Paunsagunt Archery

So you're telling me that tri-tip is both a member of the media and a taxidermist and a full time Monster Muleys troll? Dang that girl is busy. 😁
My sentiment too. I got in trouble one time telling a blogger on a site, he needed to be teaching instead of blogging. He was a school teacher in the area. I knew his class times and he spent that time on the blog, each day and every day. I though it was funny, he didn't. If the shoe fits, wear it I guess:)
My sentiment too. I got in trouble one time telling a blogger on a site, he needed to be teaching instead of blogging. He was a school teacher in the area. I knew his class times and he spent that time on the blog, each day and every day. I though it was funny, he didn't. If the shoe fits, wear it I guess:)
Kerosine Party at 345 West 800 South!!!
Yip, waited to long. Hunted when I could hunt all three hunts. Passed up some beauties. Went home with tag soup. Have been down there with a tag or someone with a tag more times than not. Seen it time again, but people who shoot little deer, shoot little deer. Hope you enjoyed the time here.
A hunt is not always about a punched tag, that's for sure.

I hope Zim punches a tag, but I'm pretty sure he was looking for an experience and willing to eat his tag to gain that experience, based upon things he's said previously.

The only person that has to be satisfied with his hunt is him. I hope he tags out, as that would be an awesome end to what has been a fun follow.
Maybe my comment came off as ignorant that wasn't what I intended I was just stating facts. The biggest and most fun thing is he's been on the beautiful paunsagunt for a month straight, it's not all about killing an animal I'm sure it's been a blast looking at deer and also the scenery.
I said from the beginning if you wait to long those bigger bucks rub and get smarter and harder to kill, my guess is he waited to long and unfortunately will come home empty handed.
I’d hunt to the end and eat tag soup if I was hunting a 230 buck like Zim. Can’t kill the 230s if you don’t pass the 30 inch 190s
A hunt is not always about a punched tag, that's for sure.

I hope Zim punches a tag, but I'm pretty sure he was looking for an experience and willing to eat his tag to gain that experience, based upon things he's said previously.

The only person that has to be satisfied with his hunt is him. I hope he tags out, as that would be an awesome end to what has been a fun follow.
You and I agree quite often. I don’t keep score but we probably agree more often than we disagree.

“A hunt is not always about a punched tag, that's for sure.”

I agree when you say “not always”. I disagree vehemently when it comes to hunts like Zim’s Pauns hunt.

A Limited Entry Mule Deer Tag took decades for him to draw. Lord knows, he’s ranted, raved, and cursed UTards over how long it’s taken to draw this tag. I get the sense he’s not a 2 percenter, when comes to wealth, so he’s like a lot of folks, rather heavily invested in this “deer hunt”, both monetarily and in time, in this effort.

Yes, it’s an amazingly beautiful place to hunt. Yes he’s seen numerous mature bucks, some are apparently the best the Unit has to offer, which is nothing to sneeze at. Point being, this not an average annual hunt, that’s been done many times before and will be repeated many times again. It’s special.

It’s a hunt with a hope and yes a desire for a special outcome. It’s “not” primarily a hope for a great outdoor outing. That wasn’t the intent to begin with and it was not what was invested in and work hard and sometimes impatiently for. The goal was taking home a great mature mule deer……. first and foremost anything short of that outcome would be disappointing to most of us and why shouldn’t it be.

I’ve haven’t hired many outfitters in my life but I have hired a few. When, in my search for an outfitter that I hoped could deliver what I was wanting, said to me, “it’s not about what you shoot or don’t shoot, it’s the experience you’ll have in this special place”, I immediately go looking for a different outfitter….. one that knows and demonstrates, I’m not hiring someone to deliver a special experience in the great outdoors. I don’t need to spend $10,000 to $15,000 to see beautiful flora and fauna, I can do that without hiring him or his people.

As cool as the Pauns is, in numerous ways, Kim spent years planning for this hunt. A hunt with a hoped for outcome, I don’t think it’s fair to blow his efforts, hopes and dreams off by saying, “it’s not always about punching a tag”.

My opinion is the opposite, this time. I believe this place, this hunt, etc. is in fact all about punching a tag and nothing, on this particular hunt, is about anything but that. If that makes sense.

Yup, I know, different strokes for different folks, as for me, I’ll be disappointed for him, if he doesn’t take home what he came for. I certainly would be disappointed if I were him.

Hope it’s a last day, last ray, hunt at this point. It definitely can happen like that……… if the stars line up.
I think we agree on this one too.

When I had my once in a lifetime chance to hunt the Pauns 14 years ago, I was done hunting before 8 am opening morning! I have never regretted pulling the trigger a day since.

Regardless of how Zim views it, I hope he gets what he came here for. Whatever that is.
14 years is a long time gone. From what I get her Zims on a true OIL mission for
Mule deer
I agree with lumpy as well third isn't really a tag to just enjoy the scenery but the way Zim has went about it supposedly passing up numerous 190 bucks he seems to be satisfied with enjoying the scenery of that's what it comes down to. I myself was also done opening day when I had the tag but to I also wasn't after the biggest buck on the unit. To each his own I guess
Score is everything to ol Zim.

