Another One?

@Bux n Dux called this one a few months back.

I keep trying to read real fast, but the paywall pops up.

Any chance you could copy it here, I'd be really interested

So now we have WLH, Heaton's, 2 of Utah's big 3(Doyle) are facing/been charged

I wonder if we will address Utah's corporate hunting problem
@Bux n Dux called this one a few months back.

I keep trying to read real fast, but the paywall pops up.

Any chance you could copy it here, I'd be really interested

So now we have WLH, Heaton's, 2 of Utah's big 3(Doyle) are facing/been charged

I wonder if we will address Utah's corporate hunting problem
Hoss - you can read any or most paywalled articles in a couple easy steps.
Click on the article, copy it, go to paste in window, hit save, wahla the full article appears.
Thanks for the hack.

@Vanilla. No it wasn't lost on me who the reporter is.

That was a lot, of an article.

@Cam@strawberry, I'm assuming this is you? If so you kinda got tossed under the bus, with out any comment.

So, a few other points.

"It's difficult to investigate CWMU"

To be clear. The CWMU has to be coordinated with in order to check them?

"Hey Bob, we got a report of apples on your place, we need to investigate"

I'm sure Bob of course leaves the apples before giving the CWMU a key😉. How isn't the key and access written into the CWMU contract?


Interesting little tidbit about WLH and Jr charges mysteriously disappearing until records were inquired for.

WHO signed off on that, I'd love to give them a call.


When does the corporate hunting industry in Utah take a hit?
There's One Thing I Always Liked About The PAUNS!

There's Always More Than Enough CHUM Piles!

And You Don't Need To Take Your Own!
Thanks for the hack.

@Vanilla. No it wasn't lost on me who the reporter is.

That was a lot, of an article.

@Cam@strawberry, I'm assuming this is you? If so you kinda got tossed under the bus, with out any comment.

So, a few other points.

"It's difficult to investigate CWMU"

To be clear. The CWMU has to be coordinated with in order to check them?

"Hey Bob, we got a report of apples on your place, we need to investigate"

I'm sure Bob of course leaves the apples before giving the CWMU a key😉. How isn't the key and access written into the CWMU contract?


Interesting little tidbit about WLH and Jr charges mysteriously disappearing until records were inquired for.

WHO signed off on that, I'd love to give them a call.


When does the corporate hunting industry in Utah take a hit?
Care to share? I don’t subscribe to the trib, and not gonna start but I’m sure curious how I’m involved here?
This Will Probably PISS Somebody Off!

CHUM Pic.jpg
Care to share? I don’t subscribe to the trib, and not gonna start but I’m sure curious how I’m involved here?
The following story was reported by The Utah Investigative Journalism Project in partnership with The Salt Lake Tribune.
It was a dream hunt more than 20 years in the making — that’s how long Robert’s father had been applying in annual state drawings for a highly sought after bow hunting tag.
Scoring the tag last year meant Robert and his father would be able to hunt on Heaton Ranch, where Kane County Commissioner Wade Heaton’s outfitting company has touted game “as special and unique as the red rocks canyon and southern Utah terrain they call home.”

The ranch is on the Alton Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit, part of a lucrative program for landowners who get vouchers for big game permits they can sell, typically wrapped with guiding services, for prices that can reach tens of thousands of dollars. Heaton’s Color Country Outfitters auctioned a five-day, guided hunt on the Alton CWMU in 2018 for $90,000.
In exchange, the CWMUs work with the state to manage the wildlife habitat on their property — and they must allow a smaller number of public tag holders to hunt there.
As public hunters, Robert and his father were scouting alone on the Heaton Ranch last August, he said, separate from a larger, private guided group. They were more than a day into their trip, Robert said, when “the next thing we knew, we were caught up in this whole investigation with the Division of Wildlife.”

