An Old Bull for and Old Hunter


An Old Bull for an Old Hunter.

Back on May 24, 2013 when dreaming became a reality after seeing my name posted at Hunt Nevada as ?successful? for a 221-222E Elk tag. Within a few days I made a decision to hire an Outfitter as there was no way I could have done this hunt on my own even though my friend said he would help.
Contacted Timberline Outfitters owner on Memorial Day weekend and we talked for awhile etc. After checking his calendar and offering me a spot in the second week, which worked out better for me. I had a Deer tag the 2nd of Nov. in Co. and this schedule worked for me just fine.

Colorado hunt was not productive but had a decent hunt so to speak as a 5x4 gave me the slip in those nasty JP?s back there, same for my buddy later.

Arrived in Ely, NV on Nov 10th and checked into the motel ahead of schedule and unloaded gear and went to dinner. Spent Monday & Tuesday out at the rifle range to make sure it was sighted in good and met another hunter who also was booked with Timberline but for Unit 111-114.

On Tuesday evening my appointed guide gave me a call on my cell and went outside to meet him and what time ?wake up call? was to be. He would come and pick me and my buddy up and head out at 0400 hours.
Day one, opening morning the ?wake up? call from Motel failed, good thing I was nervous all night and could not sleep much. Just before 0400 my guide Hal called me on cell and said he was outside so we left.
Talked and even were joking somewhat on the drive to where we were headed to locate some elk. After glassing for awhile and Hal kept switching his spotters and binos he located some elk, one was a lot larger than the others on different hill sides feeding. The first one was a big Bull which looked like it could be an 8x8 but was quite a ways over. But it was doable the closer we could get. So off the top of the hill we went towards the bottom and then over to the other hillside and up. Got to the top and dropped over the back side to get a bit closer?.now it is only 608 yards by his rangefinder. Got all set up, comfy on the ground and able to see him in the timber. He was bedded down and not moving much. Hal said we will wait him out but if he gets up be ready as he will head into the timber fast. No more said that and that Bull, which was looking at about a 370-380 bull, stood so fast and turned and disappeared into the timber/brush. So goes the first morning. Later that afternoon we tried another spot but nothing big located.

Day two, this morning back to the same old routine up at 0300 with no help from the Motel but we got up in time. Off we go to the same general area again and glassed for an hour or so and then located a few decent bulls and tried to get close, but they were gone by the time we got in a decent range to shoot. Went and had lunch with some others from the same Outfitter and chit-chat for awhile. Later that afternoon, we drove to a different spot and glassed but nothing worth that the time to stalk to get closer and called it a day. My buddy Bob, Hal the guide and I had a great time kidding, talking hunting and telling ?lies? each day and that made it even more enjoyable for the hunt. That night back at Motel I got a call from Hal asking if it would be ok if his 9 yr. old son could tag along. I said it was fine by me and hoped his son was good at finding some bigger bulls than his dad?.LOL

Getting fed up with motel and inoperable clock/radio I spent awhile seeing if I could set a ?wake up alarm? on my ?smart phone?. After some time that evening I was finally able to figure it out and set it for the usual 0300 hours. Had a shot of Crown and went to sleep.

Sure enough right at 0300 the phone was waking us up and the start of day 3. Hal and his son Chad came to the door and when I looked out the boy was still trying to zip up his Sitka jacket but he got it and then we left. Back out to the same location as before and glassing till Hal and Bob both spotted a couple of Bulls off in the mountains a mile or better. But they left the area and went farther away to the north over a pass, what a bummer and 2 good bulls in that bowl over there. Kept glassing in other locations from this advantage spot on top of mountain and then Hal got a call to meet 3 other guys in a different location that were taking a break to have lunch. So we left and met up with the other ?hunter? and his guide and their spotter/retriever who has a ATV in the back of his PU if he is needed.
Met Chris the hunter, a nice guy from LV along with his guide Mike and spotter Juan. Chris looked somewhat like someone else I know on MM?.he has a few alias names but most know him as Cupsy and lately as ZIGGER. JB and Chris are both 5?-18? and could pass for brothers. Anyway after we had lunch each group left in different directions and we went back to Mount High Top again. Hal found another bull and a nice big one but he was about a mile or so away and high up on another mountain hillside. It was almost 2 pm and said to me, ?you want to give it a shot and see if we can get closer for a shot. When I asked Hal how we were going to get over there closer his remarks were we will go back down by PU and walk in between two hills and then climb straight up and over then down and then across the bottom and back to the top of that other hill and dropped down over the backside and pick out a spot the set up. I kept looking at the distance and 3 climbs or about that and pondered for a bit. After Hal asked if I could do it before it got dark? Dark was at close to 5pm and I was truthful and said I don't think I can this late in afternoon. Hal was not upset and said it was my decision and he was fine with my idea of coming back the next morning.

