2019 Muley, Moose, and Antelope


Active Member
This year has been the most tags I've ever had that were all going at the same time which is fun but also very stressful. Anyone that knows me knows mule deer are my #1 priority every year. But having a moose tag..... Didn't change anything haha I spent alot of time scouting for my OTC deer and ended up finding a shooter that I hunted hard the whole bow hunt and for 6 days of the rifle before I had to go somewhere else because I was going crazy and the buck wasn't cooperating. (Saw him in rifle range every day of the bow hunt couldn't get close enough with a bow, rifle hunt starts he wouldnt show himself). Still ended up with a nice buck so I was happy. Then onto moose.... Everyone has high hope's of killing a giant which is what I was hoping for but when I did go scouting for moose and hunting them I never saw the giant bull you hope to find in fact i never saw a bull I figured was 40" wide. After pretty much 5 straight months of hunting/scouting for deer and moose I was passed burned out haha. Luckily dad was here helping me and it made it a little easier to keep going. Finally one morning dad glassed up some moose and I could see good palms on the bull so we got closer. When we got to 200 yards we could just see his palms sticking up out of the quakie patch. This was the biggest bull we had seen the whole time and I said big enough, called him into a clearing and that was it. He did end up right at 40" wide. I'm glad dad was with me for it that made it that much better and I'm glad I didn't pass the bull up. This hunt really showed me even having a draw tag that took 15 years doesn't mean your going to kill a giant animal and it's not always about the size of the horns. This will be a hunt with dad I will always remember. (I know theres a moose section but I figured I'd put everything in 1 post). Oh yeah and the antelope hunt went like most of them. Look over 1,000 of them and decide which one you like haha.





Awesome Remington. You and your Dad always get it done on great animals.

Congrats and tell your Dad hello.

Great memories made there.
Looks like you had some fun! Fantastic. Some real nice trophies.

Brian Latturner
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Congrats on a Great Year! I was a little stressed with just my Moose tag can't imagine worrying about 3 tags.

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