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A DWR investigator questioned them and seized one of his father’s arrows, he said. The experience left them with a “bad taste in their mouth,” he added, so they ended their hunt early.
The division was investigating possible big-game baiting at the Alton CWMU, according to a 62-page report obtained by The Utah Investigative Journalism Project through a public record request.
The report lists Heaton as a suspect — along with six others — and says the division was investigating unlawful big game baiting, unlawful taking/possession of protected wildlife and a pattern of unlawful activity at multiple areas in the Alton CWMU.
At the time, Heaton was a member of the Utah Wildlife Board, which oversees the CWMU program. Five days after the lengthy report was completed on Oct. 4, 2023, Heaton submitted a resignation email to the Division of Wildlife Resources.
”My life has continued to become busier and more complicated,” Heaton wrote, “and I no longer feel that I have the time needed to serve on the Wildlife board.”
(Don Jennings | Southern Utah News) Kane County Commissioner Wade Heaton in 2022.

(Don Jennings | Southern Utah News) Kane County Commissioner Wade Heaton in 2022.
The division’s investigation was referred in December to the Utah County Attorney’s office to be evaluated for possible charges, according to a DWR spokesperson. The Utah County Attorney’s office did not respond to questions about the status of the case.
Heaton is the operator of the Alton Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit, the division confirmed. Under DWR rules, he could lose the opportunity to operate the CWMU if he is convicted of a wildlife violation. A conviction related to the investigation also could have an impact on the status of the property as a CWMU.
Heaton did not respond to multiple requests for comment. The Utah Investigative Journalism Project and The Salt Lake Tribune are identifying Robert, the public hunter, by a pseudonym because he is listed as a witness, not a suspect, in the report, and he does not want to be publicly connected to possible wildlife violations.
Robert and his father are two of the 11 “involved/others” in the report, which appear to include additional hunters.

‘A buck deer had been shot’​

Most of the pages of the released report are blacked out; the division did that because no charges have been filed, a DWR spokesperson explained. The division considers the investigation ongoing, the spokesperson added.
But one of the few unredacted sentences states that at the beginning of the investigation, DWR investigator Mark Ekins “received an email” in mid-August “regarding the unlawful baiting of big game” on property “south of Alton, Utah, in Kane County.”
The report also notes that the initial report was an assertion that “the Alton Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit (CWMU) was baiting big game.”
Days later, on Aug. 26, Ekins and DWR conservation Officer Shane Kitchen went to “an alleged bait site [Ekins] had been investigating on the Paunsaugunt [Plateau] in Kane County,” Kitchen wrote in a supplemental report.
Earlier that day,” Kitchen said, “it was believed that a buck deer had been shot while at the bait site.” In another supplemental report, an officer with a K9 unit said he also had been asked to “locate a buck deer that had been shot but not recovered.”
Kitchen’s report indicates the officers made contact with Wade Heaton, then 50, another man, and Robert’s father. They seized a camera from Heaton and a phone from the other man, the report said.
Baiting big game for hunting only became illegal in Utah in 2021, after all of the state’s immediate neighbors had already banned or restricted it. Baiting is defined as placing food or nutrients to manipulate the behavior of wildlife, and it now can draw charges ranging from a class B misdemeanor to a third-degree felony, the DWR points out. A conviction can lead to the suspension of hunting privileges.
Robert said he and his father did not shoot a buck, and they didn’t see anyone else shoot a buck while they were at the ranch. They did notice salt licks and water troughs in the areas where they were hunting.
“We asked the outfitters about it three different times and they were like ‘No, the division knows about it,’ and ‘We’ve talked to the division about it and they’re fine with it,’” Robert said.
They deferred to Heaton, Robert said, knowing that he was on the Wildlife Board. “As far as we were concerned, Mr. Heaton is the division,” Robert said.
The 2021 law includes exemptions for salt licks placed by agricultural producers for agriculture purposes. Hunters can hunt over such salt licks, according to DWR.
Heaton Ranch is a cattle ranch that has also invited guests to help with cattle drives, and Robert had taken pictures of cattle in the area where they were hunting.
The unredacted portions of the reports do not specify what the officers were investigating as having been possibly used as bait. Robert acknowledged he did not know the full extent of the investigation.
In the years prior to the ban, the Heaton Ranch had baited game with apples, according to 2019 reporting by The Tribune. The practice had become increasingly common, especially among bowhunters in southern Utah, The Tribune reported, because it was effective in luring mule deer to places where concealed hunters could get off a clean shot.
Concerns that baiting could contribute to the spread of infectious diseases in deer herds — and didn’t square with the Western hunting principle of fair chase — helped lead to the ban.
In 2004, Heaton had been accused of having cornered deer behind an 8-foot fence for a guided hunt. When a cornered animal was caught on a video that was sent anonymously to KSL-TV and shared with regulators, it triggered an investigation into possible illegal trapping.
Heaton told KSL the group of deer had running room but some mistakenly cornered themselves. “I don’t think there was anything illegal that went on with it,” he told the station. “It was too bad. And obviously that’s not the way people like to hunt.”
Ultimately, no charges were filed.

