3 AM--Online-M&M


Long Time Member
5 of us are onlne at 0300 visiting M&M....

NMP, TGWH, me, NoH, and r77.......haha

I thought for surte ~Z~ would be on too..

i just got off work..

Maybe we could start a hiking club for early morning hikes?

Call it the 'First Horizion' hiking club! ha

>Maybe we could start a hiking
>club for early morning hikes?
>Call it the 'First Horizion' hiking
>club! ha

Nope... I like to see the pit bull's before I walk up on them... and I dont trust you with Bear Spray anymore...

>Maybe we could start a hiking
>club for early morning hikes?
>Call it the 'First Horizion' hiking
>club! ha

Robb not a bad idea at all!!! I plan on doing some AM hikes when the white stuff clears. Last year I made several trip up on the Wasatch Front. Great way to stay in shape...
Even though we live in different parts of the states........

We could do our hikes and post some photo's of the area's we go and share them with the other 3 AM guys!

Freaking 5-6 inches of snow came over night up here!

My LE turkey hunt opener is the 6th---this morning.....no way !!!

Guess I will save the vacation day.....

I think RACK--is just getting off of work now? ha

We need to go over in Wyo 102 and get some film/photo's of dandy muleys for him as he is going to draw that 102 buck tag this year!

I am going to wait until like Saturday or Sunday to chase a Tom---let the mucky melt off from this latest snow dump! get over.

I could say I just getting off work now..
I am just leaving never_catch (s) house!
"sounds funnier"
actually I have a screwed up tooth and only worked 8 hours..the worst pain I ever experienced and its infected and swollen bad and now my dentist say I have to wait a week before she can fix it because of the swollen part..its like a golf ball!thought of doing a "cast-a-way".. but the fluorescent colored pain killer work very well and I just finished my 4th beer so I think I'll go pass out now!!

RACK I hope your oral problem clears up...lmao...just kiddin dude but seriously I hope you can get it fixed soon and avoid as much pain possible!! Dental pain ranks right up there with the worst pains I've experienced for sure!! Oh and next time you should call before ya show up, unexpected, to drink all my beer lol...


You spell better with a toothache than not?
Or was it the mixture of pill popping & a few beers?
>You spell better with a toothache
>than not?
>Or was it the mixture of
>pill popping & a few

lmao +1 sorry Rack but he does have a great point..
Don't you remember what your Mom taught you at a young age. Just tie a string, in this case 40# test fish line, around that bad tooth and to a door knob and stand back some about like 3 feet and then kick the door shut. Presto....no more tooth and no more pain. Drink plenty of fluids and go to bed.

Brian, D.D.S.
I used spell check.....
or it would have looked like this...
I got a toof ache so I onyl workd 8 hors... or I coulda rote that I was ovre NEVER_BITCHES house ha ah ha!
T face swolling and my hot sexy dentedst said lick me 4 times a day until next week and when rhe swelling is gone I fix rhat sucjer..oh here 6 perkodan and there floresant orange foe a reason take it only at bed time and no beer! because because
becazzz they will...............pot yuorrrrrr diiiiik m inn
daa dirt,.///ad
my right eye is swollen shut!!today will be short also...shoulda went salmon fishing today!

much (burp!) much better now!
almost no pain and swelling is down...its great
for the symphony hummer from the ex! and the beer and pain killer make it D-land fun!( practically laughing at loud all by myself while watching Splash!)...feels good enough to go to Giants game tomorrow (its a party) and Salmon fishing Saturday! another Giants game Sunday then dentist Wednesday...ohh double vision....AM sure that's not normal!! I may need to cut back the drugs!

I hope the man upstairs is forgiving but I am going to try and break thru the snow and do some Turkey hunting this morning!

I will take some pix of the area and try and post 'em up later this afternoon...

Thanks Jim!

Knee deep snow in alot of the area I was hunting.

Turkey tracks on top of the snow so they have been up that high...

Maybe this wknd....I will look into some of those walk in areas?

Bad deal on trimming the lawn Saturday----

Some how 'something' got tossed up to my face from the trimming strand and caught the corner of my eye......

