Active Duty Soldier Suicides


Long Time Member
Does anyone else find it disturbing that we have a record number of active duty suicides? Apparently there have 101 suicides along with another 900 attempted suicides.
Come on D13 this shouldn't be political. These soldiers are not much older than kids. I have 2 nieces in the navy, 1 in the Persian Gulf and the other in a former East Block Country. They did join to serve no doubt about it. Don't take this wrong, I'm not an anti, just a worried uncle.

Suicide is a very unfortunate incident that occurs in combat theaters or other high stress situations. I would be interested in how many of those suicides or attempted suicides took place as the result of receiving a "Dear John" letter from back home or the wife informing her military husband that she is divorcing him while he is still overseas.
I know from experience in the military that a very high rate of suicides, or attempted ones was the result of a family crisis or Dear John letter from the girlfriend or wife. Yea I know, Bush did it again.


I am being nonpolitical. I will bet that the suicide rate is no higher than the general population in age group with similar stressful occupations and living conditions. It'smost likely a nonstory.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-07 AT 08:14AM (MST)[p]d13r, some days you really amaze me with your wisdom . . .

"similar stressful occupations and living conditions" ahh, no kidding. . . . THIS IS A WAR FELLA.

And where would "similar stressful occupations and living conditions" be? in a war maybe, ahhhhhhh, hello, FTW is talking about the war, and what the war has caused, not some depressed neighborhood. Heck the number he states likely does not even consider the other 120,000 civilians fighters and their families.

Man are you disconnected from the real world. . . get a grip d13, or better yet, sign up and head over and then come back, if you make it, and give us a real mans report from the front lines. . .

God bless you my friend. . . God bless you. . .
LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-07 AT 12:03PM (MST)[p]while working in the shop, this topic of the military suicides came up on the radio news broadcast. According to a investigation into the suicides, up to 80% of them did involve a crisis of the service person getting notication of a breakup with a wife or girlfriend. Times do not change. Hopefully the other half at home will learn to keep the bad news until the serviceman returns home to drop the bombshell on him. Hopefully he does not "nut up" and shoot her.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-19-07 AT 08:15PM (MST)[p]TFinal,

The suicides are much less caused by war than anything else. Stats show that less than 25% of suicides in the Marines were by Marines who served in combat. Now get this quote taken from the Washington Post, your own liberal media.

"Indeed, about 70 percent of Marine suicides over the past four years have been caused by problems in personal relationships, which can be exacerbated by heavy workloads, said Cmdr. Thomas Gaskin, a behavioral health specialist for the Corps' Personal and Family Readiness Division at Quantico. "That is the single biggest stressor," he said."

Now throw in the fact that many more young teenagers are married in the military than every before, and I can understand the rise. The guys these days and the young ladies they are marrying are much less mature and have little will power in dealing with something like their wife of 1 year leaving them at age 19 than a wife of 1 year leaving you at age 25 like it used to be.

Huntindude your off course again. no surprise.

Now while I agree the number has risen, only a few of the more recent are due to combat. We are at a high over recent years. I know of a Marine officer who committed suicide just 500 meters from me in Iraq. Had nothing to do with the war. It was his wife leaving him that caused it.
About half of the married soldiers in my unit got divorced during or shortly after our deployment. Sad deal but no surprise in todays self gratification society.

RELH and Huntfx4 beat me to it. I agree with what they said.

Yes it bothers me I am very concerned as I have family serving there right now. I think any spouce that would right a dear John letter to an active duty solder is a no good piece of.....................well you get the idea!!!!
Let me tell you if you haven't been there you will never understand it.
Combat troops are all on the same page as far as their job in country is concerned but their families life has to go on back home, same problems, personal and financial with e-mail their wife can keep in contact with them and some young wives or girlfriends can't handle the 7 to 15 month seperation. Things happen at home and the soldier is deployed and cant just go home and sit down with her. Belive me I have seen somethings happen to families of deployed soldiers that I never thought would happen it can cause a ton of stress on a soldier. Another thing is these people are usually pretty young and see their nonmilitary friends liveing a very different life while their husband is gone for a year. Your highly trained to deal with combat and killing but don't get much training on how to live without the only women you have ever loved when she up and leaves you.
D13 is correct, you didnt see the other side to the story that the percent is still lower then the nation average which is somewhere just under 30 percent. I am currently active duty and been to the fun place called Iraq i was with the intital invasion, i remember people getting dear johns and replying my girl would never do that....guess what it happened when i came back and it wasnt any easier in the states. Your right that it isnt easy to loose someone you thought was your one and only but guess what there are thousands of others out there. Yeah getting shot at sucks when your in war, but college students have just as much stress. Also you would be amazed to see how someone cant handle stress that may be small to you or me, where they think that suicide is the only way out. Anyways i know how easy it is to criticize people on here for what may seem different, but that is what our nation and all that defend it fight for remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice that wont ever be able to argue their point, or even go after that big buck or bull.....have a good day all

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