‘You have to keep your nose clean’​

DWR explained in a statement that it could not comment on the baiting allegation because it is still under investigation. DWR did stress that Heaton’s status as a former member of the Wildlife Board has not impacted the investigation.
“Regardless of who is being investigated, a conservation officer will investigate the alleged violation and collect any pertinent evidence,” the statement read.
Covey Jones is the wildlife section chief for DWR and previously oversaw the CWMU program as the agency’s private lands coordinator. While not addressing the specifics of Heaton’s case, Jones acknowledged that it can be more difficult to conduct wildlife enforcement on CWMUs compared to public lands, where wildlife law enforcement can move about freely.
(Utah Division of Wildlife Resources) A mule deer on the Alton Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit in Kane County in 2022. Allegations of illegal baiting at the property were investigated in 2023.

(Utah Division of Wildlife Resources) A mule deer on the Alton Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit in Kane County in 2022. Allegations of illegal baiting at the property were investigated in 2023.
With CWMUs, officers may have to coordinate with the landowners to conduct investigations. “Most operators just give you a key for whenever you need to be there,” Jones said.
He also acknowledged that abuses have happened in the past with CWMU operators, but said they have been isolated.
“As a cooperative operator, they are actually agents of the division, so we hold them to a pretty high standard,” Jones said. “If you want to participate in this program you have to keep your nose clean.”
Last year, the CWMU advisory committee recommended banning a CWMU operator from the role for four hunting seasons, after he was charged with taking wildlife while trespassing in Wasatch County and later entered a plea in abeyance to a reduced, attempted version of the misdemeanor. After he met the plea deal’s conditions, the case was dismissed.
The operator had been with a group of hunters who left the CWMU boundaries in 2021 and shot a trophy bull elk 800 yards onto adjacent private property, according to a police report and discussion before the committee.
After any violation of the wildlife code by an operator, committee member Greg Wilding noted, “we are to consider whether the applicant should be approved to participate in the program.”
The CWMU was placed on probation for a year for failing to know and mark its boundaries. The operator’s misconduct was not connected specifically to the operation of the CWMU, since it was managing deer, a police report noted. The elk hunt that day was on the same land, but as private property, the officer explained.
Still, CWMU operators are held to a high standard, committee members agreed. “My thoughts are the operator didn’t live up to a higher standard … the operator should probably be removed,” member Tim Freiss said.
The advisory committee’s recommendation wasn’t forwarded to the Wildlife Board for a final resolution because the operator “agreed to sit out for three years,” the DWR said, and the CWMU engaged a different operator.