So the next morning at 0300 again my smart phone woke Bob & I up and Hal and once again his son Chad picked us up and off we went. This Sat. morning was COLD AND WINDY on top of that mountain but glassing continued till Hal and Bob then seen the same bull and I looked through the 80mm spotter and saw the bull feeding on a hillside. He was still a long ways away and so Hal said we would drive off this hill and go to another location and walk in and then up hill and then down over the backside and should have a good place to get shots at the bull. We were all glad to leave that windy hilltop and go lower. Did not take long to get to the place he wanted to leave the PU and start walking. Climbed up the hillside and back down over the backside and found a good spot to set up for the shooting.
As we were getting ready, Hal came over and took one of his tripods and removed the spotter and put a ?CLAW? attachment on it. I remember when they came out but was the first time I had actually seen one to use. Got my stock clamped into it and positioned myself on the ground and found the bull in no time. The bull was bedded down and so we waited him out. Hal and Bob had his range at 450-460 yards?.a hell of a lot better than 608 yards like Day One would have been. I was never told to practice shooting during the summer months at 500 YARDS. Hell, I don't have anyplace around our area that can shoot that far. But I was 2? high at 100 yd so knew about where it would be at 500.
We sat and watched the bull and all I could see was his left antler and every once in awhile his right brow tine and barely could see his back in the brush. But all I needed was for him to rise and give me a good profile. It seemed like for ever but he did get up and all I could see was his ?Texas heart shot zone?. I waited till he turned to the right and fired the 180gr Federal Trophy Copper bullet from my 300 Weatherby Mag. Then I hear Hal and Bob saying, Brian is was low and to the right. I had already bolted another round in and aimed again higher and again Hal & Bob are saying still low?SHOOT HIGHER. The bull is not running just walking and details later will tell you why. So put another round and last in chamber and raised even higher almost to about ? of the height of his rack and fired. At the recoil I was able to see the bull sort of lunge up and then he fell forward. I watched as I was getting a couple of rounds out of pocket but he never moved and that is when Hal, Bob and Chad were yelling and slapping my back and saying he is down for the count. I sat there dumbfounded and feeling better that this part was over. Then I said to them, will you guys help me up as my knee is sore and no way I can get up with out your help. They laughed and started to walk away and then turned and said, ? say, pretty please?. We all laughed and all 3 of them grabbed me by the underarms and back of jacket and lifted me up. This whole hunt I was bothered with a very sore left knee I twisted back in Aug. along with lower back problems for years but I stuck it out but the night before I almost gave up till Bob told me I could do it and said I know you old fart and you can do it. Nice guy talking to his elders that way?LOL
We climbed down the rest of the hillside after gathering up our equipment and got to the bottom and walked across and started climbing uphill to find my bull. All this time I am climbing I am wondering if he had gotten up and left while we were walking to his spot. Hal and Chad were sitting up there when Bob and I got to them and he said he has to be here somewhere. But then someone said look back up there and see if he is there. I had not walked more than 30 feet and spotted his rack and body. Took a lot of pictures with both my smart phone and then my digital camera. Then Hal used the chip from my camera and put it in his camera and took some group pictures too with self-timer.
Then the work began and Hal and Bob started the ?gutless method? on the bull while I took pictures with my camera. After it was all bagged and hanging from limbs around the area, Hal was able to reach someone and gave them the location where we were and needed some help getting the meat out and back to PU.
Hal put a hind quarter on a pack board and walked down hill and hung it in some trees. When he came back he started to load the other pack board and he told Bob and I to take the tripods, cameras and anything we could carry and head to the PU and when the help arrives, give them the direction to come and get the meat and head/cape.
About ? hour later when we got back to the PU we heard a vehicle coming and it was Juan w/ATV. He went to help Hal and Chad and it did not seem that long here comes Juan with all the meat sacks on his ATV.
Not far behind was Hal carrying my Bulls rack and cape on his pack frame. We talked a bit and then headed to town to the butchers and then the Outfitters house to leave the head/cape for him to skin out for me. Thomas is also a Taxidermist besides being the Owner of Timberline Outfitters.
The next morning we met Hal at the shop and he told me that Thomas told him that my Bull was an old Bull and guessed him to be around 15-16 years old. His front teeth in lower front were worn down to gum line. Only had one Ivory and that was on the right side and it was worn down too.
One thing for sure this Bull had a good hiding spot for many years and his rack was receding, getting smaller each year. Will find out in a day or two if the meat is tender or TUFF. If it is TUFF, I will be making a lot of Jerky this winter?..LOL