Now it is all swollen and infected with puss crusting my eyelid closed overnight as I sleep...

Antibiotics and hot packs for the next 3-4 days....

As goofy as I may look from now on----I am wearing some wrap-a-round safety glasses when I do the trimming for sure!

Robb been there done the same thing myself. I always wear some sort of eye protection. Learned the hard way myself...
just got out of the gym..
hay Robb you sure your boyfriend didn't try to glue your eye shut?

Sorry to hear that PleaseDear,
Hope you're healing quick so you can get the Gobbler.

Man it sounds like a war zone outside this morning with all the thunder and heavy rain.

I will hit them gobblers again after this strom passes.

just got home from the gym!
how do you say "spot me" to the Mexican janitor?
any help?
the way I was doing it he probably thought......something else!

Wondered what that noise was in the middle of the night! Thought we were getting bombed! Went back to sleep. If I see a turkey will let ya know. Where can ya hunt?

I would have joined you guys at 3:00 am but went to bed instead. Maybe tonight. :) Had a chance to sleep from 1am to 5:30am and I took it.

I will be up many nights for the next few months so I will be part of the night owl group.
We better keep it real clean now fella's!

We got the fireball getting up real early! ha

Good to have Nv too.

Hey Guys! Seems i'm up most nights pretty late, until around now anyways! I'm hoping to be busier soon...real soon, in which case i'd have been in bed hrs ago.

Bess, i heard rumor that you finally got your tag. Elk or Buck? In any event, that's Great! Hope you get a dandy!!

Is this a Full Length Movie you're trying to send me PleaseDear?
I'm getting some of your e-mails but I guess not all of them?

Sage,just a general tag,PISSCUTTER tag that is!
My mailbox ain't full,don't know WTH?
Clam Bake huh?
I'd best get this POS fixed & quick,lol!
I should suggest selling advertising space here for products like Ambien and Ambien CR. :)
Bessy, Well i hope you get a good one anyway!

PleaseDear, Thank You!!

Rugarm, Lately i've been up, until about now, most nights! Can't sleep so no sense laying there in bed!! I get on here, the news, sports pages, couple other outdoor forums...

I see where you been giving Foundation a hard time. You know that he went way out of his way to help us on our Wy hunt last year? Seems you got a good guy there to be tight buds with!!

Thanks sage!
It ain't easy finding the NOMAD Buck!}>}>}>
Just wanted you to know sage:A while back I do believe you took something I posted in the wrong way,guess I was being stupid again,but never meant anything harsh towards you,just wanted you to know I have thrashed & bashed some people but not you,I can't even remember which thread it was but I wasn't throwing anything directly at you.

Now I'll wait for NVB to come on here and tell us to get a room,lol!}>}>}>
I see where you been giving Foundation a hard time. You know that he went way out of his way to help us on our Wy hunt last year? Seems you got a good guy there to be tight buds with!!

+1 I agree,,,
Last chance for me to get a turkey this morning as I won't waste vacation time on a turkey.

Weather hasn't been much help but I am hopefull to put an arrow in one.

Spot-stalk-call 'em in is fun but as soon as I draw my bow they are gone! ha

My dad turned 80 yesterday so I have alot of out of state family members here and it will be a short hunt this morning as we have brunch get together plans at noon...

I just put a load of venison jerky in the smoker and thought I would check in and say good morning. My work day at the sawmill starts at 5:30 so it's my regular time to be up.

Get a turkey Robb!


Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8
Had fun but it looks gloom for arrowing a turkey on spot-n- stalk-call..... I did get to draw my bow twice yesterday morning but man they blow out fast! ha

Anyways-----life is good!

Anyone use on of those trickle solar panels for keeping the dual batteries on your camp trlr charged?

Darn it missed it by an hour, Oh well cant sleep but not bored enough to check back LOL

Man some of you guys need to get a room :):):)
Wake up?? i ain't been to bed yet!! :)

Got to hit the rack soon though, gonna make a good nickle tomorrow.

It's been raining like the dickens( where did that saying come from) all day with plenty of wind to go with it. My guess is there were a good many trees that got blown over!

