A real thread about 2012 deer season..


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-10 AT 08:15PM (MST)[p]This isn't a nother stupid proposal... why is everyone attacking everyone saying its the rifle guys fault? or the bow hunters get too long to hunt? none of that affects our deer heard but only a small amount. if you closed the deer season for 2 years or for 10 years there wouldn't be many more deer, bigger deer but not many more. altering seasons does nothing

its mostly in habitat management.
our deer dont have enough feed and poor fawning areas.
for example look at the bountiful problem... they are going to kill 3000 deer because some idiot took the deers feed away so they could have a big house on the hill.
We need wet years so we get sage brush growth so the deer have winter feed.

our fawning areas are over loaded with predators.
maybe we should practice kill a coyote save a deer.

where is the mule deer foundation on all this?

kinda sad when a kid sees it better then the DNR lol
I only know the conditions in my neck of the woods, but often hear complaints of the size of the deer herd. I think there are a lot of variables, but I do believe the winter range is key in Western Wyoming. The quality of forage is poor at best. Years ago the sage had a protein content in the mid to high teens. Now about 10% is about as good as it gets. Summer range could support an enormous herd around here, but a good portion would likely starve in the winter.

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