2013 wyoming pics


Long Time Member
Hard to believe another hunting season is pretty much done, but I managed to get out a fair bit.

Didnt have the big tags like I had last year (desert sheep, muskox, etc.), but had tags in CO, WY, and MT so made the most of them.

Started the season in mid-September with only one hunt in September. A mule deer/bear hunt. I managed to take the 14th bear I saw in 2 days of hunting. Average boar, 5.5 years old shot everything (expept one elk in MT) this year with a new 7-08 I put together...43.0 grains of varget, 140 accubonds.


Next pronghorn. Helped 4 friends this year, they all took good bucks.

Friend of mine from AK's draw area buck:


Then we both shot bucks the next day with leftover tags:



Some friends from AZ were up next. I watched this buck for about a month before the season. It was on a section of BLM and I thought for sure someone would find it before my friend Ron showed up about mid-way through the season. He was done by 11:00 am the first day we hunted. Better buck than I thought, just over 15 on the long horn:


Doe also for Ron from the same herd:


Another good friend scored the next day:


Another buddy made a great shot at 410 yards on this one:


My wife and I rounded out the pronghorn season with 2 bucks in our draw area:

Wifes buck:


Found this one from the highway on public land...couldnt resist the horn shape:

Next up was elk, my least favorite animal to hunt. I had a type-6 as well as general tag.

Opening day I passed a few bulls, but with a Colorado deer hunt coming up day 2 I got a mean streak in me.

Right at first light I saw probably 50-60 elk scattered around in various herds. I looked below me and saw a cow walk out of the timber. I figured I'd shoot a cow then just pack a quarter back the next couple days after hunting bulls in the same area. I smacked her with my 7-08 at 140 yards and she wobbled about 20 yards and tipped over. At the shot 4 cows and a 5 point bull came out of the timber and were looking at the dead cow. I figured what the heck, and smacked the 5 point at about 170 yards and had 2 elk in about 60 seconds. Hard to believe with the wolves eating them all:



The 7-08 is a mean little rifle:


The next 2 days the rest of the camp took 3 cows and another 5 point bull.

My friend Jerry packing elk quarters out of the wilderness in a blizzard...at 74 years old. Jerry bagged a cow opening morning at daylight with his .243. I asked Jerry how many elk he's killed with that .243...his reply.."I'd say 30...no, it has to be more than that".



To finish out the season in Wyoming, my wife shot her best whitetail. A great stalk and a long wait for him to stand from his bed. Big mistake on his part, 130 yards with her 7-08.

Next it was off to Colorado for mule deer. Had a great hunt with some advice from a friend that lives there. Weather was less than ideal, but I managed to find this buck at mid-day bedded on the second to last day of the season. I stalked it to 140 yards or so then waited for about 3 hours for him to stand to stretch.


Another look:


Glassed up 2 of these on this hunt, the wolves ate all the deer!


From there, since I had an extra 3 weeks of leave thanks to the furlough, I headed to Montana on elk hunt. My brother drew a bull permit in a good unit and Dad and I had elk B tags.

The second day, we shot 3 elk.

Dad shot this one with my 7-08 at 200 yards:


That night, we found a herd and stalked in. We didnt see any good bulls, so I shot a cow with my Dads pre-64 30'06, something I have wanted to do for quite some time. My Grandfather, Dad and I have now all shot deer, elk, and pronghorn with the same rifle:


After I shot the cow, a bunch more elk that we hadnt seen came up out of a draw to our right. There were 4 good bulls in there, and my Brother Matt made a great one-shot at 487 yards with my 7-08. His best bull so far:



I headed back to work for a couple weeks, then decided to end the season hunting whitetails in Montana. The 34th consecutive year I've hunted this country.

The first day of hunting whitetails my Brother Matt and I bumped into 2 bulls clacking their antlers together...I couldnt resist a bull the first 2 hours of a hunt within a couple miles of the truck. Again the 7-08 performed great on a 70 yard shot hard quartering toward me:


Another look:


Hunted with a good friend of mine that I've known most of my life. He took this buck on the second day of hunting:


I finished my Montana hunt the next day with this buck. Shot at 426 again with the 7-08.


All in all...a decent season with lots of time spent in the field with my family and a few close friends.
Damn nice stuff Buzz!
That little 7-08 with AB's looks like a wicked little killer!
Well done man on another fine season!
Excellent results across the board. You always seem to take advantage of the range of hunting opportunities in so many states. It amazes me that so many talk about the lack of opportunity. Your season is an example of what is possible. Have you ever thought of buying a lion tag? I have never seen a lion while hunting, let alone two.
Always look forward to your posts & pictures Buzz - appears you had another fantastic year so congrats to you and your friends/family!! Even better now that you have picked up a 7MM-08:) Can't ever go wrong packing one of those in the field.
Very nice year for you there BuzzH. Great job brecking in the new rifle. Congrats on the 30-06 success for you, your father and your grandfather, that is special!!!
Wow! I couldn't imagine having a season like that. Congrats and thanks for sharing!

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
Thanks for posting Buzz. Great stuff. One of the very helpful when I was researching hunting elk in Wyoming 5 or so years ago.

But No Dead Wolves?

I used to know of places worth Hiking in to for Elk & Deer!
Thanks to Illegal Bastards & the USFS not enforcing Rules you can Zing in to them Places on Wheelers now & not see a Damn thing!
But by GAWD it don't take long for them U-Tards to get there with all the Unethical BS and the New Technology!

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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