


I wanted to know is there another rifle that can shoot farther and be more accurate than a .50BMG cause i always wanted one that could shoot like 2000 yards and take down a coyote.
A coyote! 2000 yards! And what are you going to use for a scope? The one your dad uses to look at jupiter with. lol
Yeah thats right if u dont like it then f off just cause you cant shoot that far doesnt meen u have to whine about it on.....
EDM makes a 408CheyTac, (Cheyenne Tactical), that shoots a 419gr solid copper bullet at over 3000fps. The bullet stays ultrasonic past 2200 yards. I have shot one of these out to a mile and it does an incredible job of it too. It's hard to find the right condition to pull it off but on a day with little or no mirage it's capable of some very long shots.
Another one to look into is a 338Edge. Defensive Edge, (Shaun Carlock) out of northern Idaho built mine. Check out his website and look at the canyon rifle. Not a bad price compared to the 408 at $10,000.
Kirby Allen makes a 338AllenMag which is a 408CheyTac necked down to 338 caliber. It's a screamer!
There's other guns that are capable of ranges that your after but these are the only ones I'm familiar with.
Here's a question for you, are YOU capable of shooting that far? Do you know how to take spindrift, elevation, humidity, bullet BC, velocity, full/half/quarter-value wind and other facters and make a shot count? Are you a good enough shot period? Shooting that far is a whole new world to the average shooter.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
Sorry Lilhunter, but if you have to ask that question you aren't qualified to be shooting at that distance. If you had spent anytime playing the game you would know what can and can't perform such a feat. That is a mile and an eighth. Go spend some time at a long range match to see what it takes to make a shot half that distance, 1000 yards.

To shoot accurately at that range requires utmost consistancy in all things, even temperature of your ammo. Many competitors keep their cartridges in ammo heaters on the line. How consistent can you be in the field on doggies? Remember all that crap you watch on T.V. about long distance shooting has been edited and you are only watching the highlights, not the phuckups.

My Spidy senses tell me you may be a troll just trying to stir chit up.
Longbow, you forgot to include corealis (sp?) effect as another factor to consider. If he doesn't know what rifles are out there, and understand things like corealis, then he has no business being anything other than a troll.
You're right CAelknuts, coriolis does effect your bullet. Here's one thing I don't understand about coriolis, if I'm shooting north to south the coriolis effect is the same as shooting east to west. At least that's what some of the ExBal-type programs say. Can anybody clear that one up for me? DeadIbob, you seem well-versed on this kind of stuff. What do you know about it?

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
Set the hook! they took the bait.......


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
yes i do know what it takes to shoot that far and i was just askin so i didnt have to do all the effing research on the different guns cause there r alot tht can. I wouldnt go out the first day that i got the gun and shoot 2000 yrds i would practice with shorter shots and work my way up. Im pretty sure i wouldnt have to shoot a coyote at 2000 yrds but if he was out that far it would be nice to perform the shot

Thanks for the info on the guns. much appreciated
personally I like the 22-TREX for county to county shots...but if they are under 1999 yards it can be overkill and so easy it becomes boring...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-09 AT 05:10PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-09 AT 05:09?PM (MST)
Does anyone know what would be the most effective set up to take ground squirrels at say 3,500 yards? Don't get me wrong I can hit them but it seems more often than not they are wounded and I have to follow a mini blood trail to find them. I usually use iron sites to avoid having to calculate variance in optics at that range.

The "Coreolis effect" or "Coreolis drift" has to do with the rotational movement of the earth during the bullets flight path. Think "time of flight". The longer the bullet is in the air, the more time the earth has to rotate. Thus affecting where the target/bullet is, compared to where it was.

The Coreolis effect is different depending where on earth you are and which direction you are shooting. If you are shooting with the direction of rotation the effect will be less. If you are at the equator the effect will be less. If you are shooting at the north/south poles the effect will be greater.

That being said: I'm not a scientist or a mathematician. I like to keep things simple. I like to shoot at distances. But I respect the idea of a clean kill so at 1,000 yards I may shoot targets or bust rocks but not game. I'll leave that for the ego trippers and wanna be snipers. Why? because at 1,000 yards the variables are so great that even the greatest shooters in the world can and do miss by 3 feet under ideal situations.

What's a consistant kill zone on a 'yote, 6-8". Good luck lilhunter. Maybe one day you'll grow up and change your name to ethicalhunter.
Yes 1911, there is a gun that will do what you want. It's brand new and it's called the .17 lilhunterAI. It's a 50 caliber necked down to .177 with an Ackley Improved shoulder. It doesn't use powder though. You just fill the case with testosterone and seat the bullet. I just invented it and I named it after lilhunter. Cool huh?

