al-Qaida = al-Qaida in Iraq


Long Time Member
More on what I have been saying all along.
Enjoy this read cut and run quiters.

Fighting the "Real" Fight
Foolish myths about al-Qaida in Mesopotamia.
By Christopher Hitchens
Posted Monday, Aug. 13, 2007, at 12:02 PM ET

Over the past few months, I have been debating Roman Catholics who differ from their Eastern Orthodox brethren on the nature of the Trinity, Protestants who are willing to quarrel bitterly with one another about election and predestination, with Jews who cannot concur about a covenant with God, and with Muslims who harbor bitter disagreements over the discrepant interpretations of the Quran. Arcane as these disputes may seem, and much as I relish seeing the faithful fight among themselves, the believers are models of lucidity when compared to the hair-splitting secularists who cannot accept that al-Qaida in Mesopotamia is a branch of al-Qaida itself.

Objections to this self-evident fact take one of two forms. It is argued, first, that there was no such organization before the coalition intervention in Iraq. It is argued, second, that the character of the gang itself is somewhat autonomous from, and even independent of, the original group proclaimed by Osama Bin Laden. These objections sometimes, but not always, amount to the suggestion that the "real" fight against al-Qaida is, or should be, not in Iraq but in Afghanistan. (I say "not always," because many of those who argue the difference are openly hostile to the presence of NATO forces in Afghanistan as well as to the presence of coalition soldiers in Iraq.)

The facts as we have them are not at all friendly to this view of the situation, whether it be the "hard" view that al-Qaida terrorism is a "resistance" to Western imperialism or the "soft" view that we have only created the monster in Iraq by intervening there.

The founder of al-Qaida in Mesopotamia was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who we can now gratefully describe as "the late." The first thing to notice about him is that he was in Iraq before we were. The second thing to notice is that he fled to Iraq only because he, and many others like him, had been driven out of Afghanistan. Thus, by the logic of those who say that Afghanistan is the "real" war, he would have been better left as he was. Without the overthrow of the Taliban, he and his collaborators would not have moved to take advantage of the next failed/rogue state. I hope you can spot the simple error of reasoning that is involved in this belief. It also involves the defeatist suggestion?which was very salient in the opposition to the intervention in Afghanistan?that it's pointless to try to crush such people because "others will spring up in their place." Those who take this view should have the courage to stand by it and not invent a straw-man argument.

As it happens, we also know that Zarqawi?who probably considered himself a rival to Bin Laden as well as an ally?wrote from Iraq to Bin Laden and to his henchman Ayman al-Zawahiri and asked for the local "franchise" to call himself the leader of AQM. This dubious honor he was duly awarded. We further know that he authored a plan for the wrecking of the new Iraq: a simple strategy to incite civil murder between Sunni and Shiite Muslims. The incredible evil of this proposal, which involved the blowing up of holy places and the assassination of pilgrims, was endorsed from whatever filthy cave these deliberations are conducted in. As a matter of fact, we even know that Zawahiri and his boss once or twice counseled Zarqawi to hold it down a bit, especially on the video-butchery and the excessive zeal in the murder of Shiites. Thus, if there is any distinction to be made between the apple and the tree, it would involve saying that AQM is, if anything, even more virulent and sadistic and nihilistic than its parent body.

And this very observation leads to a second one, which has been well-reported and observed by journalists who are highly skeptical about the invasion. In provinces like Anbar, and in areas of Baghdad, even Sunni militants have turned away in disgust and fear from the AQM forces. It's not difficult to imagine why this is: Try imagining life for a day under the village rule of such depraved and fanatical elements.

To say that the attempt to Talibanize Iraq would not be happening at all if coalition forces were not present is to make two unsafe assumptions and one possibly suicidal one. The first assumption is that the vultures would never have gathered to feast on the decaying cadaver of the Saddamist state, a state that was in a process of implosion well before 2003. All our experience of countries like Somalia and Sudan, and indeed of Afghanistan, argues that such an assumption is idiotic. It is in the absence of international attention that such nightmarish abnormalities flourish. The second assumption is that the harder we fight them, the more such cancers metastasize. This appears to be contradicted by all the experience of Iraq. Fallujah or Baqubah might already have become the centers of an ultra-Taliban ministate, as they at one time threatened to do, whereas now not only have thousands of AQM goons been killed but local opinion appears to have shifted decisively against them and their methods.

The third assumption, deriving from the first two, would be that if coalition forces withdrew, the AQM gangsters would lose their raison d'?tre and have nothing left to fight for. I think I shall just leave that assumption lying where it belongs: on the damp floor of whatever asylum it is where foolish and wishful opinions find their eventual home.

If I am right about this, an enormous prize is within our reach. We can not only deny the clones of Bin Ladenism a military victory in Iraq, we can also discredit them in the process and in the eyes (and with the help) of a Muslim people who have seen them up close. We can do this, moreover, in a keystone state of the Arab world that guards a chokepoint?the Gulf?in the global economy. As with the case of Afghanistan?where several provinces are currently on a knife-edge between an elected government that at least tries for schools and vaccinations, and the forces of uttermost darkness that seek to negate such things?the struggle will take all our nerve and all our intelligence. But who can argue that it is not the same battle in both cases, and who dares to say that it is not worth fighting?
Another great posting. But I searched till I found something bad about Hitchens piece. He must learn you can't argue with drunks and morons.

