Trump Verdict

Biden should pardon Trump, he might find himself on the other end of all this pretty soon. Trump is grade A NYC real estate scum, pretty much everything republicans hated until he took up their flag (overwhelming Irony).

BUT, despite trump being a complete dumpster fire of a human and a life long mob boss wannabe, this is not the way. Pardon him.

Our political system is rapidly devolving into something more closely resembling a former soviet bloc country. The earth isnt round or flat, its F#cked.

You are right. He's everything the check pants, bow tie, Mitt Romney crowd hate. Republicans were to lose with dignity, give speeches about Reagan, but always, always, keep giving ground.

22,000 gun laws, but pro 2A. 60 million abortions, but anti abortion. 20 million illegals, but pro border control. "Traditional family values", but pride month, genital mutilation surgery. America first as China explodes onto the stage.

That's the Republican party that conservatives had shoved down their throat.

Just keep nominating Bob Dole, John McCain, Mitt Romney.

Meanwhile the Dems will ELECT street fighters like the Clinton Machine, and Chicago crew.

But by golly, "Reagan, Reagan, Reagan".

It's a "dumpster fire" because the Conservatives decided to resort to the Dems version of politics. Dirty, nasty, ugly, mean

If the R would just get back in line, nominate a Bush, or Romney, all would be well.🙄
Where is the outrage w/ Clinton?

Exactly, under the table Bill paid $800,000+.

My bigger beef is with Killary. She paid for a fake dossier using campaign funds to interfere with an election. That dossier was a made up lie to try and change an election….that should be a no brainer conviction. Same with the 51 “intelligence” officers who signed the letter saying the dossier is real. All of them should be charged as well.

This whole system is rigged and how any self respecting democrat can actually still vote for these idiots is beyond me.
You are right. He's everything the check pants, bow tie, Mitt Romney crowd hate. Republicans were to lose with dignity, give speeches about Reagan, but always, always, keep giving ground.

22,000 gun laws, but pro 2A. 60 million abortions, but anti abortion. 20 million illegals, but pro border control. "Traditional family values", but pride month, genital mutilation surgery. America first as China explodes onto the stage.

That's the Republican party that conservatives had shoved down their throat.

Just keep nominating Bob Dole, John McCain, Mitt Romney.

Meanwhile the Dems will ELECT street fighters like the Clinton Machine, and Chicago crew.

But by golly, "Reagan, Reagan, Reagan".

It's a "dumpster fire" because the Conservatives decided to resort to the Dems version of politics. Dirty, nasty, ugly, mean

If the R would just get back in line, nominate a Bush, or Romney, all would be well.🙄
It’s why I was saying it’s time to fight just like the dems. The only way to stop a wolf is with another wolf, or sss.

I won’t be voting for any republican going forward unless they are willing to take off the gloves. Once again, every red state attorney and AG should be bringing charges against Dems.
Exactly, under the table Bill paid $800,000+.

My bigger beef is with Killary. She paid for a fake dossier using campaign funds to interfere with an election. That dossier was a made up lie to try and change an election….that should be a no brainer conviction. Same with the 51 “intelligence” officers who signed the letter saying the dossier is real. All of them should be charged as well.

This whole system is rigged and how any self respecting democrat can actually still vote for these idiots is beyond me.
Classic what-aboutism.... :rolleyes:

Some smart Republicans should investigate and charge Bill and his old hag if there is evidence that a jury of 12 would convict on. ;)
Classic what-aboutism.... :rolleyes:

Some smart Republicans should investigate and charge Bill and his old hag if there is evidence that a jury of 12 would convict on. ;)

Ever notice it's always the R that get accused of what aboutism?

It's almost as if, the libs have already done it all?

We'd like to get charged.

But despite being guilty of holding and moving classified documents, "a well meaning elderly man with memory problems" is so sad, a jury would feel bad for him.


The FBI director will spend 10 min, laying out Hillary's classified crimes, but

"No reasonable prosecutor" would ever bring charges against her, in 96% democrat DC.

As we know, the FBI director, is often confused with the AG.

But of course that AG, would rather take contempt charges, than prosecute Obama for running guns into Mexico.

The whataboutism is strong, I agree.
Classic what-aboutism.... :rolleyes:

Some smart Republicans should investigate and charge Bill and his old hag if there is evidence that a jury of 12 would convict on. ;)
You’re fking hilarious.

How is it what-aboutism when there are laws in this country that should be followed and applied equally?

Problem is that Dems would cry like little babies, saying how it’s so unfair if the law was actually applied equally.
Ever notice it's always the R that get accused of what aboutism?

It's almost as if, the libs have already done it all?

We'd like to get charged.

But despite being guilty of holding and moving classified documents, "a well meaning elderly man with memory problems" is so sad, a jury would feel bad for him.


The FBI director will spend 10 min, laying out Hillary's classified crimes, but

"No reasonable prosecutor" would ever bring charges against her, in 96% democrat DC.

As we know, the FBI director, is often confused with the AG.

But of course that AG, would rather take contempt charges, than prosecute Obama for running guns into Mexico.

The whataboutism is strong, I agree.
Did you see the excuse the white house came up with for not releasing the tapes from the Hur interview?

