New world record?


Long Time Member
Claiming it scores 238"?
Absolutely giant main frame 4 point. I wouldn’t doubt a rough gross green score of 238”. After deductions and stripping the velvet, I really doubt it is bigger than the Burris Buck. I wouldn’t be surprised if net was higher than P&Y Gardner Buck.

I don’t see any tags in the ears. Something so big, makes me suspicious of high fences. Hope it is a legit free range buck.
I think they bludgeoned that buck to death... :ROFLMAO: How does a capped buck get that blood shot...

What a fantastic buck and congrats to the hunter...
Given the last 12 months how many guys , like me, have waited to comment, just waiting for the "other" shoe to drop? I've waited 3 days so I guess it's safe?

That's a beautiful deer. Congrats to everyone involved.

And yup, any deer or elk I help pack, I get a pic with, thems the rules
I'd Guess Since You're 6' 13" Tall You Got Some Perty Long Arms Hossy?

How Wide You Figure You Could Make That Buck Look With Your Arm Length & A Fish Eye?

Given the last 12 months how many guys , like me, have waited to comment, just waiting for the "other" shoe to drop? I've waited 3 days so I guess it's safe?

That's a beautiful deer. Congrats to everyone involved.

And yup, any deer or elk I help pack, I get a pic with, thems the rules

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