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  1. Lou (Louis)

    MuleDeer Year By Year Growth

    Am I the only one that would have preferred 2020?
  2. Lou (Louis)

    Red Beans and Rice, with Texas twist

    *grabs fork, books flight to Blank’s house*
  3. Lou (Louis)


    Mushrooms are the key. Porcini. Morels might work…
  4. Lou (Louis)

    when is it time for cadfg to realize their bullshit

    The older boy was an absolute hero. Feel for the younger brother. He will relive that probably daily for the rest of his life. :( Can’t directly blame the morons in Sacramento. The people voted for this insanity. Wonder if California will ever be at least pink in my lifetime?
  5. Lou (Louis)

    Knoxville CA wildlife area

    That’s the one. Thanks for the reply, Jim. :)
  6. Lou (Louis)

    Carb Overload Day

    I’ll be right over.
  7. Lou (Louis)

    Knoxville CA wildlife area

    Got drawn. Any info appreciated. :)
  8. Lou (Louis)

    Would you take him in the best unit?

    I’d like to answer, but can’t seem to find the yes to the infinity power button
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