They were afraid someone could use Biden’s voice in a deep fake AI scenario for nefarious purposes…waj. More like they don’t want the world to see how stupid and incompetent Biden is.
Shocker, if you question the verdict and Alan Bragg you are now a racist.

Wow, couldn’t have predicted that from the dems! In any commentary I’ve seen not once has race been even remotely hinted at. Just like always when the dems can’t defend their actions…..IT’s RACISM

What a bunch of losers
My bigger beef is with Killary. She paid for a fake dossier using campaign funds to interfere with an election. That dossier was a made up lie to try and change an election….that should be a no brainer conviction.
Then why is she not being charged? It's not to late!
This attorney from CA has an idea. Equal justice under the law.

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What state she would get charged is above my pay grade. I'm just pointing out there are ample opportunities to throw spit balls at these people to see what would stick yet they continue to just biche and moan about it or have a congressional hearing.

I live in Colorado. As demonstrated here, the liberal way is through the courts especially if conservatives are involved in some fashion. They want you to expel time, money, or other resources all at the mercy of a court keeping whatever they don't want from advancing.
What state she would get charged is above my pay grade. I'm just pointing out there are ample opportunities to throw spit balls at these people to see what would stick yet they continue to just biche and moan about it or have a congressional hearing.

I live in Colorado. As demonstrated here, the liberal way is through the courts especially if conservatives are involved in some fashion. They want you to expel time, money, or other resources all at the mercy of a court keeping whatever they don't want from advancing.

Point is, lib court, lib prosecutors, won't happen there.

Shaun Maguire, a Los Angeles-based venture capitalist and a former Hillary Clinton campaign donor, declared on social media that he donated $300,000 to the Trump campaign within an hour of the verdict, and wrote in an essay that "the double standards and lawfare that Trump has faced" "boiled my blood."

He told The Free Press, "We were told that Donald Trump would be the end of democracy, but it turns out that lawfare tactics have been escalated by the Democrats and not by the Republicans. And so it’s from that backdrop that I believe the Republican Party is less of a danger to democracy than the Democratic Party right now."

Shaun Maguire, a Los Angeles-based venture capitalist and a former Hillary Clinton campaign donor, declared on social media that he donated $300,000 to the Trump campaign within an hour of the verdict, and wrote in an essay that "the double standards and lawfare that Trump has faced" "boiled my blood."

He told The Free Press, "We were told that Donald Trump would be the end of democracy, but it turns out that lawfare tactics have been escalated by the Democrats and not by the Republicans. And so it’s from that backdrop that I believe the Republican Party is less of a danger to democracy than the Democratic Party right now."
Seems they are but a few big names who are moving to Trump after the trial.
Most of us here are preaching to the choir......the few others here are our enemy.......anyone that thinks this was a "normal" justice thing can stand on the side of the road with a broke down car till hell freezes help from me....You don't exist....

You on that team aren't deep enough to understand the gravity of what just happened.....
Well it seems the Judge in Trump's trial has notified Trump's defense team that there may be "jury misconduct". It seems that a cousin of a jury member used a web site to state that his cousin was a jury member and long before the trial was completed the jury member advised his cousin that "Trump was guilty".
If proven to be true, that would overturn the verdict and require a new trial. It seems that jury member lied during the questions asked if he could be impartial and judge the case by the facts presented in the trial. Any bets he was a registered Democrat?
The whole jury from NY were registered Democrats. I’d bet $100
So what. You get a jury of your peers, not political duplicates. Until a few years ago, Trump was a registered Democrat in Manhattan too.

PS. I'm sure Biden's jury had plenty of Democrats on it too.
Classifying a hush money payment as a business expense (to influence an election)..... or more specifically, the charges were for "falsification of business records".

Yup, nothing inherently illegal about banging a porn star and then paying her to stay quiet (I don't care about that, it's just a morality thing)..... but it's not a business expense. And it certainly appears to have been done to avoid negative publicity just prior to an election.....some have called that election interference.

Yup, not quite as significant as the classified docs case or the Georgia and federal election subversion cases. I'd much rather seen those cases tried than this one.
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Trump's attorney made the payments to her without telling Trump according to Attorney Cohen. Cohen then billed Trump who paid the bill and that is considered a business expense. Main reason why the feds would not take on the case against Trump.
Trump's attorney made the payments to her without telling Trump according to Attorney Cohen. Cohen then billed Trump who paid the bill and that is considered a business expense. Main reason why the feds would not take on the case against Trump.
Sure they did.

Cohen was known for doing super nice things for people like taking out home equity loans to fund a $130,000 payment to pay off his boses f*** buddy.

Oh yeah, and Cohen took out that $130K without even checking with the boss to make sure he'd get paid back?......right.

