102 posts about a great buck shot by what appears to be a good dude, and no pics.

It’s totally the prerogative of the hunter to share or not share, but goodness, let’s see it!!!

This is still a hunting forum, after all!
It seems to me 80+% has seen a picture, but the 20% that is not on the preferred costumer list are left in the dark.
Buck is dead.

One thing I’ve learned? You can’t kill em twice.

Either post up a pic or lock the thread. I’m tired of the meaningless alerts 😆. Also, I don’t agree with a member starting a thread about another member’s buck if they didn’t want it shared (for whatever reason). But that’s just me.

If you’re a member here, you have at least at one point, been passionate about mule deer. And, we love to see em and celebrate our fellow hunter’s success. That much we can agree on, I think?

To the hunter, congrats, sir. I’m so very happy for you. And I mean that. Big bucks are special.
I know one thing the “Lish Buck” is a once in a generation deer. The score will never do it justice. All though that’s perty awesome to!
Whatever Clint decides I support him 100%. It’s been a year to remember talking big bucks with him.
I’ll remember it forever. I for one will not be the guy to share someone else’s successful hunt.
Once again brother congratulations!! You badazz MOFO.
I guess if Members are sick of the thread… don’t follow it.
I am going to weigh in on this. Upfront Clint (Leicabucks) is a good friend of mine. I am going to say he is the best mule deer hunter hunting the public west these days. He spends more time looking all year long and finds deer on the summer, fall and winter ranges. He is a simple man with a passion. He isn’t looking for recognition or someone to pat him on the back. The true fact is he is a great mule deer hunter and puts forth the time and effort that most of us can’t imagine. The deer in question is magnificent buck. But he kills one every year and doesn’t lower his standards. He passes on bucks most of us on here never see. I’m glad he is my friend and I wish him the best. He is a very humble dude that’s a great dad to his son.

Nice post.
I can’t take it anymore….

It’s “lie-ca-bucks”

Not like the optics.

Details matter, peeps, lol.

Sorry was driving me mad while waiting on someone to post a pic 😆
The hunting world could use a little mystique in it. Remember when you were a kid and the only time you heard about a giant was the local coffee shop.. a newspaper article. Lucky enough to see a rack in the back of a pickup.
An actual Picture on a gas station wall.. that was a great time in history.
A little delayed gratification can make things even more special.just saying. I’m sure if anyone of you wanted to make the trip ol’ Lieca would happily show you the beautiful monstrosity of a mule deer.
Difference is Zim built up a thread than ghosted us.
Have not meet @liecabucks , seems to be a straight shooter and has taken some great bucks. He did not start this thread, was just the hunter who worked hard and shot a buck we would all like to see.
Truth. Ass assassin started this thread.
Please share liecabucks! If you’re waiting for a magazine or something, let us know and we will understand. Chances are they will get posted eventually by someone, so it might as well be you.
Magazine fame doesn’t excite me, when I was younger it sure did and I thought I was on top of the world when I had one big enough to send in. I’ll be honest, I don’t wanna be that next face plastered across someone’s page to get them more clicks. I kind of despise that garbage in today’s world. When I post, it will be thought out, I’ll relive my excitement of the hunt and give it to all of you guys first hand. As of today, I’m trying to recharge myself and focus on things in life I’ve neglected while chasing and scouting deer for the last 4 months.
Magazine fame doesn’t excite me, when I was younger it sure did and I thought I was on top of the world when I had one big enough to send in. I’ll be honest, I don’t wanna be that next face plastered across someone’s page to get them more clicks. I kind of despise that garbage in today’s world. When I post, it will be thought out, I’ll relive my excitement of the hunt and give it to all of you guys first hand. As of today, I’m trying to recharge myself and focus on things in life I’ve neglected while chasing and scouting deer for the last 4 months.
The most important details of your hunt is it was killed in Region W!!!
Magazine fame doesn’t excite me, when I was younger it sure did and I thought I was on top of the world when I had one big enough to send in. I’ll be honest, I don’t wanna be that next face plastered across someone’s page to get them more clicks. I kind of despise that garbage in today’s world. When I post, it will be thought out, I’ll relive my excitement of the hunt and give it to all of you guys first hand. As of today, I’m trying to recharge myself and focus on things in life I’ve neglected while chasing and scouting deer for the last 4 months.
I totally get your point.
And you’ve posted some great bucks in the past for sure!
These guys that have your pictures and not posting them are truly a friend! I would do the same and NEVER post a pic that someone didn’t want me to!
Unfortunately you and I have never had any contact.
I’ve seen some of your awesome bucks throughout the years!
I respect your decision!
Magazine fame doesn’t excite me, when I was younger it sure did and I thought I was on top of the world when I had one big enough to send in. I’ll be honest, I don’t wanna be that next face plastered across someone’s page to get them more clicks. I kind of despise that garbage in today’s world. When I post, it will be thought out, I’ll relive my excitement of the hunt and give it to all of you guys first hand. As of today, I’m trying to recharge myself and focus on things in life I’ve neglected while chasing and scouting deer for the last 4 months.
Congrats to you on a stud! He truly is a buck of a lifetime. Can’t wait to read the write up!
Magazine fame doesn’t excite me, when I was younger it sure did and I thought I was on top of the world when I had one big enough to send in. I’ll be honest, I don’t wanna be that next face plastered across someone’s page to get them more clicks. I kind of despise that garbage in today’s world. When I post, it will be thought out, I’ll relive my excitement of the hunt and give it to all of you guys first hand. As of today, I’m trying to recharge myself and focus on things in life I’ve neglected while chasing and scouting deer for the last 4 months.
I’ve gotta say that scouting and chasing for the last 4 months definitely paid off!
If I would have killed that buck I probably wouldn’t post it on this site either. Too much bashing! But there is nothing to bash this buck on!!!!
Awesome buck for a stud hunter!!!
Most of the "bashing" is because it's justified. If someone doesn't want to be bashed, don't do things that are controversial. I've never had any problems with posting a lot of my animals.
I’ve seen pictures so your bashing me now?
Just trying to figure out where your coming from but it’s no big deal
You said you wouldn't post pictures on this site because of all the bashing. I was just trying to say that I don't see a lot of bashing unless it's usually justified IMHO. All I was trying to say was the people posting questionable stuff may need to worry about bad feedback or bashing.
This thread is nothing but a gossip thread. Talking about other people’s business. I feel for the hunter. Clearly he didn’t want his business on here. And I don’t blame him. With friends like this, who needs ……………
This thread is nothing but a gossip thread. Talking about other people’s business. I feel for the hunter. Clearly he didn’t want his business on here. And I don’t blame him. With friends like this, who needs ……………
...pictures of the buck being discussed?