‘Wildlife lovers instead of wildlife haters’​

Jones said he sees Utah’s CWMU program as “the best public-private partnership for wilderness in the West. It’s awesome.”
In some states, landowners can sell hunting tags without offering anything to the general public, he noted. In other states, private landowners can own thousands of acres of land and not be able to get a deer tag for their own property.
The Utah CWMU requirement that landowners offer access to a small number of hunters who have public tags, he notes, gives average hunters a chance to hunt better lands that ordinarily would be reserved for high-priced guided hunts. According to the DWR, there are 134 CWMUs across the state providing public hunters access to nearly 2.3 million acres they might not otherwise be able to hunt.
While the vouchers for permits that can be sold are lucrative for hunting guides and landowners, those tags don’t bring in more revenue for DWR than general use tags.
According to records from DWR, CWMUs brought just over $7.5 million in revenue from 2019 through 2023 in applications, permit sales and certificates of registration. Over that same period, Heaton’s Alton CWMU brought in $119,156 in revenue to the state.
“We’re focused on herd health, not money,” Jones said.
More benefit goes to the landowners, he said, and keeps them from viewing wildlife on ranches as pests.
“It provides an incentive to not develop that ranch and it maintains higher wildlife populations,” Jones said. “It makes landowners into wildlife lovers instead of wildlife haters.”
When Heaton was young, he told The Tribune in 2009, “the sentiment among landowners and ranchers was ‘us against the wildlife.’ We hated deer and elk. They destroyed fences and hung out in alfalfa fields.”
After the CWMU program was put in place, he said, “It is kind of amazing to listen to landowners now. They talk about ways to help wildlife thrive on their land and they get really passionate about it.”
Before the state’s ban on baiting was put in place, there were some restrictions on the practice. Utah law, for example, forbid luring bears to a bait station and then pursuing the animal with dogs — as a guide involved in a hunt with Donald Trump Jr. is accused of doing.
In 2020, The Utah Investigative Journalism Project requested closed investigation records into the guide. The agency had closed the case, but reopened it after the records request was submitted. That resulted in felony wildlife destruction charges being filed against the guide; one charge was dismissed but another is still being litigated.

You Should Know By now I'm RAZZIN You!

Like Hossy First Said,They Made It Sound Kinda Similar!


We Know You Cleared Your Case Up & I Don't Know Anybody That Wasn't Proud Of You!

I Gotta Raise your Blood Pressure Just A Little Once In A While!:D
Just Asking You A Question On Your Favorite Deer Unit!

It Was Kind Of A Joke!

Can We Joke Anymore Or Not?

We can joke. That joke just must have went over my head as I wasn’t sure why you were asking me about this.

But now that I know it was a joke…it was very funny!

But really, this story doesn’t have me in a laughing mood. This really pisses me off, actually. If this proves to be true, the state better bring the full force of any remedy they have on this clown.
Last edited:
I Was RAZZIN Ya Niller!

Just Like I Was RAZZIN BEAVIS Above Here!

You gotta Admit This world Is Getting More Corrupt By The Minute!

Some People May HATE Me & That's Alright!

But I Don't Go For LAW-BREAKERS Especially In The Hunting World!

I Think Alot Of Them Have Done It So Long It's Standard Practice To Them!

Them PAUNS Bucks Usually Finish Up Perty Dang Good!

The BS Is Still Going On Even Though It's Been Out-Lawed!

Was I Wrong When I Said It Looked Like a COI To Me Many Months Ago?

We can joke. That joke just must have went over my head as I wasn’t sure why you were asking me about this.

But now that I know it was a joke…it was very funny!

But really, this story doesn’t have me in a laughing mood. This really pisses me off, actually. If this proves to be true, the state better being the full force of any remedy they have on this clown.
I Was RAZZIN Ya Niller!

Just Like I Was RAZZIN BEAVIS Above Here!

You gotta Admit This world Is Getting More Corrupt By The Minute!

Some People May HATE Me & That's Alright!

But I Don't Go For LAW-BREAKERS Especially In The Hunting World!

I Think Alot Of Them Have Done It So Long It's Standard Practice To Them!

Them PAUNS Bucks Usually Finish Up Perty Dang Good!

The BS Is Still Going On Even Though It's Been Out-Lawed!

Was I Wrong When I Said It Looked Like a COI To Me Many Months Ago?
Not sure if everything is getting more corrupt or if it’s the population growth and internet getting info out quickly to everyone. But I get your point.
When I can't even keep straight all the corporate hunters and hunting "influencers" dealing with poaching charges or investigations... There's a big damn problem.

Of the top outfitting companies in the state, aren't there investigations or charges against at least three of them?

Frankly, I'm beyond sick of it. The punishments need to be increased exponentially because what they're doing clearly isn't working.
Ya, that’s not me. While I’m happy to chat about my experience, I for sure am not thrilled with taking things like that and making assumptions that it was me.