That's funny.
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Your opinion, and that is all you have, is not worth a hill of beans in a court of law. The case will be overturned, but the deceitful Democrats got what they wanted to interfere with the upcoming election. Only problem their deceit was so apparent that it is backfiring with the voting citizens. They may have just assured Trump being elected again over your idol, sleepy Joe.
My neighbor plans to fly his F##K Biden flag again this coming Nov.
Well it seems the Judge in Trump's trial has notified Trump's defense team that there may be "jury misconduct". It seems that a cousin of a jury member used a web site to state that his cousin was a jury member and long before the trial was completed the jury member advised his cousin that "Trump was guilty".
If proven to be true, that would overturn the verdict and require a new trial. It seems that jury member lied during the questions asked if he could be impartial and judge the case by the facts presented in the trial. Any bets he was a registered Democrat?
Oh....did that Facebook prank about jury misconduct go somewhere? I must have missed that.

Edit: And good for your neighbor.....I've never felt the need to brag about the flag my neighbor flew in their yard???? You should probably fly the same flag, or would you rather just brag about your neighbor?
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You think I'd leave this site if Trump got elected? I might even post more often.
I really don't think you earned all of that supposed 130 IQ.
I'm totally good. I get a good dose of my daily comedy by visiting this site. Sometimes I even feel like commenting.

You OK? Don't know that I've ever seen you post anything intelligent. Usually pretty basic 1 or 2 liners with no substance. There was that one time you posted something you thought was funny on 3 separate threads.
I'm totally good. I get a good dose of my daily comedy by visiting this site. Sometimes I even feel like commenting.

You OK? Don't know that I've ever seen you post anything intelligent. Usually pretty basic 1 or 2 liners with no substance. There was that one time you posted something you thought was funny on 3 separate threads.
Whew. Just making sure man.
NMFROM81 it is not worth the effort or time conversing with low I.Q. idiots. I am going to do what some others have done with you, click on the ignore button.
Classifying a hush money payment as a business expense (to influence an election)..... or more specifically, the charges were for "falsification of business records".

Yup, nothing inherently illegal about banging a porn star and then paying her to stay quiet (I don't care about that, it's just a morality thing)..... but it's not a business expense. And it certainly appears to have been done to avoid negative publicity just prior to an election.....some have called that election interference.

Yup, not quite as significant as the classified docs case or the Georgia and federal election subversion cases. I'd much rather seen those cases tried than this one.


He was supposed to use campaign funds for hush money, or, was supposed to put in his accounting software, "banging Stormy"?

Interesting how all the sudden, Hush money is a campaign violation.

Honestly, I assumed he banged her.

After the trial, I'm leaning more towards extortion.

He was supposed to use campaign funds for hush money, or, was supposed to put in his accounting software, "banging Stormy"?

Interesting how all the sudden, Hush money is a campaign violation.

Honestly, I assumed he banged her.

After the trial, I'm leaning more towards extortion.
It was extortion.
She got paid to sign the NDA. Then violated it. It is not a crime to pay somone to sign a NDA. Just ask congress. They have a slush, or should I say Hush Money Fund fto pay off claims of sexual harassment. Wether true or false acustaiotns Congress has a Hush Money Fund.

But the trial was about falsifying business records. To influence a Federal election.🤔

Didn't Hilary pay for the Steele Dossier? Falsly claim it was a legal expense? She was fined by the Federal Election regulators with a campaign fiance viloation for flasifying business records in order to influence the 2016 election. Sound familiar? Why was this not felonious?

What about the 51 former intelligence officials? One could surmise that their intent was to influence the 2020 elections. By lying about the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell? Was this felonious?

FJB :mad: LGB
It was extortion.
She got paid to sign the NDA. Then violated it. It is not a crime to pay somone to sign a NDA. Just ask congress. They have a slush, or should I say Hush Money Fund fto pay off claims of sexual harassment. Wether true or false acustaiotns Congress has a Hush Money Fund.

But the trial was about falsifying business records. To influence a Federal election.🤔

Didn't Hilary pay for the Steele Dossier? Falsly claim it was a legal expense? She was fined by the Federal Election regulators with a campaign fiance viloation for flasifying business records in order to influence the 2016 election. Sound familiar? Why was this not felonious?

What about the 51 former intelligence officials? One could surmise that their intent was to influence the 2020 elections. By lying about the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell? Was this felonious?

FJB :mad: LGB
Don’t forget ‘Ol FJB lied about doing business with his son and also saying the laptop from hell was Russian disinformation….he said that during the debate for all the world to hear, straight up election interference by our “President”.
I think this delay is solely so they can continue to exaggerate what SCOTUS just did......continue to make it sound like SCOTUS made the President (the Man) above the law. They did no such thing.

The charges he was tried and convicted of have nothing to do with official Presidential duties....
I think all these judges and DA’s are realizing they have backed the wrong choice….i don’t think they are too upset about this delay.
:Even in NY there are R’s and independents. You really think the entire jury was composed of ultra-liberal democrats? Actually, I’m sure you do.
What you are over looking is that D.A. Bragg, a Democrat can walk over to the voter registration office and whisper in the ear of a fellow Democrat in that office, "here is the jury list of names that will be called, find out which ones are registered as Democrats and the ones that are Republican", and nobody would be wise to the deceit by Bragg. I leave it up to your pea brain which jury members would get dismissed by the prosecution attorney for one reason or another.
Trump's attorneys would not have the power to do that as Bragg could and get away with it.
You know darn well that would never happen RH. 😂😂😂

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