Zone 1-6 Antelope


Hey guys! I’m looking to gather as much info as I can on antelope in CA.

I happened to get the fundraising tag for one buck!

I’m leaning towards the lassen unit, anyone have any info they would be willing to share on areas and what to expect? I know the pool of knowledge might be small given the number of tags give each year.

Or maybe any of the other zones?
Trying to find the best time to go as well.
Plan to scout a few times in July and early august.

Thank you!
I've hunted antelope twice in California but not since 1992. Surprise Valley used to be the "hot" unit but it's all different now. Likely Tables is a tough hunt now, I heard. Good luck!
I've hunted antelope twice in California but not since 1992. Surprise Valley used to be the "hot" unit but it's all different now. Likely Tables is a tough hunt now, I heard. Good luck!
I have been putting in for the tables archery but these last few years changed to lassen. Based off what I’ve been readingb thanks for the info!
I killed an 86 inch pronghorn in the Lassen zone years ago.
Not sure how it is now but I can tell you when you see a mid 80s buck there’s going to be a whole lot of black on top of his head.
Much more so than the average ones you will be looking at.
I killed an 86 inch pronghorn in the Lassen zone years ago.
Not sure how it is now but I can tell you when you see a mid 80s buck there’s going to be a whole lot of black on top of his head.
Much more so than the average ones you will be looking at.
That’s good to hear! Hoping to get some scouting in maybe if I can find something and get pictures I can post em up see what you guys think
Hunted likely tables last year and from what I saw the population and quality is way down. Talked to a biologist for the unit and he stated that they have been recommending a reduction in tags for years. I guess the system is behind as always and unfortunately the herd takes the hit. With that info and what I was seeing, I took the first legal buck I could get to.

Hunted likely tables last year and from what I saw the population and quality is way down. Talked to a biologist for the unit and he stated that they have been recommending a reduction in tags for years. I guess the system is behind as always and unfortunately the herd takes the hit. With that info and what I was seeing, I took the first legal buck I could get to.

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I see thanks for the info! I’ll probably stay away from there then!
The last year for fundraiser draws was 2019. They are all auction tags given away to groups like CDA.
I was going to say the fundraiser tags are a thing of the past but I did read they are trying to bring back the sheep one atleast.

Hey guys! I’m looking to gather as much info as I can on antelope in CA.

I happened to get the fundraising tag for one buck!

I’m leaning towards the lassen unit, anyone have any info they would be willing to share on areas and what to expect? I know the pool of knowledge might be small given the number of tags give each year.

Or maybe any of the other zones?
Trying to find the best time to go as well.
Plan to scout a few times in July and early august.

Thank you!
How much did the auction antelope tag go for that you bought?
I was going to say the fundraiser tags are a thing of the past but I did read they are trying to bring back the sheep one atleast.

How much did the auction antelope tag go for that you bought?
It was at a CDA banquet, it’s a fundraising tag. Yes it was auctioned I don’t know how much goes to the state and how much went to CDA.
It was at a CDA banquet, it’s a fundraising tag. Yes it was auctioned I don’t know how much goes to the state and how much went to CDA.
Yeah I was more so curious what the final bid amount was ? Like what you bid on the tag for how much since you were the winning bidder. I only ask because maybe I would be interested in the future.
Lassen is a fun hunt… seen a lot of antelope on the deer hunts. I missed 2 years of applying so I’ll never actually get to hunt them.

Post pics!
Haven't drawn an antelope tag in California in 40 years have max points don't know what it's going to take to get to hunt one in this state...... it sucks
Haven't drawn an antelope tag in California in 40 years have max points don't know what it's going to take to get to hunt one in this state...... it sucks
What unit do you usually put in for??? I would think if you have had max points for a few years you should be catching up to a guaranteed tag!

2023 stats
Lassen period 1 had 27 pref point tags
97 1st choice at max of 21 based off that the max point pool that are chasing creep should get their tags within the next 3.5 years(if the 260 max point holders that put in for just a point not a hunt don’t change their ways. Hard to account for those 260 guys)
What unit do you usually put in for??? I would think if you have had max points for a few years you should be catching up to a guaranteed tag!

2023 stats
Lassen period 1 had 27 pref point tags
97 1st choice at max of 21 based off that the max point pool that are chasing creep should get their tags within the next 3.5 years(if the 260 max point holders that put in for just a point not a hunt don’t change their ways. Hard to account for those 260 guys)
Lassen had a 1 in 3 chance to draw and still didn't draw
Yep, I'm sitting on max antelope points too and applied for Lassen. First time I've actually applied for a hunt instead of points only in several years. It should happen in the next few years. 🤞
But I have been putting in for this hunt since before points started over 40 years
#3 looks decent, #2 looks like good mass, but maybe not a lot of height/length? Know he curls good,..but I'm no expert... Good luck!...
#3 looks decent, #2 looks like good mass, but maybe not a lot of height/length? Know he curls good,..but I'm no expert... Good luck!...
I like #2 a lot just his looks
wish he was taller don’t think he will break the magical 80” but idk if I care we’ll see😬
I think #3 was the biggest he was also the farthest and never really gave me any other looks than side profile and a flash from the front and back but could get it on film.

