Alleged Idaho Poacher


New Member
Please reach out to Twin Falls County Prosecutor and County Commissioners to tell them we are not Ok with this!! Thank you!!

This isn’t the first time, or the only helicopter that’s flying around. There’s another Black helicopter seen doing the same thing but nothing happened. This crap of letting anyone flying in helicopters chasing game is absurd. They can’t kill wolves because they are a sorry bunch hunters, so they let them go to the air and kill and chase everything
This isn’t the first time, or the only helicopter that’s flying around. There’s another Black helicopter seen doing the same thing but nothing happened. This crap of letting anyone flying in helicopters chasing game is absurd. They can’t kill wolves because they are a sorry bunch hunters, so they let them go to the air and kill and chase everything
I for sure have seen the black helicopter several times
Nothing wrong with land owner tags.
Most ranchers winter much of Idaho's herds.
The subject here is far from a land owner tag violation.

Buy 640 acres of land in your preferred zone.
Buy some Super Hunt tickets.
Keep Hammering.
It's America.

Did you stay up late watching Biden speak last night??
You seem grumpy.
It's very much a landowner tag violation, he was buying and selling the gawd damn things . How can that not be a violation?
Even if only half of the laundry list is true, this dude needs to be made an example of. Along with those who abetted him. Incredible he could be so brazen and think he could get away with all that.
Damn boys!
Please don’t send this thread off the rails with another one of your little squabbles.

A few years ago, there was a yellow helicopter in the same units buzzing around mid to late winter
landing all over the place, it’s just a guess but I kind of think they were picking up Sheds, whatever they were doing they had the deer and elk on the run.

I’m wondering if we could start some sort of online petition and if there’s enough signatures send that to the prosecutor, hopefully that would influence the prosecutor enough to fry this guy’s ass.
Otherwise, like what was posted above this ******* is going to end up with a slap on the hand and go right back out there doing the same sh!t.
I'd like more info on the live pronghorn.........maybe he didn't have ice and needed to keep it fresh??? a CF....
Nothing wrong with land owner tags
This is actually exactly what’s wrong with them. This is the norm not the exception.

Again, people like to think “land owner” is ma and pa kettle. When really it’s these d bags and guys like the wilks brothers. I agree with @hawkbill it’s time these tags went back to the public, you know, the owners if the wild life. That or LAP tags stay on your 635 acres and don’t shoot out side the fence. Still though, this would continue to happen
Seriously! I had no idea for $25k you could have a Super Tag in Idaho. That's WAY cheaper than an auction tag
That will not be the case any longer as this attention of will get additional guys applying with this strategy.
he basically turned his odds into 50/50 (a little less)
And reduced everyone else’s odds at the same time.

Maybe he should refund everyone that purchased a supertag entry as part of restitution.

Along with a lifetime hunting ban in the US.
This wasn’t a once or twice- oops I F’d up and made a poor decision.
It’s a he’s been doing illegal and unethical stuff for years, and now it’s finally caught up.
Hopefully they make a example out of him.

They do need to cap the entries.
That will not be the case any longer as this attention of will get additional guys applying with this strategy.
he basically turned his odds into 50/50 (a little less)
And reduced everyone else’s odds at the same time.

Maybe he should refund everyone that purchased a supertag entry as part of restitution.

Along with a lifetime hunting ban in the US.
This wasn’t a once or twice- oops I F’d up and made a poor decision.
It’s a he’s been doing illegal and unethical stuff for years, and now it’s finally caught up.
Hopefully they make a example out of him.

They do need to cap the entries.
One of my first thoughts was that this is going to draw a lot of attention towards the super tags, and when people see that he got a deer, elk, antelope and moose tag for 150 K
There is probably going to be a lot more people throwing that kind of money at it.
The odds for those of us that buy 20 or 30 chances a year for each species just got a hell of a lot worse.

I hope they make an example out of him too. But they won’t, this dude just has too much money to fight it.
I doubt he will actually be charged with even one felony.

Hopefully enough people will put enough heat on the prosecutor so he wont get a cozy lil plea deal and all the other assholes pulling the same crap as ol Karl here might see there could be some consequences and scale it back a little.

But I doubt it, money usually gets folks like Karl an easy out.
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Yep. Landowner tags been sold and bought for a long time in good ol Idaho. Most trespass fees in Idaho always come with a tag too. Good unit wide! Make em ranch only, plus a public hunter or two allowed on the private. If you live in Idaho write your Senator.
That will not be the case any longer as this attention of will get additional guys applying with this strategy.
he basically turned his odds into 50/50 (a little less)
And reduced everyone else’s odds at the same time.
It’s been going on for a long time. Really no secret
So that makes them unqualified? It’s a post about poaching.

