40 Incher ??


Active Member
I think this is the biggest buck I've ever seen. He jumped the road in front of my pickup and my buddy took the pic as he trotted away after the doe. We figured 33"-34" frame with 3-4" cheaters on each side, not to mention matching drops. I scanned this off of a ten year old print.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-07 AT 09:51PM (MST)[p]Maybe larger. Back view can be tricky. Still it does look 40".
Did you hunt him? Plus some how you left out the state.

a buddy of mine puts me in somewhere in eastern or. i hope its the same place and the genes are still there.,
Hey Mike, you aren't alone there at all on that statement. LOL
Also check it out, you broke the 1,000 mark, congrats.

I've often said that myself Longun/Kilowatt, but upon further review I know I'd just be kidding myself.
I think he spread plenty of genes. I never heard of anyone killing a buck like that from that area. But, we never saw him again either.

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