

Kiss it good by Laker lovers!! Kobe and the boyz really tore it up last night.

This is so sad it makes me giggle just a little...

For Lakers, things go from bad to worst

Anthony ready for end to 'MeloWatch' BOX SCORE

FOX Sports Ohio
Feb. 16, 2011

CLEVELAND ? In a season tainted by bad losses and chemistry issues, this one has to be at the top. And interestingly, we're coming to you live from Cleveland and not talking about the Cavaliers.

We?re talking about the two-time defending NBA champions. We?re talking about a team with Phil Jackson as its coach and Kobe Bryant as its superstar, a dream team that also features Pau Gasol, Andrew Bynum, Lamar Odom and Ron Artest.

We?re talking about the Lakers, who dropped a 104-99 decision Wednesday to the same Cavs they had previously beaten by 219 points. Actually, it was 55, but it sure felt like a whole lot more.

Now the Lakers head into the All-Star break having lost three straight. They seem angry, confused and considerably less formidable than at any other time during the Phil-and-Kobe era.

?They went on break before the game started,? Jackson said of his players, and you just knew that line was coming.

But a quick look at the numbers goes a long way in proving Jackson?s point:

* The Lakers committed 19 turnovers, never led by more than three points and trailed by as many as 12 with 2:30 left.

* Bryant scored just four points in the fourth quarter and 17 for the game. While Jackson insisted Kobe didn't try too hard to take over, he did force a lot of shots in an 8-for-24 night. That included a couple of bricks (and two air balls) that may have made the rim cringe with fear.

* Artest took all of one shot, missed it, and compiled zero rebounds in just less than 18 minutes. Artest has become the Lakers? Dennis Rodman, except Artest doesn't crash the boards nearly as much. And at least Michael Jordan was able to keep Rodman under control on those Jackson-coached Chicago teams. Kobe has been unable to do the same with Artest.

* Meanwhile, Bynum looked sluggish and almost aloof in shooting 2-for-12 and finishing with six points. All of this took place against Cavs centers J.J. Hickson and Ryan Hollins. Nice players, but we're not exactly talking Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain here.

It's no wonder Bryant took an extra long shower after the game, aiming to avoid reporters and the tough questions that were certain to come his way. After all, the only thing worse than losing in Orlando and Charlotte is to get outhustled by a downtrodden team in Cleveland.

Of course, it's not like anyone else can do a whole lot of explaining for what's happened to this organization.

?I got to look at the tape to analyze what happened,? Artest said.

?We just have to play hard, harder than what we are playing,? Bynum added.

As for Jackson and what he told the players afterward, well, it was more of the same. It was a whole lot of nothing.

?You know I did not say anything,? he said. ?I just talked about when they have to report (back to practice) Monday.?

Granted, the Lakers are in fact a veteran team that is still leading the Pacific Division with a record of 38-19. There is indeed a chance they are coasting and remain very confident.

A few years back the Lakers were storming through the playoffs, only to drop a game no one expected. ?We?re not bored anymore,? Bryant quipped at the time.

Perhaps these Lakers will soon feel the same. But if home losses to Milwaukee, Memphis and Indiana don't get the juices flowing, something like Wednesday night sure had better do the trick.

Because with 25 games left, it might be time for the Lakers to quit messing around and stop being so casual. This is no time to act like fat cats.

?We have to get back on Monday and get some work done,? Jackson said.

In Los Angeles, that's usually a line reserved for plastic surgery. But when it comes to the Lakers, this is gonna take more than just a tummy tuck and cheek implants.

It requires a whole new attitude, and anyone who saw the loss to Cleveland knows there's really no other way to explain it.

Follow Sam Amico on Twitter @SamAmicoFSO

Updated February 16, 2011


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Ha Ha I love it. There is way to many good teams playing awesome ball for them to win another title. I have a feeling the Lakers are soon to be a has been team
i hate the nba now. a bunch of over paid whinners, most of which just play for the playoffs. the regular season is almost worthless. i think they should remove about half of the playoff bids. that way these guys would play hard......
I don't really care about, or watch the NBA at all (or any professional sports for that matter.....). Between the three kids and a super busy job, I just find myself too busy to be interested. Don't have enough time to be a lover, or a hater of any team/sport.... ;)

Who's your favorite NBA team Roy?


I can't stand the nba or the lakers for that matter. But all you guys counting the lakers out are crazy. They are an older team. They will make the playoffs and make a strong push...They may not win it all but they WILL be right there in the end!

Traditional >>>------->
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-11 AT 07:02AM (MST)[p]I love it when people who don't understand basketball freak out of regular season losses, makes me laugh every time :)

7 games is all Kobe needs to put any good team away...he only needs 4 to put the Jazz away lol!!

YD...I do believe LA might be in some serious trouble this June though. LA is doing exactly what Boston did last season, they'll slide into the playoffs as a 3 seed and go into the Finals without homecourt advantage...going to be another great fight for a ring this year!! If LA is lucky they'll get Miami in the Finals :)

The lakers are in trouble. I dont remember the last time they lost like this. I would be surprised to see them make it to the finals. My money is on them losing the western conference finals. And once kobe is gone due to being to old which is already showing its over for them.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-11 AT 07:48AM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-11
>AT 07:02?AM (MST)

>I love it when people who
>don't understand basketball freak out
>of regular season losses, makes
>me laugh every time :)

I love it when people who THINK they know basketball circle the wagons around their hardwood heroes and cannot be objective enough to see that the triangle offense does not work when 1/3 of the triangle is not executing properly because they won't respond to proper coaching.

>7 games is all Kobe needs
>to put any good team
>away...he only needs 4 to
>put the Jazz away lol!!

Uhhh, it's not he Jazz you have to worry about... but it is a Western Conference team.

>YD...I do believe LA might be
>in some serious trouble this
>June though. LA is doing
>exactly what Boston did last
>season, they'll slide into the
>playoffs as a 3 seed
>and go into the Finals
>without homecourt advantage...going to be
>another great fight for a
>ring this year!! If LA
>is lucky they'll get Miami
>in the Finals :)

They won't get past San Antonio. If they don't find a way to get Bynum and Gasol to beat Tim Duncan and Tony Parker they won't even make it to Game 5, Kobe notwithstanding.

I am not a Spurs fan either - I do cheer for the Jazz but I am objective enough to see that they won't make it this year. But keep on dreaming Z! ;-)

Gotta yank your chain man!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, I appreciate you giving me sh1t lol!! But...not even coach Pop thinks the Spurs can matchup with LA in a 7 game series...said it himself not to long ago and that's what playoffs boil down to is matchups!!

LA's only major problem thus far has been their nonproducing pile of garbage bench...their overall team defense is minor as it's regular season and that can be fixed mentally any time the players decide to start defending.

You don't make 3 straight Finals appearances, win two of them, and then fall flat out of contention by getting rid of Sasha and Farmar...but keep dreamin!! ;-)

Spurs,Celtics,Miami,Dallas, Not of fan of any but are playin real good ball this year. All 3 will give LA a run for their money. It will be exciting to see how this years playoffs pan out.
Hey ~Z~
Where does the league's leading scorer the month of February and the leagues leading scoring offense fit into your equation?


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