NV antelope


Active Member
Had a great opening day in NV . My grandson went with me and we found a pretty cool buc. 15 3/8” with extras on both prongs. Just couldn’t pass that up. Best part is grandson did about 80% of the work. Doesn’t get much better than that




The character bucks are the best! Congrats.
Sometimes that is true. Never again will I shoot a " character " buck when I have a solid 80+ buck found. Talked myself into one with the help of a buddy. Got riled up and shot him...Cool buck. But I would rather have had the other buck. Maybe he will pipe up and have his say? Weak moment for me.
Cool buck maddog! He's kinda got the "crown" thing going on top of the prong. I've never seen that before.
I'm glad you had a good time with your grandson and you found early success. Now you can go look for sheep!
We passed this buck up earlier that day. And found a similar buck that was heavier and better prongs. I made the comment on the way to him "if we run into the freaky buck I will kill him" guess what? Yep and in a weak moment I shot the wierd one.
Cool buck maddog! He's kinda got the "crown" thing going on top of the prong. I've never seen that before.
I'm glad you had a good time with your grandson and you found early success. Now you can go look for sheep!
Can’t go look for sheep until late November I thinking . I’ve still got a deer tag here in NV, helping a buddy for elk here in NV and deer tag in CO plus helping my Uncle in CO for deer and elk. Pretty dang busy this year
I like some character bucks. I was stalking a B&C buck when I stopped to take a break hiking up a hill. Looked across the way a few hills over and saw this one. Changed plans and have no regrets. Killed him up in the rock outcrop at skyline to the right of me.
He looks blind in his left eye, is the the case? Way cool buck…

Edit adding “eye” that would help… 😵
So I’m having this buck mounted and he was blind in that eye. I’m thinking about having the eye just like that in the mount, what do you guys think ?
Yes I definitely would....put him back the way he was the day took him its all the part of the memory of the hunt and the animal

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