2011 Montana Nonresident Big Game Combination License


Very Active Member
Okay, who put in for this year's Nonresident Big Game Combination License? And who decided to pass because of the increased cost? I went ahead and applied.
+1 for putting into the draw I should say. I think there still will be more apps then 17,000 but with fuel prices rising you never know-Hatrick
I planned on puting in for deer but decieded to try and burn some points in Wyoming. My choice had nothing to do with the price increase.
I believe the average nonresident DIY hunter will still apply, but I do think the numbers will go down as the people putting in for guided hunts will shrink. That was really only Montana's big advantage for those guys...guaranteed licenses...time will tell.
Very true, but with having to draw in the open pool at the same time as the Wyoming and Colorado draws are going on it just might discourage some guys and they might head south...it'll be interesting to see how this plays out this year.
I would think that alot of the nonresidents that are more hunting for the meat, are not going to apply for the buck and bull tags. I have family and friends that will still apply for doe and cow tags, but not for anything with antlers. So those people out of the draw im sure will increase odds.

Other question though, when did the antelope doe tags go up to $205?
What happened to all the haters who wernt going to apply in MT this year?You guys have great odds this year(there will still be more apps than tags despite all the know it alls foretelling the downfall of the MT F&G),good luck with the draws!
I'm a big hater. Bitched and moaned for the last month or two ( still don't like it ). But I could not resist putting my name in the game.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-11 AT 03:39PM (MST)[p]I checked out the montana site. It looks like there is no change in price for deer B tags.
That is exactly what the legislator who wrote the bill predicted,the extra money MT takes in due to the price increase will ensure that you OOS DIY hunters have some great private land to hunt when you draw your tags.Without the block management program that used to be co-funded by the outfitter tags you would all be lumped together on the public land.Every time you sign up to hunt one of the block management ranches remember you helped pay for that opportunity.It wont be a 100% draw on the combo but it will be very close,dont forget if you dont draw to get on the waiting list for returned tags.
+2 from Oregon! Only reason is we have a private ranch we can hunt outside of Potomac with 2 or 3 elk (atleast 3yrs ago they were there. We stopped each day to just look in "awe"...) Oh and maybe it was a few more than that!!!

Buddy from Seeley got us onto the place...IF WE DRAW.


If you are just getting into Wyoming, to have any real good chance at an elk tag you will have to go "special" elk @ $1071!
Sounds like a hell of an alternative.....deer and elk for 900 or elk only for over 1000....GENIUS!
>If you are just getting into
>Wyoming, to have any real
>good chance at an elk
>tag you will have to
>go "special" elk @ $1071!

I had max points last year, drew a limited 9 tag. shot a nice 6x6
no points this year... cheap draw

drew again! ha

still have a point in MT but ill wait
haha thats 1000 for GOOD elk hunting.... not hunting those things that used to be elk, wolves changed them into a new animal. I have had some great times in MT and even got my first elk there. wolves havent put as big of a dent in wy yet. in my opinion WY has better hunting right now even on a general. I have hunted both alot. I usually hunt WY one your MT the next and so on
I can do the Come Home To Hunt thing where I don't have to draw just buy an out of state tag. I am opting out this year and putting in for Colorado and Wyoming. I know I will be hunting there with my family next year though.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-11 AT 01:29PM (MST)[p]>haha thats 1000 for GOOD elk
>hunting.... not hunting those things
>that used to be elk,
>wolves changed them into a
>new animal. I have had
>some great times in MT
>and even got my first
>elk there. wolves havent put
>as big of a dent
>in wy yet. in my
>opinion WY has better hunting
>right now even on a
>general. I have hunted both
>alot. I usually hunt WY
>one your MT the next
>and so on

Ask the outfitters in Wy what they think about that,if you ask me you have it ass backwards.
I passed. 4 hunts in Alaska was just to much to try to squeeze in a pidly elk/deer hunt in Montana. :)

I'd have applied if we didn't draw so many tags up here. Never thought having too many tags was a bad thing.

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Montana Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Bearpaw Outfitters

Mule deer, whitetail, antelope, buffalo, and prairie dogs on private ranch leases totaling about 100,000 acres.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, whitetail and antelope and manage our ranches for top quality.

Vargo Hunting

Top quality bear, antelope and free range bison hunts on the Crow Indian Res. Turkey and cougar as well.

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