That was kinda my point, the author did a story about a Wasatch outfitter that got charges of trespassing brought.......

Sounded like your story. Thus the "they kind of threw you under the bus" line. That's why I @ you, you were very open and honest, the way it should be, I thought if that was you, they did you dirty and you should know.

Having said that, then that means ANOTHER CWMU with issues.

Amazing how all this is going down, yet the DWR doesn't mention it in the CWMU RACS.
Last edited:

The title is terrible.

It makes it sound like "Robert" is a Utah County Commisioner.

Heaton is a Kane County Commissioner.
It’s the Trib. Don’t be expecting quality editing.
Thank goodness for the Trib. They're about the only investigate journalists left in the state. Without them, there's a ton of public corruption cases we wouldn't know about. For example, they're in lawsuits for the records of several high-ranking officials right now to get information that we wouldn't even know existed without them, let alone have the financial backing to pursue individually through the court systems.
Thank goodness for the Trib. They're about the only investigate journalists left in the state. Without them, there's a ton of public corruption cases we wouldn't know about. For example, they're in lawsuits for the records of several high-ranking officials right now to get information that we wouldn't even know existed without them, let alone have the financial backing to pursue individually through the court systems.

Utah Investigative Journalist Project.
Well you ain’t guna like it but them SOBs are not going to tell me what I can do on my own property. If I want to have cameras I will, if I want to feed the coons apples I will do that to. I’m sick of the government over reach. I’m done with them. Far as I’m concerned it’s mr. Heatons land and it’s nobodies business.
Well you ain’t guna like it but them SOBs are not going to tell me what I can do on my own property. If I want to have cameras I will, if I want to feed the coons apples I will do that to. I’m sick of the government over reach. I’m done with them. Far as I’m concerned it’s mr. Heatons land and it’s nobodies business.
It's a person's land, they're not that person's deer. They're MY deer, and those of every other resident of this state.

If someone wants to put up a high fence, that person can do what he wants. Until then, people need to follow the law.

Your argument can quickly go from, "He can bait them when he wants" to "He can shoot them when he wants." Not a good position to take, IMO.

Luckily, you're in the minority.
It's a person's land, they're not that person's deer. They're MY deer, and those of every other resident of this state.

If someone wants to put up a high fence, that person can do what he wants. Until then, people need to follow the law.

Your argument can quickly go from, "He can bait them when he wants" to "He can shoot them when he wants." Not a good position to take, IMO.

Luckily, you're in the minority.
If they’re your deer then keep them off my land or I’ll shoot them. How’s that!
If they’re your deer then keep them off my land or I’ll shoot them. How’s that!

I have no interest in getting into this with you. What a huge waste of time that would be. Obviously.

I'm just quoting it so you can't sober up and delete it later.
You know good and well that his ranch is a safe heaven for the deer. If that ranch didn’t exist there wouldn’t be as many deer in that unit. The dwr would see to that. Is there more deer on his place or on the public side? I’ll answer that for you. On his place for sure. Thank god for private land so them deer can survive. Some will leave and get busted but most know where they are safe.
You know good and well that his ranch is a safe heaven for the deer. If that ranch didn’t exist there wouldn’t be as many deer in that unit. The dwr would see to that. Is there more deer on his place or on the public side? I’ll answer that for you. On his place for sure. Thank god for private land so them deer can survive. Some will leave and get busted but most know where they are safe.
So private land is a safe haven for deer and results in increased deer numbers, but the landowner should be able to bait them and shoot them on sight? 🤦

Super well-reasoned plan 👍
So private land is a safe haven for deer and results in increased deer numbers, but the landowner should be able to bait them and shoot them on sight? 🤦

Super well-reasoned plan 👍
Never said they should shoot them on site. I just said I will do what I want on my land. And I’ll shoot a deer on my land with a permit. And damn rights private land helps deer numbers. You can’t debate that issue. I sure hope you do what you want in your own back yard and don’t let the neighbors tell you what you can do. Hopefully you don’t live in a HOA. If you do then I feel for ya.
Well you ain’t guna like it but them SOBs are not going to tell me what I can do on my own property. If I want to have cameras I will, if I want to feed the coons apples I will do that to. I’m sick of the government over reach. I’m done with them. Far as I’m concerned it’s mr. Heatons land and it’s nobodies business.

