Oil Africa


Active Member
Good hunting is hard to find. You only live once and I don’t want to wait forever to get a good tag. I decided to pay the price and go with some friends to SA and try it out. It paid off.



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Limpopo mostly and then the Free state for a couple days
I would have guessed east cape to be honest. That would be a mature warthog for free state not so much limpopo area. Just saying that so you know. I think this was your first africa trip and more info may help you out. Glad you had a great trip
I would have guessed east cape to be honest. That would be a mature warthog for free state not so much limpopo area. Just saying that so you know. I think this was your first africa trip and more info may help you out. Glad you had a great trip
Actually I did shoot it in the free state now that I think about it. The guide said shoot so I did. I wasn’t that excited about shooting a warthog before I went but after seeing a bunch live and on the hoof they were much more interesting.

My first morning out hunting impala, I heard a grunting sound ten yards behind me and swung my rifle around ready to save myself from a charging buffalo or some other deadly beast and it was a warthog that we walked past and spooked out of its hole. It made a terrifying grunting sound and was running away parallel at full speed when I figured out what it was haha
They do make some funny sounds that is for sure. I hope to get over one time to see and hear the impala rut. They say it is amazing to hear the rams and see all the action.
and just so you know there is a new color phased impala. Very few have been hunted but a color called dapple which is a black and white.
While it is fresh in my mind and I have time, I will tell the story of the Buffalo in the beginning of this thread since some people might find it interesting. I will try not to be long winded but we will see.

Regarding high fence properties:

I have been preaching fair chase since I joined this site and still do. Once I got a feel for the size of this property and the density of the bush, I had no problem with the fair chase aspect of this hunt. Probably 20% was 0 to 300+ yards visibility, 40% up to 80 yds and 40% 50 yds or less with some areas where you couldn’t see twenty feet and guess where the Buffalo spent most of their daylight hours? The property was divided into blocks with a road cut every half mile or mile in a triangle or rectangle shape. There hadn’t been any new buffalo put on this property in seven years and they were plenty spooky.

Standard procedure was to go out around sun up and find a big track then maybe circle the block and determine if the bull was still in that block and start tracking.

When I arrived at the camp I asked the outfitter if I could use my 338 win mag and they said no and that they had the perfect rifle for me. It was an older BRNO 375 H & H with a 3x9 scope which was fine with me. The PHs were carrying BRNO 458s with iron sights and 500 grain bullets. All bolt actions and I think they held five in the magazine plus one in the chamber.

The first three and a half days I hunted with my newly licensed dangerous game PH and had a great time and came very close to getting shots on shooter bulls in tight cover on three or four occasions but as luck would have it, it just didn’t happen. I will say right here that when I had a couple Cape Buffalo bulls in my scope it was the most awesome sight I had ever seen in my 44 years of big game hunting!!!

When I was down to the last afternoon and morning of hunting I asked the outfitter if I could hunt with a different PH. I was almost out of time and the other two had a good twenty years more experience than my current one. He took me out himself that afternoon and we didn’t see much. The next morning was different.

We started earlier that morning and saw buffalo from the road and walked in on them but just cows and calves. We drove then walked to a different area and from a slightly elevated position, George spotted a herd with a good bull in it. We quickly hiked over there but couldn’t cut them off. We then angled towards a dry catch basin area and spotted them. We spotted the big bull there but when I got set up on the sticks a calf got in the way and then they went out of view.

We then tried to angle them off again and after a half mile or so came upon a road and looked up and there stood a lone bull staring at us. The PH said shoot him so I sat down for him to set the sticks up but he said stand up so I did and he set the sticks up. I got set up and the bull turned broadside and started walking. I was just squeezing the trigger and it turned towards us again and stopped. “Shoot him in the chest” he said, so I did. It made the deepest sounding thump from a bullet impact I had ever heard and the bull disappeared in two seconds. This was a 100 to 125 yard shot, not long by any means but this was a Cape buffalo and as usual I had pulled it to the right some but we didn’t know that at the time.

To be continued, sorry out of time for now

I turned to George and said could you tell where or how good I hit and he said simply “it looked good to me” he was looking with his bare eye. He also said that is a good Buffalo with emphasis on “good.” We didn’t wait twenty or thirty minutes but went straight after it and started tracking. As soon as it took off and left the road it was in pretty thick bush. Probably thirty yards visibility. I never expected a charge at any time following it up but definitely didn’t rule one out either. I had confidence in my PH and myself and and made D*#N sure my scope was down to 3x, I had a live round in the chamber and could get the safety off quickly, which btw, you slid BACK towards the butt of the rifle instead of forward like on most bolt actions I had seen or used.

We tracked the bull for maybe 200 yards in pretty thick cover and jumped it and it took off with no chance for a follow up. When we got to where we jumped it, there were three good puddles of blood including lung blood, but they weren’t the size of a garbage can lid like I hoped there would be. At that point the guide said “we will find your buffalo.” It then moved into more open terrain and after another quarter or half mile we jumped it again and I got a quick shot off from one knee. It felt pretty good to me but no one heard the bullet impact, and it kept going. Around this time the guide called on the radio and told the other guides the deal and to try cut the bull off and get another shot in him. Basically this whole time it had been leaving a steady stream of blood (not gushing or spraying out of him but not just dripping).

We tracked on until we hit another road it had crossed and met up with another guide and hunters in our party. We had something to drink and my original guide joined us to cover the rear as we again followed it into thick cover. By now we had tracked it at least 3/4 of a mile and probably a lot more and it had to have lost at least two gallons of blood I thought if not a lot more. I don’t know how many gallons of blood are in a Cape buffalo but it had lost a lot of blood. I was bummed out it hadn’t fell over dead and was nervous we would lose the track and my $10K trophy fee along with it but those trackers are very good. We followed it a ways further and then heard a shot maybe a hundred yards away. A radio call was made and we took off in that direction, came out out on a road and trotted down to a waiting vehicle where the other PH had hit the buffalo again while it was crossing the road. They pointed out the buffalo laying down in the bush fifty or sixty yards and I was told to shoot again. I thought it was dead but what the heck? So I shot and to my surprise it stood back up and turned around facing it’s back trail!! (We were off to the side of it at this point) That SOB isn’t getting away this time I told myself and racked in another round, shot and another and another and it went down for good. I probably missed one or two out of those three but was spent from jogging with that heavy-ass rifle. In hindsight, I think I did hit it that second shot near the spine but unfortunately didn’t have a solid in but just soft points. The first shot in the chest was to the right and I think, came out behind the shoulder, probably just getting one lung and a good artery.

When we walked up on that buffalo and I got a good look at it, I was one happy hunter!!!

44.5 inches and a WHOPPER!!! Probably a good Buffalo for anywhere in Africa.

I just want to thank and give credit to George Potgeiter of Schoongezicht for doing a great job of providing a memorable OIL hunt for me and also a great hunt for all six of us that went.

So there you have it. This is probably the one and only hunt I will ever write about and go into this much detail but I think it was worthwhile and I hope a few people enjoyed it and maybe learned a few things about this type of a hunt. Carry on.
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