It’s unwarranted comments like this that gets people labeled TROLLS.
@Blindnonresident lives in a single wide trailer park on the Oregon side of the border. Thinks since he can see sage brush from the front deck it makes him a cowboy. Trolling all he’s got. Don’t take it from him
Ryan Callighan with the Meat Eater called the case corruption with good intent. Ryan doesn’t have a glue what’s been going on for years. This Fish and game knows other hunters in Helicopters have chased game in 45, 52, 54 44 and they have been turned in with no results. No animal should be chased ,by helicopters,snowmobiles or side by side vehicles. The Fish and game also knows all the players that have been in the Super Tag Pool, with several guys securing Super Tags 3 and 4 times in a row. Maybe it’s time for a change , you get one chance at a Super Tag only , or get rid of them and put them back in the general pool. The Fish and Game also knows that the Land owners have been selling there tags for many years, let alone all the tags they issue, depredation,x tag , A tag and B tag and it goes on to a 6 month journey in some units with never giving the animals a rest. Farmers run the Fish and Game , Farmers run the Fish and Game Commission, Farmers came up with these tags . We need to get a real Sportsman or two on the Commission and get rid of these tags, long seasons and absolutely no flying.
The sample size here was the very simple point.
The ones that know the least about LAP tags always have the most to say. Jealousy is a strong motivator and causes some to attack others.

The truth of the matter is it's the individuals that were the problem. They are the ones that broke the rules.

If the ranchers are being rewarded for feeding the wildlife all winter by receiving LAP tags then they SHOULD be able to do whatever they want with those tags including selling them to whoever to help offset their lost revenue.

If you have issues with the IDFG call your congressman or just whine about it on the internet.
About 35 years ago in Idaho, while elk hunting with a buddy we had spotted a herd of around 60 elk. Several 320 + bulls in the group, we did about a mile & 1/2 stalk to get around on them & get the wind right . Just as we are getting close to our spot to shoot from here comes a single engine plane & buzzes right over the herd. Then swings around & hits them a 2nd time, as they are milling around deciding which way to run, here comes the plane a 3rd time !! Well my buddy an ex Nam vet stands up with his 8mm Remington & commences to open fire on the dive bombing plane !!! The plane was only a couple hundred feet off the ground !! We do not know if he hit the plane but after his 2nd shot the plane pulled up from the herd & banked hard away as my buddy sent round # 3 their way !! That pilot and plane did not come back the rest of the day , I called the sheriff when I got home & Idaho F&G and reported the #s on the plane to them .. Never heard CRAP back from either of them I assumed it had to be someone working for or with F&G !!
About 35 years ago in Idaho, while elk hunting with a buddy we had spotted a herd of around 60 elk. Several 320 + bulls in the group, we did about a mile & 1/2 stalk to get around on them & get the wind right . Just as we are getting close to our spot to shoot from here comes a single engine plane & buzzes right over the herd. Then swings around & hits them a 2nd time, as they are milling around deciding which way to run, here comes the plane a 3rd time !! Well my buddy an ex Nam vet stands up with his 8mm Remington & commences to open fire on the dive bombing plane !!! The plane was only a couple hundred feet off the ground !! We do not know if he hit the plane but after his 2nd shot the plane pulled up from the herd & banked hard away as my buddy sent round # 3 their way !! That pilot and plane did not come back the rest of the day , I called the sheriff when I got home & Idaho F&G and reported the #s on the plane to them .. Never heard CRAP back from either of them I assumed it had to be someone working for or with F&G !!

Did you tell the sherif that your buddy shot at the plane? I can understand the frustration, but can’t condone shooting at the plane.
The sample size here was the very simple point.
The ones that know the least about LAP tags always have the most to say. Jealousy is a strong motivator and causes some to attack others.

The truth of the matter is it's the individuals that were the problem. They are the ones that broke the rules.

If the ranchers are being rewarded for feeding the wildlife all winter by receiving LAP tags then they SHOULD be able to do whatever they want with those tags including selling them to whoever to help offset their lost revenue.

If you have issues with the IDFG call your congressman or just whine about it on the internet.
Big hat, no cattle. You’re not fooling anyone
If the ranchers are being rewarded for feeding the wildlife all winter by receiving LAP tags then they SHOULD be able to do whatever they want with those tags including selling them to whoever to help offset their lost revenue.

I’m not going to argue about how the law should be written, but landowners that intentionally break the law by selling tags should be held accountable. If there is one thing that I hate it is laws that are not enforced or enforceable. It just gives bad actors an advantage over people that try to follow the law.
I’m right with gundog2.

Would be nice to debate points and not take personal shots so much. Always been a cranky site but the tone is probably why there is so much less interaction than there used to be.
Once you get where your headed in life you don't need to pretend and the saying is ALL hat no cattle there cul-de-sac queen.
Might be how they say it over in Oregon but I thought we were talking Idaho. Always been “big hat”

How’s the “back 40” doing in the rv park there Mr Dutton?
Call your daughter, find happiness, and please quit pretending you know anything about me.
It's gonna be a good year cruising the the new SXS.
The sample size here was the very simple point.
The ones that know the least about LAP tags always have the most to say. Jealousy is a strong motivator and causes some to attack others.

The truth of the matter is it's the individuals that were the problem. They are the ones that broke the rules.

