Area 51


Very Active Member
Ya know, I've never seen much talk about it here. With a bunch of crazy old or well experienced guys in here, I'm wondering if anyone has any area 51 alien style stories? What do you think is going on at that base? Do you think they are attempting to make a shirt big enough to fit wiffy? Is that where elkass was made? How about other.....spooky stories?
A Guy Goes Huntin For 5 Minutes & People Start Talkin About You!:D

Ya know, I've never seen much talk about it here. With a bunch of crazy old or well experienced guys in here, I'm wondering if anyone has any area 51 alien style stories? What do you think is going on at that base? Do you think they are attempting to make a shirt big enough to fit wiffy? Is that where elkass was made? How about other.....spooky stories?
They shuttle the staff back and forth to Vegas. Every morning and evening the unmarked 737’s leave the unmarked hangar next to the executive terminal. They have a couple of them - red and white.

Kinda weird.
Hunted near area 51 many years ago, killed some halfway decent bucks really nice country. Seen some very interesting things in the sky flying around at night sitting around the campfire. A couple military guys came in camp checking us out. Couple days go by I ran into a guy from Vegas that was hunting I asked him what the deal was with the military guys and the strange $hit flying around his answer was don't ask any questions you might end up in a strait jacket and they will throw you in a bunker and nobody will see you again
I dumped my kids off at the little Aleinn several years ago…..

I had a deer tag years ago for unit 251 & camped maybe 25 miles from Area 51.
I was out there by myself & the weirdest thing to me was how deafeningly quiet it was out there.
Absolutely NOTHING made a sound. It was literally like I was sitting there in the dark with my hands covering my ears. It was disturbingly odd.
I have a couple friends who worked for EG&G out of the LV office. They had to go out there a couple times a week; one for IT stuff and the other for electronics repair. They said it was just a job, no excitement, and you don't really see or hear of anything secret. The people who do all the classified stuff are pretty much full timers who stay there.

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