I would have to go back and reread his posts, but I do not recall him actually passing up any 190” plus bucks. To me passing up a buck is having that buck in range and you being able to get a good shot off. Busting out a big buck at close range, blowing stalks, waiting in ambush and things not working out, getting detected as you draw, seeing an big buck but having no way to close the distance, etc. does not constitute passing up a big buck.

Given all that ,I wish him luck sealing the deal on a large buck of his dreams with what little time is left of the season.
Yep you’re right Blue…..
I’ve been holding out posting this thread. Haha
Shoot and kill
Too sick to follow up
Spend a few days complaining
Al of a sudden well enough to go pack out horns after the meat Is spoiled.

Bash me all you want but not before you read the entire thread.
Then this year he set it up perfectly!!!!
Yep you’re right Blue…..
I’ve been holding out posting this thread. Haha
Shoot and kill
Too sick to follow up
Spend a few days complaining
Al of a sudden well enough to go pack out horns after the meat Is spoiled.

Bash me all you want but not before you read the entire thread.
Then this year he set it up perfectly!!!!
I would add also has a damn hard time saying "thanks for the info"
I would have to go back and reread his posts, but I do not recall him actually passing up any 190” plus bucks. To me passing up a buck is having that buck in range and you being able to get a good shot off. Busting out a big buck at close range, blowing stalks, waiting in ambush and things not working out, getting detected as you draw, seeing an big buck but having no way to close the distance, etc. does not constitute passing up a big buck.

Given all that ,I wish him luck sealing the deal on a large buck of his dreams with what little time is left of the season.
I can't remember if he said had them in range and past them up or not but he didn't seem to interested in going after the 190 bucks to try to get a shot. He did ask would you guys "settle" for a 180 buck which to me 180 is still a big deer and not settling by any means
Hey Nilly?

Best SPLAIN The Atrocious Pack-Out You endured Getting That Buck Out!

I think we agree on this one too.

When I had my once in a lifetime chance to hunt the Pauns 14 years ago, I was done hunting before 8 am opening morning! I have never regretted pulling the trigger a day since.

Regardless of how Zim views it, I hope he gets what he came here for. Whatever that is.
He will come back to this thread in late september, claiming to have stuck the "230" only to have him run off by some local kanabians in UTVs, hit by a truck on hwy 89 and his head stolen by some rogue mormons. BUT despite the carcass being in the road, he still was unable to recover the meat.
Score is everything to ol Zim.

What happen to the thread?
61, It's gone like charges against wade lemon.

I don't understand the negative comments. Zim at least was willing to give a Play by Play of his hunt which I was enjoying. That's more than 99% of the keyboard warriors trashing him are willing to do.

I hope he gets on and gives a final update but wouldn't blame him if he didn't.
61, It's gone like charges against wade lemon.

I don't understand the negative comments. Zim at least was willing to give a Play by Play of his hunt which I was enjoying. That's more than 99% of the keyboard warriors trashing him are willing to do.

I hope he gets on and gives a final update but wouldn't blame him if he didn't.
I agree and I hope be comes back on and gives us a wrap up..but the way some of these guys have been trashing him it wouldn't surprise me if he dont
Founder looks to be more Zuck than Elon?

Funny how some knew how this story would go and still enjoyed watching and the popcorn. Others had no idea and feel sad in the theater as the credits are starting to roll....stay in our seats...there may be final clip.
Zim has been around a long time. He's had his squabbles, many of which he's contributed to equally along the way. He's not going to tuck tail and run away from the forum. At least I don't think he will. Nobody needs to feel sorry for the guy. He's a grown man and can take a little ribbing on the internet.

Only about 6.5 more hours of his hunt left, if he hasn't already finished it. I hope to hear about the rest of it.
This one was posted on another website. Great buck from the Paunsagunt archery hunt.

I am the first to admit I would welcome some egg on my face. I have really enjoyed this post and the Colo post tainted my judgement.
Love to hear the final chapter in Zim’s Utah deer hunt!
I agree!! I would still hope he filled his tag or had a good hunt. Crap happens who knows the real story of that hunt . I hope we hear the rest of this one.
I think we agree on this one too.

When I had my once in a lifetime chance to hunt the Pauns 14 years ago, I was done hunting before 8 am opening morning! I have never regretted pulling the trigger a day since.

Regardless of how Zim views it, I hope he gets what he came here for. Whatever that is.
I feel sorry for you Vinilla. My best times down there were memories with family and friends. The big ones that got away and the many other stories. I could write a very long novel with just times on the Pauns like the time I was ready to shoot a big buck only to find out that the ATV had rattled my hammer off and it was lost. A friend had an in-line ML the next day with it getting light and I shot the limbs of a tree on the head of a large buck by not knowing his sight. I learned a very good lesson that year. I hunted that unit in 1958 my first year of hunting - - got a nice deer, but a way bigger story. Wife and sister-in-law hunted the unit first year after it had been closed eight years. They shot two good bucks. Then there were the many, many hunts down there between then and now.
Glad you got a big one. Wouldn't trade you for all my Pauns stories. Sorry
I feel sorry for you Vinilla. My best times down there were memories with family and friends. The big ones that got away and the many other stories. I could write a very long novel with just times on the Pauns like the time I was ready to shoot a big buck only to find out that the ATV had rattled my hammer off and it was lost. A friend had an in-line ML the next day with it getting light and I shot the limbs of a tree on the head of a large buck by not knowing his sight. I learned a very good lesson that year. I hunted that unit in 1958 my first year of hunting - - got a nice deer, but a way bigger story. Wife and sister-in-law hunted the unit first year after it had been closed eight years. They shot two good bucks. Then there were the many, many hunts down there between then and now.
Glad you got a big one. Wouldn't trade you for all my Pauns stories. Sorry