If the ranchers are being rewarded for feeding the wildlife all winter by receiving LAP tags then they SHOULD be able to do whatever they want with those tags including selling them to whoever to help offset their lost revenue.

If you have issues with the IDFG call your congressman or just whine about it on the internet.
Not even that **** needs reworked. If you’re allowing access I’m all for it. If not, no soup for you hombre.
Call your daughter, find happiness, and please quit pretending you know anything about me.
It's gonna be a good year cruising the the new SXS.
Your selective virtue from post to post is entertaining. What was it you called me the queen of? Now that wouldn’t be pretending to know anything about me would it?

The irony is perfect!
Weak. It’s funny that you think Ontario is the country :ROFLMAO: how dumb do you have to be to live that far from Portland yet still be run by its libs :LOL:
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No sir.
I don't live anywhere near the Greater Boise area.
That's where people from WA, Or, and CA move to pretend to be life long Idaho residents.
Ontario is where the Idaho crackers go to get their edibles.
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WOW, Some of you kids need a time out. Please stick to the issue. Follow The Money!!! Money buys privlage, that's the American way. Yes the offenders and secondary offenders in this case should get the max sentence and LIFETIME LICENCE RESTRICTION for the entire planet!! However it was mentioned they have money that makes max punishment difficult. They will plead out and try and make it all go away. It is the every day joe that just wants to get that one or two good animals in a lifetime that really gets cheated out of an oppertunity by these rich arragont individgules. Yes I grew up on a farm and had "city" hunters show up opening morning of Phaseant season and trespass and shoot at our house and barns just to try and get a roster. Then act like they own the place when you ask them who gave them promission to trespass.
The only way to make sure the slime bags who commited these selfish act is to keep it in the media.

The Duck Valley Sho-Pai land is half Idaho and half Nevada. Either way, I don’t think that Idaho has jurisdiction over their hunting rights on the tribal lands. In any case, I wonder if Mr. Studer acquired the elk tags after all of these criminal wildlife charges were raised? You would have to be pretty far gone to keep going like that, even if it is technically legal.
When these F-ckers go over the edge, they really go. Maybe the word should get out to stop using Probst Electric, they seem to be in our valley alot
When these F-ckers go over the edge, they really go. Maybe the word should get out to stop using Probst Electric, they seem to be in our valley alot
Your problem is Quanta owns probst.. and when they bought them, that's how this idiot got his high dollar position overseeing all electrical operations, and they are probably the largest powerline contractor in the country with all their companies... ive sent an email to quanta regarding having a president who doesn't care for rules. Id suggest others do the same. I'm a lineman, know people who have worked there, and know he shouldn't hold the position he does.
Your problem is Quanta owns probst.. and when they bought them, that's how this idiot got his high dollar position overseeing all electrical operations, and they are probably the largest powerline contractor in the country with all their companies... ive sent an email to quanta regarding having a president who doesn't care for rules. Id suggest others do the same. I'm a lineman, know people who have worked there, and know he shouldn't hold the position he does.
I work with Probst a lot as well. Guys in the field (you linemen included) are fantastic. This D bag is not a representation of that out fit. Sad

Maybe they should ask Karl about this one
I’ve watched the rise of the money hunters, posse hunters, professional guides/scouts/journalists, landowner opportunists/gougers, YouTube dipshits, and garden variety flat brimmer douche bags ******* destroy a once decent and pure way of life. I hate them all with a passion and am embarrassed to be lumped in with them by the general public.
Very true.
Just like the D Bag is not a representation of the LAP program.
Dude this progaram is a joke, I am a landowner in 52 and this program gives tags to landowners that don’t use them as a tool for game on their land, most the animals that get shot with these tags are out on public ground somewhere. Now landowner permission tags, dep hunts and kill permits are a different story those are the tools that F&G should keep for depredations, which is more than fair for landowners with animals on their property causing damage or wintering there. LAP tags sell for at least $6000 or more and yes many landowners sell them if not most, I know this for a fact. Face the facts this program needs to go.
I got a call from a buddy that lives down in the Twin Falls area , he said they tracked the Big Bull Moose down , guess where, yep Karl Studer
Karl is the problem.

Blame the gun for gun violence too?
He definitely is a problem that needs to go for sure but so do the LAP tags. You obviously love F&G kissing landowner a** and if you are a landowner you know how crooked it is you probably know people selling and buying these tags and know F&G turned their head for years as guys hide it with landowner permission just to shoot a buck or bull 10 miles away from that landowner a guy paid for $10,000 for permission???? Like really dude it’s corrupt as it gets and you support that? Probably sell them yourself
I would like to hear more about this “reward” perspective though. You do know what that word means right?
The Landowner tags should be Eliminated !!! Not sure how the rest of the state operates but the western side, 99% of the landowners do NOT allow hunters on their land. And the ones that do are leasing their land for Big bucks !! That is a Guaranteed FACT in units 31 32 40 & 42 , so why should these guys get SH-T from F&G ?? Also these so called tags are designated for Depredation hunts ONLY , I know people that use them as a freezer filler in Aug Sept Oct !! Not sure what type of Depredation is possible before Dec !!

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