That's a great question. And because it is still in such high demand it seems like the Game & Fish is content with keeping everything the same even though the deer need a huge break in that area. Reputation from 20 years ago continues to fuel the applications in the area, but it is a very small fraction of what it used to be. Poaching in the area is also very bad as we mentioned above.
One of the other things that drives me crazy about the area is that some of the outfitters kill animals by simply pushing animals from area to area. They have someone track them and keep pushing them all day until they finally kill them. Often times the animal is extremely exhausted and gets killed because it can't go anymore. They use trucks and radios to reposition hunters in front of the animals escape routes and shoot them as they move through. if they miss, they jump in the truck and haul a$$ around to the next escape route and do it all over again. It's wildlife harrassment at it's finest and they never seem to get in trouble for it. Tons of animals are wounded and most of the hunters, helpers and guides are all drinking the entire time this is going on. It's ridiculous, but they've done it for years and never get so much as a slap on the wrist.