So what? who cares if there's al Qaida in Iraq if they're everywhere else also? our own government says al Qaida is gaining numbers and strength around the world and you're hung up only on the ones in Iraq. no wonder Bin Laden got away, far right wingers can only look at one thing at a time and it's Iraq.Iraq,Iraq.

Bush is going to have to clean up this " Mess-opotamia " without his spin doctor Rove to help him out, feel good right wing slant stuff like this article are no substitute for the loss of Rove. this is like Jay Leno losing his writers and standing on stage with a dumb look on his face.

Rove skies, republicans wanting a chance at re election are pulling away, the feds are bailing out the economy, the debt is rising like a rocket and the Sunni walk out of the fragile Iraqi government. keep posting boys, Bush needs you more than ever.

Take all fall off and go hunting and relax. I think 202 is trying to give you a heart attack and it looks like it's working. By the way al-Qaida is fleeing the Big Island Hurricane in droves, what cowards. With the pull out of al-Qaida at least the sheep and goats can have a moment of piece.
I'm going to hear about this posting for sure.

I'll be fine, nobody takes 202 serious. keep an eye out for a 6 foot plus tall sick looking Arab carrying a dialisis machine, if he trys to get off the island grab him. you'll have accomplished more than this administation has against al Qaida. I love the rational that the bungled Iraq war did more to fight terror than killing the terrorist responsible for the terror that made us fight terrorism. way too good, we'll see if that shuck and jive will fly next fall in the elections. carry on guys, you make my day with your funnies.
"I'll be fine, nobody takes 202 serious". boy! does that sound like a perfect example of "The pot calling the kettle black".

I report you decide.
The difference between me and Dude, Overton, is I am optimistic while Dude is the far left pesimist. I have never, not once, read a positive post by Dude. It is always doom and gloom, the sky is falling and it is always George Bush's fault. He blames this man for every wrong on planet earth.

I could post on here that the sky is blue and Dude would come right behind me and tell me I am wrong that the sky is aqua color and not blue like it used to be before George Bush took office.

If it was not for me posting how well we are doing in this country I believe Dude would just shrivel up and die. I am all Dude has to live for. So I feel a moral responsability to keep my fellow hunter alive to complain another day.

Now on to the topic at hand. What this article is saying is alQuida was in Iraq before we invaded. The lefties have argued until blue in the face that there was no reason to go into Iraq and that alQuida had no ties to Iraq. Well this has been proven to be not true. They had definet ties to Iraq and to Sadam.
Now on to the topic at hand. What this article is saying is alQuida was in Iraq before we invaded. The lefties have argued until blue in the face that there was no reason to go into Iraq and that alQuida had no ties to Iraq. Well this has been proven to be not true. They had definet ties to Iraq and to Sadam.


nice posts 202

Looks like we agree on most of these matters at hand. I think through time and reason the moderates might be brought around. If not, I'll just be proven wrong, not the first time I assure you.
By the way there is an unconfirmed report that Bin Laden has asumed the idenity of a bleach blonde former 1st lady hailing from N.Y. state. Being the sneaky goat lover he is, he's trying an end run into the White House. His new moto will probably be votes not bombs or some other silly slogan sure to catch the lefts fancy.

Now 202, I am optimistic but not about your agenda. with the whithouse crumbling, the war soon to be in the withdraw mode, elections next fall, wheat at over $7 a bushel, harvest about over, and a late Kaibab tag in my pocket I'm almost giddy. your agenda is the only thing that brings me down, but you and your chronies misguided follies are enough to make even that entertaining. carry on, you're the one who's afraid of the rag headed boogie man and fanny bandits not me. I have bigger fish to fry than to be afraid all the time, life is good.
>the war soon to be in the withdraw mode>

Dude, you haven't been paying attention. Even your liberal elites are singing a different tune now. Withdrawl is not in thier most current talking points. I know its hard to follow zig-zag leaders (pun intended), but try a little harder to keep up on the talking points.
There won't be a complete withdrawl , it would look as if we were kicked out. most likely troop numbers will be greatly reduced and they'll be limited to only protecting certain targets. anyway you look at it the " stay the coarse " war will soon be ending. the Iraqis have had plenty of time to get their act together, times up. with our elections coming next year and some republicans want a shot at re election, judgement day is coming, even Rove knows when to jump ship.

On a brighter note where do you farm wheat? My greatgrand dad tried wheat but went back to cotton. Also your hunt is it 12A east, west or 12b? I have a somewhat funny story about 12A east late. My brother drew it in 1992 and was the only hunter that acually hunted and that did not take a buck. One or two others drew but did not hunt. I really shouldn't say funny because he fell and dislocated his shoulder and broke his scope mount in one single stoke of misfortune. He hunted anyway using trees for rests and shooting with one arm. He missed a couple of real smokers and wrote it off to the shoulder. Found the broken mount when he arrived back home empty handed.