"A permit"

You mean from the government?
Never said they should shoot them on site. I just said I will do what I want on my land. And I’ll shoot a deer on my land with a permit. And damn rights private land helps deer numbers. You can’t debate that issue. I sure hope you do what you want in your own back yard and don’t let the neighbors tell you what you can do. Hopefully you don’t live in a HOA. If you do th
Hey Horsecorn!

If You Have Any Grass,Alfalfa,Or Anything-else on Your Land You're Gonna Have To Plow It Under & Spray Everything & Kill It So You're Not BAITING!:D
Hey Horsecorn!

If You Have Any Grass,Alfalfa,Or Anything-else on Your Land You're Gonna Have To Plow It Under & Spray Everything & Kill It So You're Not BAITING!:D
I'm sure.

As we all know, apple biles and grass are the same.

You might want to google a little. Seems Heaton has issues with fences too.

Want to get he has a grazing permit?
I Don't Know If The Bundy's Have A Permit Or Not?

Why Can't Other People Do The Same Thing The Bundy's Do?

I'm sure.

As we all know, apple biles and grass are the same.

You might want to google a little. Seems Heaton has issues with fences too.

Want to get he has a grazing permit?
This Will Probably PISS Somebody Off!

View attachment 147755
Now before we jump to conclusions, many states allow hunting around "bona fide agriculture processes." It's pretty obvious these apples were picked for human consumption and processing into other things for human consumption, like apple juice and applesauce. They just happen to be a little over ripe and bruised, and therefore required disposal. So, it's obvious they were disposed of from an apple processing facility. And disposing of them is obviously a bona fide ag process. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Now before anybody takes this post serious, it is sarcasm. :)
I Wouldn't Doubt That Happening!

But I'll Bet If You Could Prove Who Paid For The Delivery Trip To The PAUNS There'd Be No Surprises!

Now before we jump to conclusions, many states allow hunting around "bona fide agriculture processes." It's pretty obvious these apples were picked for human consumption and processing into other things for human consumption, like apple juice and applesauce. They just happen to be a little over ripe and bruised, and therefore required disposal. So, it's obvious they were disposed of from an apple processing facility. And disposing of them is obviously a bona fide ag process. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Now before anybody takes this post serious, it is sarcasm. :)
Now before we jump to conclusions, many states allow hunting around "bona fide agriculture processes." It's pretty obvious these apples were picked for human consumption and processing into other things for human consumption, like apple juice and applesauce. They just happen to be a little over ripe and bruised, and therefore required disposal. So, it's obvious they were disposed of from an apple processing facility. And disposing of them is obviously a bona fide ag process. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Now before anybody takes this post serious, it is sarcasm. :)

Totally possible.

Kane county is known worldwide for its apple juice
I will say, that the Kane County attorney's office is the most willing offices to prosecute poachers I've seen. It seems they conflicted themselves off this one for some reason (Ummmm, one of their commissioners is being investigated???), but I would have had full confidence in any decisions made by that office. They are top notch and have a track record of not putting up with poaching BS and wildlife violations.
Hey Niller?

Any reason Why Something Hasn't Been Done About It Before Now?

Or Does NO BAITING Only Apply To Certain Sportsmen?

Will They Move It To Somewhere-Else There's A PANTY-WASTE Judge That Doesn't Care About People Breaking Game Laws?

I'm Just Asking Because You're Way Smarter On This Stuff Than Me!

