ALONE. Survival


Very Active Member
My wife and I have been watching Alone on HULU. There are some tough people surviving extreme conditions, trapping, fishing, hunting. Anyone else watching? Learning some things that might help in extreme conditions.
Those guys are hardcore.
They are, mostly….. seems like they always invite one or two with issues that tap out quick.

I’ve read some old stories about women in early days of American settlers and how tough some women were. While I don’t remember that any woman have won an Alone event yet some of those gals are damn tough, mentally and physically. On average, there not quitters, a lot of them are forced to leave by the medical staff, if were left up to them, they would have stayed, even knowing there could well be irreversible damage to their internal organs.

The mental issues and accidents seem to take as many down as physical failures.
Wife and I have watched most all of them except the most recent.

I've seen some new tips and tricks but I've also seen contestants make for pretty poor decisions and it cost them.

At least it's REAL survival and opposed to "Survivor" the show. That's just a game (some things are tough) and a popularity contest.


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