I'm just ribbin' ya lilhunter.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-09 AT 05:49PM (MST)[p]lilhunter,

EEEAAASSSYY man just havin' some fun. Props to you if you can do it. Tell ya what, when you're ready to try it, PLEASE contact me so I can watch! I'll give you 20 to 1 odds (twenty of my dollars to 1 of yours) and if you can connect at that range then that show will be worth the money to me cause you're right, there's no way in hell I could pull that off! By the way as for your origional question, look at the .416 Jarret (I think that's the caliber-I know it's a Jarret made rifle)
i know im not takin it personal, i knew i would get crapp for askin that question but i just wanted to know and its funny to see what people would say like yours Longbow6360. I like the sound of that gun.
deadibob, I understand what your saying about coriolis and the rotation of the earth but I don't think I explained myself very well. If your shooting east to west your shooting into the rotation of the earth. If your shooting north and south your shooting 90 deg to the earths rotation. None of the programs I've used have any entry for a compass bearing of the shot your taking. I was told it didn't matter what direction you shooting. I don't buy that. This was explained to me many years ago but I can't remember how he explained it. I'm going to call my son-in-law in the airforce and ask him. He shoots the big big stuff.

I bet lilhunter's head is spinning right about now.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
I've got a picture of me putting the 408CheyTac to use on some long range stuff out at Wendover airforce shooting range. You'll really like the looks of this gun. I'll send you a picture of it when I get to work tonight. You can post it if you want since I don't know how to.

Anyway, I've got to go to the pharmacy and get some testosterone to load up my .17lilhunter.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
Why you guys gotta be like that ? The kid obviously came here to learn. He asked a legitimate question and you have to bust his chops.

Never mind them lilhunter. What you want to get is a Phased Plasma Rifle in the 40 watt range.

I'd sell you mine but I'm off to the Helaspont Nebula they've got a LE Bordok season going on and lucky me drew out.
Longbow, the biggest effect would be shooting north-south or south-north. But I don't know how you would calculate it. For what I do, it's negligible. If I were shooting rockets it may matter. Find out what your son says and tell me.
D13er, LMAO!!!!!

By the way.....the coriolis effect no longer applies. Sept. 11, 2001 is the day the world stopped turning. I hear it said all the time.

If you can see a coyote, shoot at it. You might just hit it.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
sweet lookin bullet, man would that go out and touch somthin at more than 2000 yrds. lol
>Now, THAT is an overbore cartridge!

nonsense elknuts...testosterone burns...s...l...o...w...

of course I use a 97" barrel

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I've done a lot of yote hunting and have never even seen a coyote at 2000 yds with my naked eye. I guess if you were glassing for coyotes and spotted one from that far away he might stand still long enough to calculate the shot but the dogs I've glassed up have always been on the move.
yeah i know that they would be on the move at that far but it would be nice to pick him off at 1000-2000 yrds when he stood still long enough.lol
I called my son-in-law about the coriolis effect. He said most of the time he has forward observers that radio an azimuth to him. That I understand. They do take into account the coiolis effect since they're shooting miles but he has no idea how to calculate it himself. The computers do it for him.
He said you HAVE to know your latitude and dirction your shooting in order calculate coriolis.
OK so back to my question, why doesn't my programs ask for angle and latitude? He said "because your programs don't account for it, besides Pops, I've seen you shoot and you couldn't tell the difference". Some day I'm going to kick his butt.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"

The bullet is the pointy thing on the end of the case. The whole thing might be called a cartridge.

If you realy wont to go long you have to shoot big bullets with high B-C as fast as posable. My sons and I have done this for years. Saterday my youngest son shot his Antilope at 1104 yrds.
We shoot 338-300 ultra 225gr sst at 3150fps, 300 ultra 180gr B-Tip at 3430 fps or 7mm ultra 160gr Accubond 3465 fps. We do this all the time last year my middle son shot a 29" 4*5 at 978yrds. The longest shot was with a 338-300 ultra rock chuck at 1481 yrds. Thers no vodoo here just sound shooting teck.
If i wonted a 2000 yrd rifle I would have a rifle in 338-300 ultra or 338-378 wby. I would get a 1-9 twist barrel and shoot sierra 300gr match kings. I have owend and shot the ##### out of the 50 bmg. It just waighs to much to be an efective hunting rifle!!!
But if thats what you wont go with the 416 berrat it was develiped to go longer than the 50. More inportent than the gun is the spoting scope and lasser range finder!!! as far as scopes go a leupold 6.5-20 or 8.5-25 will go 2000 yrds no problem.
MY heavy long rang rifles have custom taper bbl. scoped and loaded thay whaigh in at 16 lbs.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-09 AT 03:10PM (MST)[p]Wackmaster, you need to set your bong down...there you go...now step back...slowly now....that's good....now go lay down and set your alarm clock for sober:00 oclock....there ya go...when you wake up repost your message.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
Wow beanman really u didnt know what i was talking about. I bet u had to ask someone what i meant huh idiot, well i can call it what ever i like. hahaha lol WOW!

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