A question to my Wyoming neighbors.


Active Member
What are your thoughts on Liz Cheney? After what I saw today, I can’t imagine her being re-elected as a Republican. Is there any way that conservative WY sends her back to Washington? I really would like to know what WY thinks. If your not from WY, I don’t care what you think.
You do realize that nonresidents can still donate to the campaign of the right candidate for WY, right...?
She didn't stand up for wyoming voters wanted. She turned on us.. several people are going to run against her. Now to find the right candidate to replace her when the time comes.
Yeah well , look who they have throw out to oppose her.
Trump is not running she is. Her name unfortunately has recognition with the older voters in Wyoming.
I don't know much about Chuck Gray but Mr Bouchard would not get my vote.
It will be interesting for sure.
The problem is she is beginning to seem more and more like a RINO and getting closer to the likes of dear old Mitt, who is a RINO.
According to the polls she is 3X more liked by the Dems than R's
Never met a war she didn't want to send your kids off to fight
No thanks
So you believe the Dems have taken control of the election process in WY? Are you a WY resident?
Understand, democrats from other states will fund her re-election campaign. When she out spends her opponents in the Primaries and wins the nomination, you will understand that non-resident opinions do matter...

I say this because dems in NM are too poor to contribute, yet the dem candidates always seem to outspend the GOP candidate and win the senate seats.
Not likely, she sunk her career by showing a small amount of integrity.
If she had any integrity she would have purchased a nonresident fishing license, instead of a resident fishing license when she moved back to Wyoming. When she purchased the resident license she was a nonresident according to Wyoming statutes.

Kind of a funny side note; Old Harry Reid of Nevada had a serious challenger so his campaign spent very heavily promoting a much weaker candidate in the primary and the "weaky" won and Reid then won in the general..Ah politics..a total bunch of BS. Merle Haggard had it right !
Most of the older folks that I know pay close attention to politics and voting record. The younger crowd can name you the latest hit song, but do not ask them who is their governor or why they voted for him or her.
So...just the old folks are too dumb to do any research or watch the news? Please....
Not what I said at all. Just based on the fact that our older aged voters turn out in greater numbers. They make up over 50% of the voting population. Please....
On one thread we are told that Wyoming ain't like Utah. Now on this one I read from the same folks, that money and name recognition win races.

Perhaps Wyoming is just like Utah, a few just can't see?
I don't understand her game. If she gets committee assignments pulled, her military industry backers lose their investment.

She can't switch parties, their is no power in that.

CNN /MSNBC might give her a job, bit that would only last through midterms.

I'm sure she'll win. $$$ generally talks, just don't tell the dudes who believe they have the power in Wyoming.?
On one thread we are told that Wyoming ain't like Utah. Now on this one I read from the same folks, that money and name recognition win races.

Perhaps Wyoming is just like Utah, a few just can't see?
I don't understand her game. If she gets committee assignments pulled, her military industry backers lose their investment.

She can't switch parties, their is no power in that.

CNN /MSNBC might give her a job, bit that would only last through midterms.

I'm sure she'll win. $$$ generally talks, just don't tell the dudes who believe they have the power in Wyoming.?
I know drywaller’s lack a lot of brain cells but you take it to another level.
I have serious doubts she will run. She's not dumb, just self righteous and certainly not a person with Wyoming values. She's a full-fledged carpetbagger and just came to WY like Hillary went to New York, with connections, name recognition and bags of $$ to win an election.

I think she might have her sights set for something else because she sure hasn't stopped "stirring the pot" with her comments or slowed down raising money.

I've never voted for her and never will. I'll write in a rancher friend or someone else, but I won't vote for her. Hope we get a good person in the primary, but I am uncertain so far. And she can likely win the primary just because of the number of candidates and her funding advantage.

But I just don't see where she goes if she wins. Wyoming folks don't like her, she's lost all hope of leadership roles in the House, so maybe she has other ideas and will go another route. She sure doesn't need that congressional salary to ensure she has food on the table.
I have serious doubts she will run. She's not dumb, just self righteous and certainly not a person with Wyoming values. She's a full-fledged carpetbagger and just came to WY like Hillary went to New York, with connections, name recognition and bags of $$ to win an election.

I think she might have her sights set for something else because she sure hasn't stopped "stirring the pot" with her comments or slowed down raising money.

I've never voted for her and never will. I'll write in a rancher friend or someone else, but I won't vote for her. Hope we get a good person in the primary, but I am uncertain so far. And she can likely win the primary just because of the number of candidates and her funding advantage.

But I just don't see where she goes if she wins. Wyoming folks don't like her, she's lost all hope of leadership roles in the House, so maybe she has other ideas and will go another route. She sure doesn't need that congressional salary to ensure she has food on the table.
I sure hope you are right sir.

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