'YOUR' storm is on our west door Joey!

Sorry 'bout your sick young one cbeard.....feel sorry for the little ones when they get sick.

Get a room......this early in the morning---all that would be available would be one of those 'by the hour' hotels!!!

Not that I know anything about them type hotels......I read about it on the internet! ha

Where is all the rain or even snow this morning?

The way they talked last night on the weather, it was going to be a mess this morning!

The lil' one doing better this morning cbeard?

Rugarm said, "I just searched in a guy..."

You searched IN a guy??

I sure as hell don't want your job :)

Freakin snowed again here today!! It never ends!!!

+1 on Summer

LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-10 AT 03:49AM (MST)[p]>Yellow Snow----rug..77...?

Big 10-4 Robb.

Joey let's get together some day and I can show you what I do at work? LMAO!!!! I will spare other MM'rs from the details.

Just razzin ya buddy, take care...
It requires a certain frame of mind to do what rug does. Take for instance when I ran into him a few weeks ago, I noticed him humming and softly singing a little tune.....

...take the inmates poo,
and scrape it from his pocket,
Vicks will take the smell away,
take the inmates poo,
now put it in a locket,
save it for a rainy day,

45 you know as well as I that a load of that mentioned stuff does not require Vicks, but it helps. I only break it out for those special paint jobs.
Robb yes she only missed one day of school and is doing much better. Thanks for checking.

(Sorry for the "normal time" reply but I can't keep up with you 3AM'ers on a regular basis.)
Man--I slept in for once!

Got one of those appt days ahead of me.....A/C yearly tune-up...0800 to 1000 sit and wait!

Then a dental @ 1100

Then a Oil, tire rotate and filters @ 1300 on the F350...

Then hit Sam's Club and Home Depot....

Then home and a 'strong cocktail'.....

I will be 'goofy' by the time Da Warden gets off work and gets home...hehe

Robb sounds like a fun filled day ! Wish I was that busy. I have the next 4 days off, wonder what I will do?? lol

Maybe take the dog up in the foothills by the house this morning and look for some sheds.. From there it's all wide open.

B_BOP_A_LOOO_LOOOO Hows the Beery looking? Anyone catching fish?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-10 AT 04:46AM (MST)[p]"Man--I slept in for once!" Me too!! At least i slept for a few hrs:)

Good luck on the day Robb. Sounds terrible to me but you gotta do, what you...

I got a nice phone call yesterday! A 11 cabin remodel Job that i had bid in the early winter came thru for me. I'm needed on the job site, the plumber, in the morning on a hourly basis for some seasonal stuff and to start the bid portion soon... Could be a very nice way to start the season! Fingers crossed :)

Going fishing with Larrbo Sat morning early. He's got what they call a cabin, 5 & 5 lakefront on Almanor. We been Buds for some time thru MM and a mutual friend but this will be our first time together out on the lake. Fishing has been great but a off day can sneak in here at any time. Looking forward to a nice day!!

edit; Rugarm, No more stories like yesterdays please. You put me off my feed! :)

The Berry has been looking Mushy,after the last couple days of weather who knows?

One more thing Rug,don't even think of opening shed season early,}>}>}>
Wake up!
Hey Rug,
The berry is starting to thaw around the edges,kind of a bad situation,not safe enough ice to go out on it & not enough thawed water to fish from the bank,bet it ain't long though,went past it yesterday.
Hey B bop. You always get up that early or did ya wet the bed and have to get up? The berry can be great off the bank when the ice is about 50' off the shore. Maybe next weekend.
B_BOP,,,, Thanks for the Berry update !! I am taking my son to the super-cross race tonight and just might find myself at Strawberry in the morning.

Great time of year for sure ! Happy May, this year is going by fast...
My computer is going in for it's 6 months clean up for the week.

You 'all nighters' behave!

Talk at ya,

>Clean up?
>I thought you had that thing licked clean?lol!}>}>}>

You might want to consider a 2 week cleaning regiment yourself. Your puter gets any worse and it will put out a darker cloud than you belcher.


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