We had a dude in our barracks who was stealing stuff from different rooms. A couple bucks out of a wallet from one room, maybe a ring from another, etc. My roomie at the time was a black dude from Philly named Vince big dude, maybe 6'3" and 230.

Vince found out that another back dude named Al (he was on the barracks staff) was the thief. He threatened to kill Al if anything came up missing from our room.

Al had a heroin habit, and a habit of lacing his pot with angel dust. One day Al took a joint with a bit more dust in it than he figured on.

Goodbye Al. Al got what he deserved.

I do feel sorry for mtmuleys family and folks like that. There is a difference.
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What you learn from it is you can't help them. They have to help themselves. Whether it is anything. Some guys cheat on their wives. Getting kicked out and being let back in after a year didn't help a guy I know. He lost Her for good. He had to make a choice. Poor guy killed himself.
Many of you have had fentanyl and didn't know it. If you have had surgery with general anesthesia in the last 40 years, you have probably had fentanyl.

I've probably given fentanyl to 10,000+ people as part of my job and not one of them died from it. People that die from fentanyl are almost always due to two different reasons.
#1 You get so relaxed, you don't think you need to breathe and you will die a few minutes after you stop breathing.
#2 Choke on your own vomit.

Even though fentanyl is a very dangerous and addictive drug, it can still be very useful and given safely for medical purposes.

Fentanyl is much more addictive than most street drugs or alcohol. The first time you try it recreationally, may be the last time you have a real choice to use it.

Drug dealers sell it because they can get it cheap and it is very addictive, so they get repeat customers.

Fentanyl has been used for medical purposes for more than 50 years but only became a common street drug 10 years ago. Fentanyl has become a popular street drug in the US because the Chinese made it cheap and Mexican drug cartels have made it available. We could also blame many US politicians for the fentanyl problem in our country. There is a political reason New York has 4X the Fentanyl death rate than Texas.

China and cartels are effectively killing 1000's of Americans with a cheap to produce drug. Much less expensive than a conventional war. The CPP is at a minimum complicit. Soros and others in our country are at a minimum complicit. To believe otherwise would be as intelligent as believing Fauci that COVID couldn't have come out of a lab he helped fund.
So BrianID?

Do Oral Surgeons Use It On You/Us As Well?

Thanks For The Info!

Like I Said:

CHINA Working Us Over From Every Direction!

Many of you have had fentanyl and didn't know it. If you have had surgery with general anesthesia in the last 40 years, you have probably had fentanyl.

I've probably given fentanyl to 10,000+ people as part of my job and not one of them died from it. People that die from fentanyl are almost always due to two different reasons.
#1 You get so relaxed, you don't think you need to breathe and you will die a few minutes after you stop breathing.
#2 Choke on your own vomit.

Even though fentanyl is a very dangerous and addictive drug, it can still be very useful and given safely for medical purposes.

Fentanyl is much more addictive than most street drugs or alcohol. The first time you try it recreationally, may be the last time you have a real choice to use it.

Drug dealers sell it because they can get it cheap and it is very addictive, so they get repeat customers.

Fentanyl has been used for medical purposes for more than 50 years but only became a common street drug 10 years ago. Fentanyl has become a popular street drug in the US because the Chinese made it cheap and Mexican drug cartels have made it available. We could also blame many US politicians for the fentanyl problem in our country. There is a political reason New York has 4X the Fentanyl death rate than Texas.

China and cartels are effectively killing 1000's of Americans with a cheap to produce drug. Much less expensive than a conventional war. The CPP is at a minimum complicit. Soros and others in our country are at a minimum complicit. To believe otherwise would be as intelligent as believing Fauci that COVID couldn't have come out of a lab he helped fund.
Many of you have had fentanyl and didn't know it. If you have had surgery with general anesthesia in the last 40 years, you have probably had fentanyl.
About 15 years ago I had an outpatient procedure done at the hospital. When I came out of it, I was at complete peace with the world. If the doctor had said to me, I had 2 days to live I would have said "I love you, man!" It was probably the fentanyl.
So BrianID?

Do Oral Surgeons Use It On You/Us As Well?

Thanks For The Info!

Like I Said:

CHINA Working Us Over From Every Direction!
Oral surgeon’s use fentanyl often. Both my daughters had the oral surgeon give it to them when their wisdom teeth were removed and I had no problem with it being given.

It is getting less popular in medical use for 2 reasons.

#1 Fentanyl has received a bad name in the news and many patients will request it isn’t used.
#2 There has been a movement in medicine to prescribe and give less opioids for about 20 years now and the opioid epidemic has just sped up that movement.

In the late 90’s Purdue had their drug reps telling everyone that OxyContin wasn’t addictive. Combined with the lies about Covid, many doctors are increasingly skeptical about information provided by the government or pharmaceutical companies.

Fentanyl can still be a useful drug in medical settings but is very dangerous as a street drug. If you sample it even once, your risk of both death and serious addiction are much higher than any other street drug that I can think of at the moment.
Oral surgeon’s use fentanyl often. Both my daughters had the oral surgeon give it to them when their wisdom teeth were removed and I had no problem with it being given.

It is getting less popular in medical use for 2 reasons.

#1 Fentanyl has received a bad name in the news and many patients will request it isn’t used.
#2 There has been a movement in medicine to prescribe and give less opioids for about 20 years now and the opioid epidemic has just sped up that movement.

In the late 90’s Purdue had their drug reps telling everyone that OxyContin wasn’t addictive. Combined with the lies about Covid, many doctors are increasingly skeptical about information provided by the government or pharmaceutical companies.

Fentanyl can still be a useful drug in medical settings but is very dangerous as a street drug. If you sample it even once, your risk of both death and serious addiction are much higher than any other street drug that I can think of at the moment.
Interesting info.

I've had 22 different orthopedic procedures done since I retired, ranging from simple stuff like arthroscopic joint clean, up to joint replacement.

Only the most recent two have used fentanyl (plus other stuff); shoulder repair and bone spur removal, and a combo elbow repair and concurrent hand repair.
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Interesting info.

I've had 22 different orthopedic procedures done since I retired ranging from simple stuff like arthroscopic joint clean up to joint replacement.

Only the most recent two have used fentanyl (plus other stuff); shoulder repair and bone spur removal, and a combo elbow repair and concurrent hand repair.
You volunteered to have more surgeries for some reason. You hide your addiction well. :)
I have seen good people ruin their lives with drugs. And I have seen others save themselves from addiction. For those who choose to go down that path, there is no one else to blame. No gubmint. No China. But there are many who end up on the wrong side through no fault of their own, and these people at least deserve some compassion, if not help. Same for those born into poverty; on the wrong side of the border, or to lousy parents. The list goes on. Some people are dealt a bad hand, and those without compassion are the worst refuse America can spawn.
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