Colorado Round Up

That's Exactly The Question I Asked Here!

Change The Word Colorado To Utah & My Exact Question For The JOKERS Here Several Years Ago Trying To Bring Them In To DRATville!

There Isn't Anywhere There Won't Be A Conflict!

There Ain't Many DRATS That Won't Shoot Them When They See Them Either!

Where in Colorado can livestock killing wolves be relocated where there is no livestock? No where. What a cluster F.
Hey Niller!

Remind Everybody That Even Us DRATS Are Getting Out-Numbered By That Other Type!

Or Should I Say TYPES?


And why I would caution you to pay attention to the constitutional amendment on the ballot that will allow the legislature to step in and amend ballot initiatives that are bad for the state.

I will absolutely be voting in favor of it. Colorado with their free for all on pot and wolves is a perfect example of why governing at the ballot box is a terrible way to govern.

We are not a democracy, we are a democratic republic. There is a reason our wise founding fathers set it up that way.

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