He has the mass and I can only wonder what he would have looked like during his prime and fully grown rack! I am happy and was able to enjoy this hunt with Timberline Outfitters and of course this hunt would not have happened with out Hal and his knowledge of the area and worked his tail off to make this hunt a success for me. His son Chad on the last 2 days of hunt was a treasure to watch and saw how he admired his dad and stayed right in there during those ?cold morning? glassing on Mount High Top. And last but not least, to my good friend Bob to talked to and gave me the push to not quit knowing my knee and thighs were burning from going down hills and climbing back up. Your next buddy and hope it is soon.

This bull will be mounted but still have not decided if he will be a shoulder or pedestal mount so it won't be done till next summer or so says the taxidermist I am using.

























Well about covers the hunt with detail and pictures. Now I can rest up this fall and take care of my knees and work at getting strength back in my right hand and mainly the trigger finger due to damaged nerves in right hand and forearm since August a year ago.

That was a great story and excellent pictures. I love it when a guy takes the time to write a story detailing the hunt.

Next time stay at a better motel with a alarm clock. Your not supposed to spend the whole night at the Green Lantern, that's a pay by the hour motel.LOL
Great bull and story. Maybe I missed it but why was your gun shooting so low and to the right?


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
Nice Job there kilo!

Is that an Older Weatherby?

I used to know of places worth Hiking in to for Elk & Deer!
Thanks to Illegal Bastards & the USFS not enforcing Rules you can Zing in to them Places on Wheelers now & not see a Damn thing!
But by GAWD it don't take long for them U-Tards to get there with all the Unethical BS and the New Technology!
Good hunt recap there Kilo!! Believe me, i know what it's like to not feel that good on a hunt. Now i can only hope i can still do at least as much as you did if i ever get another good tag. Wat to go!! Thanks and Congrats!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Excellent story and pictures. Congratulations on a nice bull. I know Thomas from Timberline and they do a great job. Once I finally draw a Nevada elk tag I will be giving him a call for sure.
That was the best posted story I've read so far this year, and great pics. Thanx and congrats on a great Bull. I think that bull would look awesome on a pedestal.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-24-13 AT 11:40AM (MST)[p]Thanks guys for the reply's and to answer a few questions.

mntman...not sure why other than maybe my elevation hold over or the fact that I have hardly any strength in my trigger finger due to damaged nerves in my right hand and forearm...don't know!
I had the trigger in between the 1st and 2nd knuckle in order to shoot...might be pulling not sure.

Bessy...Yes it is a German made Weatherby built for me back in 1968 when Weatherby had J.P. Sauer building the rifles. Why, you want to buy it??? RELH wants it too!

Foundation...Not sure if the Green Lantern is still open but there was a place in that area called VIP SPA....advertised as Best Body Shampoo....can only imagine what was involved there...LOL


I Don't wanna Buy it!

Nice to see a Weatherby Old enough to be Non-JAP!

That was kinda GUTLESS of you Guys!:D:D:D

Your Phone still been going off at 3 A.M.?:D

I used to know of places worth Hiking in to for Elk & Deer!
Thanks to Illegal Bastards & the USFS not enforcing Rules you can Zing in to them Places on Wheelers now & not see a Damn thing!
But by GAWD it don't take long for them U-Tards to get there with all the Unethical BS and the New Technology!
Brian, there may be something to what you say about the year of the old men. It seems we were in Vietnam about the same time, and you got a great bull this year. I too got a great bull after waiting years to draw and I'm 65. Congrats to you, and thanks for sharing your hunt.
WTF kilo? First i'd heard about you pulling that tag was a week ago, and if that aint enough your trying to sell off my rifle..

All kidding aside, great job!
Great report and photos, Kilo. Next time you draw a good tag, the next thing you do after talking to the outifitter is to go and buy a good alarm clock. How are those elk steaks?

