3 AM--Online-M&M

Fast turn around as everything was good......that is always nice!


If ya are shooting perfect with your bow or your rifle.....would you go and put on a new site or scope?

I am going thru that desicion right now.....keep the ole reliable that is clock work.......or put on this new fancy gig and start from scratch getting every thing dialed in....

Bow, yes
Rifle, yes
I think either can be sighted in with not a-lot of problems. You have to look at what the upgrade or advantage is. You may want more or less pins, maybe somthing that is easier to adjust. With a rifle scope more power or better glass is always a plus.

Now if you would have asked about a Muzz I would say no, mine was a pain in the ass to sight in.
Your Bow isn't infected with a virus like your Puter was is it?
You've heard it many times PleaseDear,"If it ain't broke,Don't Frick with it"!
clean up??
aim it the other way...

Rob I just went through that last fall for the umpteenth time. I don't know! Figure it like a girl. Maybe install a muzzle break, or weight compensator. A makeover sometimes dose wonders however stay away from putting them on glass bedding!
The newer models sure look nice! If you can find one with out being all tweeked out! Stay away from the extreme heavy butt plate it kind of throws the counter balance off!! The new ones cost a whole heck of a lot more. Hope this helps.

I need to get my bow in for a tune-up and new string.

I have this fancy new single pin bow site.

I have to do some re-dial it in after the tune-up and new string anyways but with a new site ect....it can be a confidence challenging gig after the ole meat-n-taters confidence shooting is drastically challenge with 'new chit' to learn!

Where is all the snow this morning!!


Robb, just don't do what my uncle does EVERY year which is change his sights, poundage, arrows, ect...two weeks, and then again, two days before the hunt!! He always spends the first few days of the hunt re-sighting his bow in cuz he's missed some bucks lol!!


Lots of stars out there this morning.

Chilly---but it should be a beautiful day.

Hit the gym, then go for a good hike, check off a few errons,meet my dad and go over to my moms grave and spend some time there getting it ready for Mothers Day and then home and get the RV ready for the first trip of the year next week.

I have been doing a little when I can to de-winterize and clean and flush the 'pink' out and get the freaking 101 gallon water tank full.....ha

Yep---should be a beautiful day.

Regular work day for me.I am up early so I can have my coffee,read my paper, and still get ready for an early appointment.

Probably take the kids fishing this weekend.

Gotta remember to get Momma roses and call her Sunday.
>Oh boy,this could be trouble?
>RUGSTER is home alone,lol!

lol, Heading home from work in 30 minutes. Better look out !!! lol
Drove past the Berry Thursday Rug,
Looks like there's Elbow room but you might have to move around,the ice is shifting.
Sometimes ya ever feel you got a ton of chit done over the weekend but it went way to fast!

'Da Warden' got back from her 4 days down south turkey hunting late yesterday afternoon and we got all her chit unloaded and stuf like that.

Short week for me coming up as I leave Thursday for a hike and look-see on my LE bow bull tag and meeting up with a fellow that has a Ram tag over there too!

I better keep an eye out for any good Antelope bucks as a couple people drew that tag too.

Every weekend seems to fly by for me lately!! I think the people who work 4 10's are the smart ones lol...I can't complain to much though this is my first night back from a 4 day break!! I went up to the cabin and did a little shed hunting, sighted my Sure-Loc back in with my FMJ340's, watched my son play 3 baseball games, did the boobie walk/run thing Saturday morning, not a bad little break at all!! :) Next time I'll be setting up a bunch of trail cams...

Well...did 'Da Warden' kill anything down there Robb?? Hopefully she had some luck and none of that bad kind...


Nope--she never fired her shotgun.

1,325 miles on her truck as she does these wirlwind travel and hike new area's exploring and taking photo's.

Some how she ended up camping one night in the Dirty Devil sheep unit as she was after sheep photo's but got ewes/lambs real young Rams only....

She started down in Escalante on her first night out and ended up calling Chris on Sunday mid morning to go have brunch, coming out of Dushene but got his no voice mail message gig!

She had a great trip and I 'get' to sit and look at about 175 dig-photo's!

Don't know where the glitch is Robb?
Just checked my phone,no missed calls,doesn't show you've called,don't know what it is but these Cell phones are Junk!
Tell Ms PleaseDear good luck,you guys going again?
Thanks for the PM reply.

