2017 Gen area archery bull


Very Active Member
I was fortunate enough to take my first archery bull on Sunday morning.

I don't archery hunt that much, usually a couple of days each year. I did not expect to see anything given it was so hot. I was looking for a buck I had been seeing this summer when this guy made an appearance amongst a herd of cattle. This bull was low. He was on a small chunk of State land that borders NF. I spotted him across the valley at about 7:00 am. working his way West. I skirted a patch of aspens until they ended. He was about 600 yds out. About where the tip of his left side 4th point is in the above pic. I cow called and he must have been lonely because came in at a full trot. Gave me time to range a few bushes. He cleared a tree I was behind at 30 yds. When I got to full draw I noticed my arrow had fallen off the rest due to me shaking like a dog passing peach pits. I let down and re-drew, he only jumped a couple of steps and stopped broadside. Clean pass through and he went about 50 feet before tipping over. He is not the biggest bull I have taken from this area but it is safe to say I am happy with my first archery bull.


Wyoming Gen elk area are the best thing around. We residents need to give a huge thank you to the G&F for their efforts to get these herds and hunt area to the levels they are. You wont find a better OTC tag for elk anywhere, period! Each year I hold my gen tag for at least a 6 point bull and my RP cow tag for extra meat. I have never had a year where the cow tag goes unfilled and it is a rare year where both tags don't get used.

Best part is my wife ended up hauling quarters while I broke him down. She had 3 trips done before I started my first. I did seem to cut slower than normal.
Nice Bull what a wife to haul while you skin!!!! Nice way to start the year off.

We were at 116 degrees here in Northern California over the weekend.

My wife and I stayed inside no hunting for me.

Great Job
Way to go congrats!! Off to 64 to try our luck this weekend! Elk were screaming in 24 despite the hot weather this past weekend.
That's a great bull, and the fact that your wife helped pact out the meat is a plus. You owe her big time.
Congrats on your bull! Sometimes it seems to come so easy.... most times it doesn't! Good job making it happen!! Especially in one of the most pressured areas in our county.. :)
Awesome job Steve, congrats on that bull. Good job to the Mrs, tell her I said that! Spent quite a few days in the field with my wife last year and got to she her take two great trophies. Woman are a big part of hunting these days and they make it better than ever!

Too bad the One Shot can't figure that out!
Good for you mulecreek

I just got back from a week bow elk/ G deer that smoke is killer on the lungs and eyes!

I thought I posted on here earlier. Must not have...

Anyway, congratulations! Sounds like one of those hunts that only happens on TV! I.E. A bull comes running in from 600 yards away. I'll bet that got the adrenaline pumping!

Congratulations again!
>Great bull....how in the hell do
>you get your wife to
>Just askin....?

You test drive her out hunting during the dating phase! I finally found a girl that would hunt, cape, quarter and pack, so I gave her a ring. Went through a lot of girls before I found one who fit the bill ?
>>Great bull....how in the hell do
>>you get your wife to
>>Just askin....?
I hide the vodka and seven until the critter is back at camp. Motivation!

To be honest ever since we got her a quality pack that fit her she has been ready to go. I used to give her one of my old packs. They never fit right, hurt her back, hips and neck. A few years ago we got her a Mystery Ranch that was sized correctly and she has been good to go. She has packed several bulls and bucks, some hers, some mine and some for friends.

>You test drive her out hunting
>during the dating phase!

Isn't that what dating really is, a test drive?

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