Old guys rule!
Great story and a Great looking Bull.
Good Job Buddy.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Brian - congrats on a great hunt and great old bull. I think the story, the hunt, and the bull himself make for one of the greatest trophies I have ever seen! You truly understand all that is important about hunting and what really matters!

Great job - great story!

So - how is that meat? Tough?? If so, send a bag of that jerky down here Texas way! I will make sure it doesn't go to waste!

Proud of you and happy for you!


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

Congrats again on taking a great Nevada bull!

Like I told you, I know first hand how tough that country is and you overcame adversities and got a trophy and memories with a buddy....

Once again I want to thank all of you for the nice words and it means alot to me.

As for the meat, well the wife marinated two loin chops last night and cooked them this evening for me. Tough, HELL NO! I have been to restaurants and paid big bucks for a worst piece of meat. I think it will be just fine but with all the burger meat I will be making some jerky in my Dehyrator this winter. Jerky, some Crown Royal and a few friends should cape this whole season off just fine.

Congrats, Brian. That bull is about as old a bull as you'll find in the wild.

Can't wait til It's finally my turn to draw Nv elk. How many points did you have?

I have hunted deer with Thomas twice. He is a great guy and has great guides. Can't wait to hunt Nevada again. What a great state to hunt.
Brian.. Great story and a great bull congratulations! Glad to see your still at my friend.

Happy trails
Ridge Runner
"Now Pilgrim,you sure you can skin grizz"
REDDOG STATED: WTF kilo? First i'd heard about you pulling that tag was a week ago, and if that aint enough your trying to sell off my rifle.. are never around here so guess that is why you did not hear about the tag. For the rifle, RELH, then Bessy and you are in 3rd on the list...LOL

Ridge_Runner.....Gene, nice to hear from you and are you still in Maui or where? I see some of the fishing pictures every once and awhile on FB.

Thanks for the comments and to everyone, hope you have a great TURKEY DAY TODAY...enjoy!

Congratulations Brian. You did very well indeed! A good team effort. I like the way you took care of the meat. At our age we need to use our head instead of our back!

Good Job Brian!!!!

A nice bull is fitting for someone like you, who has contributed so much to this site over the years.
Nice bull Brian.
Congratulations, I was wondering how you did on this hunt. Carole just forwarded me your e-mail about this hunt yesterday.
Who did you choose to mount it?

I have a guy over south of Sacramento that is going to do it for me. Your wife sent me the picture of your camp up there in MT for the Moose hunt.....that was a LOT of SNOW.

Congratulations Brian on your Beautiful Bull.
Thanks for the write up and taking us along on your adventure.
It seems you had a great hunt with some great people,I am glad it all came together for you.
Congrats on an old bull.

My FIL was hunting with them in 111-114 and had a fun trip. He ended up shooting an old one at the end of season that didn't have any teeth left either.
Well I got a shocker phone call yesterday afternoon from the Taxidermist who is doing my Elk Pedestal......said it was done so hopefully this coming weekend IF NO RAIN, I will drive over there to pick it up and bring home.

As soon as I get it home, I will take some pictures and post them here. He had the hide since Nov 20th and took the rake back to him first part of DEC. Not bad for a turn-around on mount.

Nice bull Brian. I too was their at the same time has you with an elk tag in 121. I was hunting with Thomas. My bull was 7 years old and tuff has nails . All burger and sausage. Enjoyed your story very much. How many points you have? Me. 18. Get well and back in shape for your next hunt. Good luck
Don...check your PM box here on MM. Oh yea, the trigger finger is better this year, been shooting that damn 300 Wby getting ready for WY trip end of next month.

Brian[/IMG]'d I miss this thread last year. Great story Brian and great bull...and thanks for the great deal on that rifle. Best $300 I've ever spent. I'll take good care of it.


"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."
- H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
ZIGZAG....thanks for the comments and take care of the rifle too and don't sell it to you know who.

Very well done. Sounds like a fun trip.

Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE on Facebook! I need a friend....
Thanx for bumpin it back up kilo, it was before my time here. Good lookin old bull congrats! Great write up and pics. How bout a pic of that mount?

Took some doing but got it in my "room" and will stay there for some time, too much trouble to move it.


This the way I saw it at the Taxi's house the day I picked it up.

He did a nice job kilo. I like the base you guys picked, looks alot like the country you found him in. Congrats again!
Thanks for bringing it to the top Brian. It's a great write-up of a fantastic hunt. I can only hope for something similar!

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