Being 1 number off on a phone call sure has screwed up......

Not sure where I will camp.....this weather will make everything sink hole muddy!......maybe a campground....but I will be taking a big hike off the Antelope Flats boat launch road this weekend.

Stop by if any of ya 'can't sleep' and go for a ride!

ok ok ok ok...a man in black...recruits...six hired guns to lead mexican villagers against the gang of an outlaw.... THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN.
Well, back from a good trip.

Lots of deer, velvet bull elk, cows elk, good lookng Antelope bucks and a few sheep-ewes and younger Rams.

Kinda cold with snow and wind most of the time but nothing to bad.

Firts tow of the year and outing with the trailer and all went well...... 484 miles round trip with an average of 10.3 MPG with the F350/V-10..... I can live with that.

Got home to find the Wyoming Bison Priority list had posted while I was gone----- # 7 for me......so I most prolly will be chasing a Buff in Wyoming this fall.

Hope all ya had a good wknd too!

Sounds like you had a good time Robb!! The Gorge is my favorite lake next to Powell, because of the gorgeous country surrounding it and all the different critters to look at. Did you do any fishing at all or hear anything on how the bass fishing is going right now?? Where did you camp at??

This was the best weekend in a long time for me also. I final tabled at a Primary Childrens charity/poker tournament at Totems on Friday night. I went to the cabin, pounded some beer, and launched a bunch of arrows Saturday and Sunday...sucks coming back to the city after being in the hills for sure!!


I can't belive that Rob # 7! Yee Ha!! Congrats on you. Your about a lucky Skunk. Let me know if ya need some help that way.

~Z~ I camped @ Carmel and just drove over to BARETOP in the morning as it was bad weather and I just didn't feel the need to tow up and over!

Yeh Kelly------It seems I get my 2-3 tags year in/year out some state ----some species.....thanks though!

I've been up studying and writing a paper all damn night...ready for some sleep!! Actually I'm ready for this class to end already...only one more week!! :)


AyA...I'm assuming you're in there for stealing a new truck?? :) Please enlighten us and tell how you were able to take it...and of course how you got caught??


~Z~ you getting your degree this year?

I remember those days-----work graveyard and college classes during the day....

Yo-Rug..... you ever go up to strawberry fishing yet?

A guy can spend way to may hours on Google Earth! ha

I went up to Strawbery on Sunday, fishing was slow only caught a couple. I fished around Mud Creek. Need to go back soon...
You are almost 1/2 way there ~Z~ so stick with it!

Rug---ya think a guy could bow carp fish up there at strawberry?

I've gotta write 3 essays and take a final test this week...bleh!! I think shooting my bow sounds like way more fun!! :) Fishing sounds fun too, I'm going to have to go hit up the bass in Deer Creek pretty quick...


Pretty decent wknd for me.

I had a good hike then shot the 7mag., got home and cleaned the 7mag real good--did some yard work and hadd BBQ ribs waiting for the Mrs when she got home fromthe job..

Waxed the F350 saturday.....it is all chinny man! ha

Sunday a young fella that lives around here stopped in with his map and I outlined some hot spots for his Youth Rifle Bull hunt.

How you all fair this wknd?

Where is Rack...? he go day shift or something?

HaHa---the trick is to not stay UP till 3am but to be up at 3am!

Sorry I missed ya yesterday afternoon Chris.

I went up to Idaho for a viewing/funeral of my uncle this past wknd.

So lush and green.

Rug---10th I am cruising to Wyo.......reminder to ya! ha

Good morning fellas!! How the hell are we??

I just got back from scouting and there's lots of bucks with velvet running around up there :) Most are out a lot further than I thought they would be already!!


Yessir bucks are growin like weeds up there!! Some are still pretty grey in color but not looking all beat up from the winter lol...Monday night was the best for seeing the critters, saw 9 bucks, 12 doe, and 4 mooose the last hour of light. Plus I finally found a moose palm up there, I put some pics of it in the shed forum. How was your weekend dude??


Good for you ~Z~.....

There are quite a few velvet bucks this year!

I didn't see any wildlife on the North Ogden pass trail towards Ben Lomond Peak this last wknd......glassed up some Mnt. Goats but that was it for that area.....

I slept in-----well---over sleot this morning.....no gym workout for me this morning......ha

Rug---I tossed it back to ya...PM.


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