I've been a little busy but it appears our mad cut and paster has been at it again. Low and behold he pulls Hitchens, a once hated man by republicans for writing "The Stupidity of Ronald Reagan". I guess 202 forgot about that....

So let's see what my favorite scotch sloshing wordsmith has put on paper today. Oh yes, the unabridged Al Queda=Al Queda in Iraq story. Hmmm, so Zarquawi arrives in Iraq 2 months before the invasion in hopes to make a name for himself. Why Iraq? Zarquawi wants to be known as a Martyr, Osama wouldn't piss on Sadam if he were on fire, as far as Osama is concerned to hell with the Iraqis. So Osama gives Zarquawi the nod, unlike Osama, Zarquawi is no hero of the people but a media whore kinda like Gloria Allred.

He arrives in Iraq due to a poor battle strategy in Tora Bora, an escapee just like Bin Laden and Al Zawaheri, of course no mention of, or any insight about that by Hitchens.

Zarquawi takes his orders from Osama who is a little pissed off with video-taped beheadings. So if Zarquawi takes his orders from Osama, it would appear that Osama is still running the show.
Contradiction??? Hmmmmm

Hitchens is great I love how he speaks about ambiguous assumptions. Like Rumsfeld he throws it out there, then answers it right afterwards. Because as we all know, we are just the simple minded readers, barely able to keep our drool cups from spilling.

He obviously dumbed this piece down due to his unusual extensive use of simple words. He goes on to mention how the local populace has turned on AIQ. Big deal we already know this, but Hitchens does not see this as a turning point, instead he sees this as a rallying cry to continue to stay the course. Note how he never mentions the current inept government in Iraq, but does mention Afghanistan's government.

He concludes on an idiotic point regarding the future of A.I.Q. should we withdrawal with a splash of attempting to justify the war in Iraq. A.I.Q. will partially disband when we leave Iraq, some will rejoin Osama, some will join other jihadist groups. Outside of that when we leave it will be open season by both shiite and sunnis on A.I.Q. believe it.

When the Marines attacked Baghdad from the east their first confrontations were with groups of Syrian fighters. Syrians, not Zarquawi's Al Queda in Iraq. Why? Because according to statements by captured A.I.Q. members, Zarquawi had only been in Iraq for 2 months prior to the invasion. When all the chest pounding was taking place at the U.N., Zarquawi could see that this was going to be his opportunity for martyrdom. Even Hitchens makes a passing attempt to point this fact out.

In typical Hitchens style he departs the reader in his signature sanctimonious challenge. I dare say that it is not the same battle, and I dare say that given the current fractionalized government structure of Iraq, the love-loss of A.I.Q., and the toll in lives and finances, Iraq is not worth fighting for.

So no A.I.Q. does not equal Osama Bin Laden, but nice try...what do you say to another scotch Chris? Hitchens makes contradictions, 202 makes you think that maybe Hitchens=202??????

202, you really need to sit back and read line for line what you cut and paste. Critique it so to speak and most importantly look for the contradictions, Hitchens is a turd, he's just a well-spoken turd.
Hey genius I could give two terds who wrote the piece. So your psycho babel and personal attacks mean little to me. You think you are oh so clever with your psychopathic rants but believe me my friend when I say this. PLEASE PUT DOWN THE CRACK PIPE.

I happen to be on the side of victory and I along with many others already new the truth to alQuida in Iraq and it is nice to see it in print for the lefty lamebrains to read and lose their minds over and go off into psychopathic rant and attacks so typical of a friggin liberal nut job.
" Now 202, I am optimistic but not about your agenda. with the whithouse crumbling, the war soon to be in the withdraw mode, elections next fall, wheat at over $7 a bushel, harvest about over, and a late Kaibab tag in my pocket I'm almost giddy. your agenda is the only thing that brings me down, but you and your chronies misguided follies are enough to make even that entertaining. carry on, you're the one who's afraid of the rag headed boogie man and fanny bandits not me. I have bigger fish to fry than to be afraid all the time, life is good."

Dude even when you attempt to be positive your negative. Almost giddy, why can't you just be giddy? I mean come on employment is down, way down, economy is pumpin along except for housing market and the surge is working. Whats not to be giddy about?

I have no fear of fanny bandits LMAO what ever gave you that idea? I do believe they are disgusting individuals however.

Not affraid of rag head boogey man either however I am concerned about the spread of islamic facisim. Every athiest, christian, and Jew should be as well. Read a little history and watch what is going on today and it will become clear to you as well Dude. Prepare your self and your family.

$7.00 a bushel................must be Bush's fault
Petreaus said today our force in Iraq " Must be a good bit smaller by this time next year " and " the troop surge can't last for long we all know that " we also had the worst bombings in some time with over 250 dead and more dead Americans today . if you don't like my cut of the jib then listen to Petreaus, he's saying the same thing only in right wing friendly fashion.

Overton, I farm and ranch my 3rd generation ranch in central Oregon. wheat is off the hook this year and pushing everything else up with it, ag looks as if there's hope again. the real estate market has fallen soft ( com'on Californians ) and the cattle market I'm worried about because of feed cost, but what the hey, all in all it's great.

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