300 yard muzzy group


Very Active Member
I like testing loads/different combo's out of my Muzzy once in a while but I have been shooting this one for some time. With the option of only a one power scope here in Utah I didn't think this was too bad at 300 yards.


Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
Didn't say that, just thought it was pretty neat what kind of accuracy....or lack of can be obtained out of a muzzy with the right/wrong combinations. You could probably put a good scope on one with the bullet drops and be pretty accurate a lot further then that but it would probably bounce off a balloon!

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
+1 on not attempting a game shot at 300 yds with that Muzz. It's one thing shooting at a target that does not move but that smoke pole's slow velocity leaves to much chance of your game moving after hearing the shot and one only crippling an animal.

With that said... that is some great shooting all considered. I never actually heard of anyone shooting at that distance with a muzz let alone being able to shoot that group.

You could probably hit one just fine but there will be no foot pounds to kill it with. You could catch it bare handed at that distance....sarcastically speaking.
In the 1970's our ML Club had our annual shoot and I told the club I want to be in charge of one of the events. I set a target at 300 yards and would not tell the participants the range. The backdrop was a new 4 X 8 sheet of plywood. The target was a black painted spot about 18" diameter on the panel. After several shooters had finished, the only hole in the panel was at the bottom and that was from a shooter who bounced the bullet off of the ground to make it to the target. Only one other shooter made it to the panel. Most of the shooters were seasoned buckskinners.

These new-fangled guns are certainly not primitive weapons.

Good shooting though!
I am shooting a paper patched 460 gr 500 S&W bullet out of my Renegade. The muzzle speed is 1310 fps. The dia is .501 and the BC is .296 look at the FPE for your self's.
I have shot this load out to 300 yards target shooting. I have shot through one side of a 55 gal steel barrel and heavily dented the other side. I have no doubt that that load would take a deer out to 300 yards. My own personal ethics won't allow ME to do it. Ron
For those of you that think the new ML's won't kill a deer at 300 yards you need to take another look at the ballistics of these weapons. The old style ML's are primitive and probably good for 100-150 yards max but these new guns throw some serious lead and are damn accurate. If I got proficient with one of the TC Omega's or one of the other newer guns, I wouldn't hesitate to trip the trigger at 300 yards.

It's always an adventure!!!
10" group?


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Groups can be shrunk by practice and reworking powder/charge and bullet combos...the modern guns deffinately have the energy to kill out to 300 yards and beyond....buffalo were killed back in the day by the old sharps 45-70 (45 caliber bullet, 70 grains of powder) beyond 300 yards. Why wouldnt these modern muzzys be capable of that?
Sarcasm or not I want to watch Zigga catch a smoke pole ball with his bare hands at 300 yards. No really, I'd like to watch that unfold.
Wasn't there a famous Britsh Officer dropped off his horse at 300 paces back in the 1770's with a rifled flintlock??
That just wouldn't be enough to impress me 1911, maybe if he caught it with his teeth???


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
You guys are ridiculous. I killed a deer at 275 yards with one shot from the muzzy. Shoot Away Liecabucks. Don't listen to these fools eating tag soup.
Them boys on the long range shooting show were shooting muzzies out to 500 yrds accurately on one of their shows awhile back.
I have seen those shows. Look like nice guns. But where they where hunting with them they could use big scopes. Here in Utah a red dot or one power scope is all that we can use. So with a one power or a red dot, 200 yards is about all I can do to see a deer size target.With my old eyes anyway But I have taken a deer at 226 yards with my muzzle loader w/ a red dot. Thought that was about my limit. But I guess all thing considered. With my old patch and ball Hawkins rifle 125 yards was what we thought was about the longest range we could shoot . So I guess with time and these new modern muzzle loaders things change.
But I think these new guns that shoot out past 500 yards are useless out here in utah with out a big scope on them.
I have put many bullets through the 55 gal drum test with same or close to results as yours and absolutely agree with your statement.

I would not shoot an animal at that distance but I sure as hell will have fun shooting my ML's at that distance.
My actual muzzleloader range limit is 150 yds. Not a drop further for deer. I would never actually take a shot at 300 just like the original author said that he would never shoot that far. He was merely posting a great group that he shot at a rather good distance. It's annoying how you cannot do anything on this site without 10,000 people jumping on your back acting like they know everything. Especially when half of their blabbing is based on assumptions.
No worries elkun. Already hunt other states on a regular basis. I guess I should have clarified my statement. I would shoot a good buck out to 300 yards if I got profficient with the weapon AND (in Utah) if I could find a good buck!! I gues you don't have to worry about that do ya.

It's always an adventure!!!
Funny how the ethics police come out of the woodwork on a post about 300 yard muzzy shots.....


Lighten up the target doesn't know if it was shot at 100 or 300 or with a muzzy or .50 BMG. The OP was proud of a good group with the given equipment and you morons strt beating on him about shooting game at ethical ranges! Never ceases to amaze me how important some people feel they are.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
I have taken deer with those dang new fangled muzzleloaders out to 165 yds. and I don't care to go any farther. For me, closer equals more fun.
Just make sure you are thorough in tracking if the target runs off on you and don't shoot another target that year...

Nice shooting!
Your 300 yard muzzy group is tighter then most guys 100 yard group with a rifle! And those rifle guys then shoot 500 yards, so your good!
Holy snikies this one got outta hand fairly quick. Sorry fellas I have been on the mountain trying to find a respectable buck but maaaaan is it hot out there! For those who are curious, my setup is a White ultra mag(one made for sportsman's warehouse) with a one power Burris(with bullet drop reticle). Shooting 130 grains 777, a 209 primer with a 250 grain barns MZ Sabot. I just looked at the BC on these bullets and they couldn't carry much punch past 300 yards I wouldn't think.......I used to use the No Excuse bullets(wich have a very high BC)but I decided to try this particular load and seem to love how it works with my setup.

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
Catch this Sabot at 300 yds LOL Here your sign.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-11 AT 09:38PM (MST)[p]

Nice shooting liecabucks. When I shot BPCS I shot a .40-65 Sharps with open sights. The ram was a 24" target at 500 meters (~550 yds). The apex of the trajectory of the bullet was something like 18' above the line of sight. I have a .54 flint/percussion and shoot a 475 grain maxi over 110grns 2F. I fitted it with Remington Credmore sights and have it marked up out to 375 yds. You might be able to step out of the way if you knew it was comming, but you definatly wouldn't want to catch it.

As has been already observed, those are not practicle hunting distances. The bullets are cast lead and would not expand. With using a rear peep sight the way that light is gathered and comes through the peep will cause a deer to just disappear in low light at that distance. But if you were wearing a red uniforn with a white belt, that is a whole different story.

Longun, I believe the incident you are referring to was a shot made by Timothy Murphy who was a member of Daniel Morgen's Sharpshooters. Mr. Murphy had a double-barreled rifle which he used to kill British General Simon Frasier at a range of 300yds at the Battle of Bemis Heights near Saratoga, NY. He then shot and killed Sir Francis Clarke, an aide of General Burgoyne, who was attempting to deliver a message on the battlefield. I don't know if those guys and gals knew what kind of impact they would have in the future but they believed in it so strongly it was worth dying for. Never forget.

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