I like #2 a lot just his looks
wish he was taller don’t think he will break the magical 80” but idk if I care we’ll see😬
I think #3 was the biggest he was also the farthest and never really gave me any other looks than side profile and a flash from the front and back but could get it on film.

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He could be a monster if he makes it a couple more years.
Lassen is a slam dunk. Early!
Jester, you obviously don’t know the current conditions on the Lassen unit.

I have a first season tag, I know the unit very well from one end to the other and I will tell you there is a reason the tags have been cut to 35 this year from about 80 tags just a few years ago. It’s because there are damned few antelope on Lassen these days. I’ve spent 2 1/2 days scouting so far, in areas that typically hold good numbers of antelope, and I’ve seen fewer than 30 antelope total so far. The Lassen unit is nothing like it was 5 or more years ago. Last weekend I focused on a part of the unit where I’d normally expect to see 50-75 antelope and I saw exactly 3 very spooky antelope. Whether by predators or poachers, they’ve been pressured badly.

I have 5 more scouting days planned before the opener and by opening day I’ll have covered most of the unit, but I know it’s going to be very tough to find the caliber of buck I’m looking for.

Lassen is not what it used to be.
This is the first I've heard the Lassen is way down. I have been hearing Likely Tables is way down.

Tag numbers reflect the drop in population. My question is. What's happening? Why the drop in population?
Misty likely a combination of drought and predation.
I think you’re spot on, especially about predation. I spent some time talking with a 4th generation rancher who told me antelope numbers are way down and he’s seeing more coyotes than ever. If you think about this, it makes sense as the sheep grazers are no longer on the unit like they used to be and when there was a lot of sheep grazing, Animal Damage Control flew the country shooting coyotes. That no longer happens.

That same rancher told me they also now have a couple predators they never had till the last few years, bears and wolves. He told me his neighbor lost 3 calves to bears and now they see bears around despite never seeing them years ago. He also told me he now gets calls from Fish & Wildlife to advise him when collared wolves are near his ranch and that’s happened several times this year.

Another factor has to be all the pot growers on the Madeline Plains. You think those Hmong's growing pot don’t shoot antelope?

Lassen will always have some big bucks. It’s just that now, there are far fewer antelope, a lot fewer tags and a guy has to work harder to find a big buck. I’m planning to hunt the entire season.
This is the first I've heard the Lassen is way down. I have been hearing Likely Tables is way down.

Tag numbers reflect the drop in population. My question is. What's happening? Why the drop in population?
It’s only anecdotal, but I’ve heard Likely Tables is down worse than Lassen. And that came from a hardcore hunter who happens to work for Fish & Game. He’s pretty disappointed with the state of deer and antelope in both of those units.
I've hunted antelope twice in California but not since 1992. Surprise Valley used to be the "hot" unit but it's all different now. Likely Tables is a tough hunt now, I heard. Good luck!

I just got back from 1.5 days scouting Surprise Valley with my son. We put on some miles on some horrible rocky roads getting in to some remote areas with water. Never saw a single pronghorn! I know they're there but the numbers are wayyyy down.
I just got back from 1.5 days scouting Surprise Valley with my son. We put on some miles on some horrible rocky roads getting in to some remote areas with water. Never saw a single pronghorn! I know they're there but the numbers are wayyyy down.
Sorry to hear that. That's pretty sad. I had a tag once and hunted it twice more with guys who had tags. One ray of hope is to hunt the border line between CA and Nevada. If the Nevada season is open, sometimes the antelope will cross into the CA side from the Nevada pressure. Kind of a long shot but I have seen it happen. It doesn't sound like they have improved the road system since then either.
All of those look like one or two more years they would be great. Are they issuing too many tags, keeping the age class cropped off?
They cut the tags this year I believe.
I’m sure a few of the pictured bucks won’t make it to day 2 of the first rifle period.
They cut the tags this year I believe.
I’m sure a few of the pictured bucks won’t make it to day 2 of the first rifle period.
Not that many years ago, I believe there were 80 tags per period, so 160 tags a year on Lassen and also Likely Tables. Now, it’s 35 tags per period, so less than half the tags that used to be issued. The populations are way down, not only by my observations but also talking with a couple ranchers and game wardens. It’s a pretty dismal situation.
Not that many years ago, I believe there were 80 tags per period, so 160 tags a year on Lassen and also Likely Tables. Now, it’s 35 tags per period, so less than half the tags that used to be issued. The populations are way down, not only by my observations but also talking with a couple ranchers and game wardens. It’s a pretty dismal situation.
It's less than that on likely tables now.
I'd kill the buck in the 3rd/last picture. Looks like a heavy buck.....won't be long now!
First and 3rd are the same. They were suppose to be together not sure why the other ended up in the middle.