I promise you don’t have to feel sorry for me for my hunt. Feel sorry for me I haven’t had multiple chances like you have, but nobody needs to feel sorry for me about my hunt.

I make the most out of them all!
I promise you don’t have to feel sorry for me for my hunt. Feel sorry for me I haven’t had multiple chances like you have, but nobody needs to feel sorry for me about my hunt.

I make the most out of them all!
I didn’t make my hunt last much longer than you man when I drew my archery tag on the Paunsaugunt I harvested my buck on opening evening and I was tickled pink with him and never once regretted getting my buck early in the hunt it’s a special place to have a tag regardless of how long the hunt ends up lasting
it’s times like this, I think it’s best to hid and watch. Right now a guy could quite easily shove his own foot deep down his own throat……….
I think we pissed him off. There was a Mt. Emily archery elk hunt he did on here in 2019 that is no longer up also. Disappeared like the CO 61 post. Everyone goes into these hunts with dreams of B&C harvest. Reality is for most it never happens. Give it your best and be happy with the outcome. Some people get lucky, some make their own success, some give it their all and are unsuccessful, and sum look for excuses yet really need to take a long look in the mirror.
I think we pissed him off. There was a Mt. Emily archery elk hunt he did on here in 2019 that is no longer up also. Disappeared like the CO 61 post. Everyone goes into these hunts with dreams of B&C harvest. Reality is for most it never happens. Give it your best and be happy with the outcome. Some people get lucky, some make their own success, some give it their all and are unsuccessful, and sum look for excuses yet really need to take a long look in the mirror.
How long do I need to “look in the mirror”….. ?

Asking for a friend, not anyone you’d know though.
I'm from Utah I came on MM to give it a shot. With reading some of the comments on here I'm baffled. I thought this sight would be uplifting, and encouraging our fellow hunters out in the field. Instead I have read comments on here that those select few should be ashamed of. What happened to the days when we were helping other hunters out with a helping hand instead of worrying about pictures or things they are doing out in the field. I know this unit pretty well my family is from hatch and the surrounding areas. I think everyone should just be enjoying what he's doing and encouraging him to succeed. Take in his pictures and the great deer he's been seeing. Let him take pictures and enjoy his most likely once in a lifetime tag that he has been waiting for over 20+ years. For those on here that have been giving him that helping hand and lifting him up with encouragement good on you may your hunts be great this fall if they haven't already enjoy the mountain and memories time spent with those you love.
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We are like a big family, and with that comes some history. Some of these posters have been posting for what seems like 20 years. So much so the outcome might be predictable. There is a lot of what you came here for so don’t lose faith. What your not seeing since your new is the PMs that occur with guys sharing lots of info.

You also will see that having a sense of humor around here is necessary. A couple things will happen in the near future. Some of our regular MM will stack up some big deer starting in WY real soon and then it will spread to other states.
I'm from Utah I came on MM to give it a shot. With reading some of the comments on here I'm baffled. I thought this sight would be uplifting, and encouraging our fellow hunters out in the field. Instead I have read comments on here that those select few should be ashamed of. What happened to the days when we were helping other hunters out with a helping hand instead of worrying about pictures or things they are doing out in the field. I know this unit pretty well my family is from hatch and the surrounding areas. I think everyone should just be enjoying what he's doing and encouraging him to succeed. Take in his pictures and the great deer he's been seeing. Let him take pictures and enjoy his most likely once in a lifetime tag that he has been waiting for over 20+ years.
There is A LOT of help and encouragement from many on this site. A lot of good people here. Some poke fun at the same old same old stories. Just like those claiming to have killed a new WR without showing pictures. Better be ready for some ribbing.

We are like a big family, and with that comes some history. Some of these posters have been posting for what seems like 20 years. So much so the outcome might be predictable. There is a lot of what you came here for so don’t lose faith. What your not seeing since your new is the PMs that occur with guys sharing lots of info.

You also will see that having a sense of humor around here is necessary. A couple things will happen in the near future. Some of our regular MM will stack up some big deer starting in WY real soon and then it will spread to other states.
I agree with that statement always good to have a sense of humor nothing wrong with that. At times though seems like those select few comments push others away from posting or get there hopes up out in the field with those statements.
There is A LOT of help and encouragement from many on this site. A lot of good people here. Some poke fun at the same old same old stories. Just like those claiming to have killed a new WR without showing pictures. Better be ready for some ribbing
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