I will say, that the Kane County attorney's office is the most willing offices to prosecute poachers I've seen. It seems they conflicted themselves off this one for some reason (Ummmm, one of their commissioners is being investigated???), but I would have had full confidence in any decisions made by that office. They are top notch and have a track record of not putting up with poaching BS and wildlife violations.
I will say, that the Kane County attorney's office is the most willing offices to prosecute poachers I've seen. It seems they conflicted themselves off this one for some reason (Ummmm, one of their commissioners is being investigated???), but I would have had full confidence in any decisions made by that office. They are top notch and have a track record of not putting up with poaching BS and wildlife violations.
With a commissioner that is on the wrong side of the law? They have a track record of looking the other way. If anything they are cutting out his competition.
With a commissioner that is on the wrong side of the law? They have a track record of looking the other way. If anything they are cutting out his competition.

I wasn’t aware Heaton had competition guiding on the Alton CWMU. Learn something new every day! :rolleyes:

Hey elkassasin, lots of reasons an investigation like this could take time. I have no knowledge about this other than the article we both read, but any time you are asking a sister jurisdiction to review a case that you have a conflict there is an inherent delay involved. That said, it very well could be people dragging their feet too! I just don’t know the answer on this one.
Bessy, you’ll like this one. Freeway at a standstill trying to get on to head home today. I notice this big 18 wheeler headed south.

Those are apples you see poking out the top! I didn’t see any outfitter’s logo on the truck, but it made me curious. 😂


Them Big loads Go In Un-Marked & Usually The Middle Of The Night!

At A StandStill You Shoulda Got A Pick-Up Load While You Were Waiting!:D

Bessy, you’ll like this one. Freeway at a standstill trying to get on to head home today. I notice this big 18 wheeler headed south.

Those are apples you see poking out the top! I didn’t see any outfitter’s logo on the truck, but it made me curious. 😂

View attachment 147999

View attachment 148000
I wasn’t aware Heaton had competition guiding on the Alton CWMU. Learn something new every day! :rolleyes:
Competition? Charging people for doing the same thing he is doing. Protecting his interests on multiple levels. Between his commissioner and WB it has been rigged for a long time. 🙄
One Of The CHUM Piles On The PAUNS Had Better Apples Than You Could Buy At The Stores!

I Know..............!

Sometimes That Doesn't Take Much!
Yet another example of how the commercialization of hunting is ruining the sport of hunting in Utah. Unfortunately, the wildlife orgs, guides, outfitters, landowners, CWMU operators, etc., are deeply entrenched with the decision-makers in our state. We would be better off with no conservation tags, expo tags, landowner tags, CWMU tags, etc. They constantly tell us how these programs are benefitting wildlife and average sportsmen, but it is a myth. The tail has been wagging the dog in Utah for decades.

They constantly tell us how these programs are benefitting wildlife and average sportsmen, but it is a myth.

I still have my open invitation out to have someone show me where deer and elk hunting in Utah is better today than it was 10 years ago for the public land average Utah hunter.

I agree that the claims of how much these programs help are a myth. A myth that is beyond busted at this point.
Howdy hawky!

You Need to CHIME In A Little More Often!

Yet another example of how the commercialization of hunting is ruining the sport of hunting in Utah. Unfortunately, the wildlife orgs, guides, outfitters, landowners, CWMU operators, etc., are deeply entrenched with the decision-makers in our state. We would be better off with no conservation tags, expo tags, landowner tags, CWMU tags, etc. They constantly tell us how these programs are benefitting wildlife and average sportsmen, but it is a myth. The tail has been wagging the dog in Utah for decades.

I am still here, just busy with family, work and life. We do need to make time for “the ride” this fall. I am hoping to talk some sense into you over a few cold dews.

Get It Scheduled About The 3rd Week Of November!

Niller Better Pony-Up As Well!

It'll Be A Good Day!

I am still here, just busy with family, work and life. We do need to make time for “the ride” this fall. I am hoping to talk some sense into you over a few cold dews.

Now before we jump to conclusions, many states allow hunting around "bona fide agriculture processes." It's pretty obvious these apples were picked for human consumption and processing into other things for human consumption, like apple juice and applesauce. They just happen to be a little over ripe and bruised, and therefore required disposal. So, it's obvious they were disposed of from an apple processing facility. And disposing of them is obviously a bona fide ag process. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Now before anybody takes this post serious, it is sarcasm. :)
Alfalfa field bucks finished on apples are delicious. (y)

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