My ol man posted him in another topic asking about score if you wanna see more pictures.
I scouted Lassen last weekend and saw a decent number of Antelope. We saw just over 100 horses we actually lost count but they were everywgere.1 Coyote, 4 mule deer bucks and 17 does and fawns. I was surprised to see that every doe had at least one fawn. The last time I was there was in 2012, and I only remember seeing 5 horses.
I scouted Lassen last weekend and saw a decent number of Antelope. We saw just over 100 horses we actually lost count but they were everywgere.1 Coyote, 4 mule deer bucks and 17 does and fawns. I was surprised to see that every doe had at least one fawn. The last time I was there was in 2012, and I only remember seeing 5 horses.
Yeah we have seen a bunch of horses and donkeys. Only one coyote. No deer bucks but a handful of does and fawns!
I met a bow hunter Saturday evening out on the unit and we talked awhile, comparing notes since he has an archery tag and I have first rifle. Sunday afternoon, he texted me with a location where he saw what he believed was a B&C class buck. Now, this bow hunter was on the first pronghorn hunt of his life, so I took his information in stride, hoping he had a clue as to how big it really was but doubting it’d be as big as this first time hunter thought.

This morning, he texted me a picture, holding one of the biggest antelope I’ve seen in a very long time and it’s just beautiful. The horns are probably 16-17” long, judging by the photos, good mass and incredible prongs that must be over 7”. He takes crappy pictures, unfortunately; but I’m guessing the buck at 86” or a bit more based on the photos he sent me. Depending on dry score, he may have killed a new state record buck for archery on his very first antelope hunt. The tips curl all the way over the top and point straight back down toward his skull. I’ve talked to him and told him he’ll never kill a bigger buck in five lifetimes. I couldn’t be happier for this guy! I’m hoping to see the buck later this week and promised to score it for him.

…And, he killed it by Spot & Stalk!
I met a bow hunter Saturday evening out on the unit and we talked awhile, comparing notes since he has an archery tag and I have first rifle. Sunday afternoon, he texted me with a location where he saw what he believed was a B&C class buck. Now, this bow hunter was on the first pronghorn hunt of his life, so I took his information in stride, hoping he had a clue as to how big it really was but doubting it’d be as big as this first time hunter thought.

This morning, he texted me a picture, holding one of the biggest antelope I’ve seen in a very long time and it’s just beautiful. The horns are probably 16-17” long, judging by the photos, good mass and incredible prongs that must be over 7”. He takes crappy pictures, unfortunately; but I’m guessing the buck at 86” or a bit more based on the photos he sent me. Depending on dry score, he may have killed a new state record buck for archery on his very first antelope hunt. The tips curl all the way over the top and point straight back down toward his skull. I’ve talked to him and told him he’ll never kill a bigger buck in five lifetimes. I couldn’t be happier for this guy! I’m hoping to see the buck later this week and promised to score it for him.

…And, he killed it by Spot & Stalk!
That is pretty cool. Maybe he'll give you permission to share a pic or 2? Congrats to him.....first goat could be a record? Crazy.
Stud buck for sure! Maybe it's just the lighting but it looks to possibly have a unique colored cape as well.
Dandy buck, getting it done with a bow is hard enough, but getting a buck of that caliber takes it to a new level.., throw in its his first goat hunt w/bow... just plane wow factor. Congrats to the hunter, thanks for sharing...
Yep, I'm sitting on max antelope points too and applied for Lassen. First time I've actually applied for a hunt instead of points only in several years. It should happen in the next few years. 🤞
I chose a different strategy when I had max points. When I first drew a tag and received the letter in the mail from DFW I noticed that I had the option to return the tag prior to July 15th (I think) and have my pref. pts restored. I took full advantage of this option by first traveling up to the zone and scouting extensively. When I failed to locate any bucks of the quality I was hoping for, I turned my tag back in with the knowledge that I would draw again in the next year or two...which I did. I actually drew, scouted, and returned my CA pronghorn tag twice before choosing to keep the tag and hunt the third time I drew. I only kept it the third time because, due to an overseas trip, I knew I woould not be able to prescout prior to the deadline to return the tag.
I chose a different strategy when I had max points. When I first drew a tag and received the letter in the mail from DFW I noticed that I had the option to return the tag prior to July 15th (I think) and have my pref. pts restored. I took full advantage of this option by first traveling up to the zone and scouting extensively. When I failed to locate any bucks of the quality I was hoping for, I turned my tag back in with the knowledge that I would draw again in the next year or two...which I did. I actually drew, scouted, and returned my CA pronghorn tag twice before choosing to keep the tag and hunt the third time I drew. I only kept it the third time because, due to an overseas trip, I knew I woould not be able to prescout prior to the deadline to return the tag.
So what did you end up killing once you held on to the tag the third time?
So what did you end up killing once you held on to the tag the third time?
Good Question! Just a "decent" low-mid 70's type buck. If I had the chance that year to pre-scout in June/July as I had in the past, and saw only what I did on the days I was there prior and during my hunt, I would have returned my tag again! Oh well, no regrets. It was a really fun hunt.

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