I need pictures.
Most of the "bashing" is because it's justified. If someone doesn't want to be bashed, don't do things that are controversial. I've never had any problems with posting a lot of my animals.
Ridge you’re a badazz, hunter, but have you posted every single animal you have ever harvested on MM? What is controversial?
ELKASS starting a thread about a picture of a big buck seen? Seems like that’s just MM. Just saying. Crazy how this evolves like a growing GD organism.
What’s truly sad is if everyone had a picture on their iPhone they wouldn’t put a lick of effort into this thread. What does that say? Think a minute…
Well ridge!

I Don't Ever Remember Calling You Any Names?

But Hey!

If It Makes You Feel Bigger & Tougher......................!

As far as I can see, no one is bashing the hunter. Most of the comments are towards those claiming to have seen a picture and elkass for being a dumbass.
I think we can all poke fun at each other that’s all part of the fun on here, you kind of learn personality’s of men and women you’ve never met. I believe we have all posted things we wish we could take back. Obviously there were some pictures sent out to some friends, some excitement spawned and this is what happened, I don’t think there has been any bashing. When a picture is sent out, it is going to eventually be seen by everyone, I’m really not up for the boy fan club, no one has bashed the hunter, I hope we get a great write up from Lieca and we all get to see the great Buck , or maybe it will be in a magazine or show up at the hunt Expo.
You said you wouldn't post pictures on this site because of all the bashing. I was just trying to say that I don't see a lot of bashing unless it's usually justified IMHO. All I was trying to say was the people posting questionable stuff may need to worry about bad feedback or bashing.
Ok I misunderstood you. Thanks.
180+ posts! Zero pix! 😆

This is nuts but understandable given the hunter/buck. I think the best part is those that have seen, haven't spilled the beans. This is the way it used to be, and should be in the hunting world. ALL of social media, including this site, have forever tainted what we love.

Congrats again Clint.... keep em' waitin' 👊.
Bet ya $100 i know of a bigger buck killed. But I won't post pics because it's not my buck and story to tell. But it's world class, absolutely insane. Shot by the best dude in the world!

I have seen this buck too. Truly a spectacle.

But if I were the hunter, I wouldn’t post it!!!
How can you have seen it when I made it up? And why talk about it if you weren't gonna post it? This post is 100% a click bait post. See how stupid this post is yet?


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