence, or legal blindness, 🤣 but it's mindblowing the stuff that gets killed by accident. It's enough to damn near get scared out of the woods.

We had an old man down here shoot a horse because he thought it was a whitetail deer. Try that one. At least an elk would be %40 the size of the mistaken animal and similar color. Damn whitetail is %10 the size of a horse and different color all together. Good thing that old man isn't hunting around me in squirrel season.🤣
I believe anything is possible with newbies in the woods. I once watched a hunter shoot multiple times (and luckily miss) at a buck antelope on the North Slope. We approached him afterwards and it was immediately obvious he had a deer tag. He was a NR. When we told him he was shooting at an antelope, he didn't even know what we were talking about. This was early 2000s.

But in this case, I'm certain it was intentional. 😠
There’s no ******** way it could be an accident!!!! If you’re that dumb and supporting people that are that dumb… You don’t belong our west with a tag in your pocket…
Just this week I saw a video on social media of a group in a car misidentifying a burro for a moose. Agreed that people like this have no business hunting.
You Guys Do Remember The KALI Hunter Many Decades Ago That Strapped A Mule To The Front End Of His Rig During Deer Season Here In DRATville & Headed Back To KALI,Right?:D
I remember it well it's haunted us California hunters every since. Stupid a-- but he did say the ears were the same so he shot it...
Had an AF officer from FE Warren shoot a cow moose in the Snowies and when a guy saw it and confronted him he admitted it and said he would never draw a tag and just wanted to shoot a moose.
Idiots abound.
Montana has a llama problem
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If this mis-identifying is happening this often, should Utah require a test/course before giving people tags? Does the 'Hunter Ed' requirement need to change? This problem shouldn't happen with the technology available today.
Maybe Start By Sending Them Back To 1st Grade If They Are So F'N STUPID They Can't Tell The Difference!

If this mis-identifying is happening this often, should Utah require a test/course before giving people tags? Does the 'Hunter Ed' requirement need to change? This problem shouldn't happen with the technology available today.
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