And the Montanian laughs at utah wtf


Very Active Member
Hey Mont jokes on you we are smart enough test for cwd during hunting season at checkpoints what's Montanas excuse. Do they need that result time so they can make beaver biologists mule deer biologists. And you think utah is backwards. Go visit zinke over a cup of Joe and report back maybe you can be of some worth for once and save your deer herd mayor nemont.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-17 AT 09:45AM (MST)[p] I don't expect a Utard to understand being proactive but that is what is going on. Utards hate using science on any issue including deer management. Way easier to let SFW dictate the terms to you and then get your tax dollars to reduce access. But hey you want to bust on Montana, have at it. At the end of the day I will again be happy if you just stayed there and ruined Utah instead of exporting Utard ideas to Montana.

So next time you want to pop off on another thing you don't know about, do this, stop and consider what a sorry excuse of an American you are and how you hid like a coward in 2006 when the country was asking for troops during the surge in Iraq. You ain't worth a plug nickel compared to the men and women who stood up and went to fight and die.

Still waiting on that PM with your address so you can "show me". Funny, you are just like Stoney and the bet, all hat and no cattle.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-17 AT 12:01PM (MST)[p]Cowardwhines,

Put this in your crack pipe and smoke it.


Members of the delegation said Wednesday that approval of the Kootenai Forestland Project in northwest Montana would sustain timber industry jobs and protect hunting, fishing and hiking access. It also would block residential development.

Can you link to an article where the Utard delegation helped sustain an extractive industry like Timber while protecting access to lands for hunting, fishing and hiking and were united in doing so?

I just got back from north west Montana and north east Idaho. Man that is some beautiful country up there. Kudos to those who want to preserve it for future generations to enjoy. My in laws live in Bonners Ferry, Idaho and from there we ventured into Montana. If I wasn't so invested in my business here in Cali, I would have already moved there.
"From 1998 to 2016, Montana tested more than 17,000 wild deer, elk and moose for CWD. There were no positive tests -- until this fall."

So, since this is the first year CWD was detected....I commend Montana for trying to get an early grasp on the situation. I also commend Montana for managing their herds to have a surplus of animals, which allows for this sample testing.

Unless I missed something, I don't see the problem wstrntines.

>"From 1998 to 2016, Montana tested
>more than 17,000 wild deer,
>elk and moose for CWD.
>There were no positive tests
>-- until this fall."
>So, since this is the first
>year CWD was detected....I commend
>Montana for trying to get
>an early grasp on the
>situation. I also commend Montana
>for managing their herds to
>have a surplus of animals,
>which allows for this sample
>Unless I missed something, I don't
>see the problem wstrntines.

Montana has known that CWD could and most likely would eventually arrive here. Whines doesn't like using science to manage big game herds because in Utah herds are managed via the "What ever SFW wants" method. Whines believes this to be superior to any other model.

We shall see what comes of it. They are likely opening up another CWD hunt in North Central Montana too.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-17 AT 07:05PM (MST)[p] Here's a science lesson dip sh!t since you defend what they are doing. Pressuring deer after the rut is the worst time to pressure them, it's been proven to kill them with added stress. It's also a been proven they lose weight from the rut leaving them vulnerable. But hey if it makes you happy to never kill and hunt big deer in montana have at it. Also of the deer that survive after this hunt what is the winter mortality gonna look like on deer that die of stress because of the hunt, but survived the hunt. See mayor mont you fail to look at the big picture all the time, you take a one sided approach as you always do. It's your deer just don't cry when negative testing young age class deer with trophy potential were wacked for nothing just to get one deer to pop positive. Montana won't need a hard winter to kill their deer herd the biologists are gonna do it for them. October would have been a perfect time to hunt those bucks. I struck a nerve did zinke blow you off for coffee today. Maybe you scraped his shaft a little to hard with your teeth last time you guys hung out. And I don't support nor am I a member of SFW. I've always believed the expo tags should be in the main draw. SFW loves the outfitter crowd and I don't buy into their political agenda.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-17 AT 07:48PM (MST)[p]

For a yellow coward you run your mouth like a high school beotch.

Just pm me your address and you can find out for yourself if your internet muscles are as big as your yellow streak.

must make you feel great knowing when the country needed troops you left it to the greater part of your generation to serve.

what a POS

So either put up or shut up. You made the threat to kick my @ss. Either you are a female or you are yellow or both.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-17 AT 08:09PM (MST)[p] Better up your healthcare to the platinum package old man. There's a nursing home right across from the house I'll let em know when your coming down so they can get you a clean bed. You'll probably pass the freeway exit on purpose. You may want to start hitting the gym and getting that core strong frail man, may want to start working out your neck as well it may pop back multiple times. You wanna call me a POS you disrespect more people on here than anyone. So get used to what your called fat a55.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
Yet still no address. You made the threat how can I com and show your young @ss what It is like to let your mouth write checks your @ss can't cover?

Get to drivin, better yet mister six figure in 3 months get a plane ticket. Should be chump change for you and you'll get here faster. Then let me know when your on your way. Sorry mouth you mistake me for the bet board you guys cant keep track of. Old age catching up with you? Have you guys even won a bet yet there are so many I didn't make one.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
You got pm me your address. Simple to do. I will head your way once your provide me where to meet up.
Oh you'll get the address make the trek. I don't take orders from you.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
Why the hell would I want to email you. You're an insurance agent. I don't want spam mail from your company.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-17 AT 10:09PM (MST)[p]You'll probably send nude photos I'm married to women I don't swing that way. Don't ask don't tell is something you sound familiar with.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
>AT 10:09?PM (MST)

>You'll probably send nude photos I'm
>married to women I don't
>swing that way. Don't ask
>don't tell is something you
>sound familiar with.
> "We don't have a gun
>problem we have prescription drug

Nope straight as an arrow. Just seeing what how many different ways you will avoid providing an answer to where to meet you.

Anyway Merry Christmas and hope Santa doesn't lose your address like you have.

I finally figured out this thread is not about CWD.....:) but any State that willfully propagates wolves isn't too concerned about stressing the herds on the winter ground.

Carry on......

Nemont- you have my address. Head down here and after we beat the sh!t out of each other we can go bass fishing for a couple of days. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS you old turd. :)
>Nemont- you have my address. Head
>down here and after we
>beat the sh!t out of
>each other we can go
>bass fishing for a couple
>of days. Have a MERRY
>CHRISTMAS you old turd. :)


Merry Christmas to you too.

After I woke up this morning and it was -10 with a nice -28 wind chill I may take you up on that.

One thing for sure the goose hunting will be a tad chilly tomorrow but you gotta suffer some if you hunt geese.

How is the bass fishing?
Not bad. I went out by myself for four hours last week and caught ten in one spot. Largest was 3 pounds. Good luck with the geese. Those big suckers are fun to hunt.
>Hey Mont jokes on you we
>are smart enough test for
>cwd during hunting season at
>checkpoints what's Montanas excuse. Do
>they need that result time
>so they can make beaver
>biologists mule deer biologists. And
>you think utah is backwards.
>Go visit zinke over a
>cup of Joe and report
>back maybe you can be
>of some worth for once
>and save your deer herd
>mayor nemont.
> "We don't have a gun
>problem we have prescription drug

God damn they breed them dumb in Tardville.

Everyone laughs at you Utards you dumbphuk not just Montanians.
Gotta step your game up boys and what great state do call home puff?

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
Merry Christmas to you six figure boy. Hopefully Santa ? in your stalking and brings you a set of truck keys and a compass maybe you'll figure out what way south is.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."

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