5000 members


Does it count as 5000 when a couple hunnert of em might be oldoregon?

I think it was the gift exchange that tipped the scales. Everyone wants to feel loved you know.
Hey now! Take that back!

I don't even want to dignify that insult with a response. Do you realize what you just did to my self-esteem KF:)

To prove I am not OO, I will correct a bit of your grammar. An apostrophe (such as in "alias's") indicates possesion or a conjunction. You meant to use the plural form of the base work alias. I am not sure what the plural of "alias" is (perhaps aliai, aliases). I am all about good humor, but don't ruin my rep by indicating I am a OO alterego (or pseudonym, OO would NEVER use the word pseudonym!).

Jolly old smalls
I see this morning we're up to 5010. Man, OO must have been busy last night signing up all his friends. LOL!
Congratulations to Brian for building a great site. I'm sure getting over the 5000 mark is a big win for him, from a business perspective.

Lots of MM fans out there!!!



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