BuzzH's latest activity

  • BuzzH
    BuzzH reacted to nfh's post in the thread Kamala 2024 with Like Like.
    yep. Dont need a 125 grand truck payments either. that money going into retirement will do more.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH reacted to treedagain's post in the thread Biden's OUT! Rats... with Haha Haha.
    Nice try Buzzy. Anyone could pull a pic off a real estate web site and post it. Found this one of you heading to DC to give testimony on...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH reacted to grizzly's post in the thread Kamala 2024 with Like Like.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Biden's OUT! Rats....
    *Were. Actually upgraded to a double wide, which was an improvement over the van, down by the river.
    • DSC00751.jpg
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Kamala 2024.
    And if you've been socking away say...20-25% of your gross income for, oh, I don't know, 34 years for example and investing in the...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Biden's OUT! Rats....
    Once again, your jealousy is duly noted.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH reacted to treedagain's post in the thread Biden's OUT! Rats... with Haha Haha.
    Buzz is a liar. All democrats are. If Buzz has extra money it's because he never had to raise a family, just live off the government...
  • BuzzH
    Nothing to see here. As state peace officers, COs have been writing speeding (and other non wildlife) tickets for 30+ years…
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Biden's OUT! Rats....
    Right, I'm in the market to make money, not lose money. Intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Kamala 2024.
    Hold the fluff and just show me the money. I dont give a FF about anything in your second paragraph.
  • BuzzH
    Pretty stupid comment really!! Seems pretty far fetched to have a law enforcement officer enforcing the law huh? Obviously they’re not...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Kamala 2024.
    trump loves Putin and Russian banks. You have a problem with that?
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Kamala 2024.
    Yeah, already posted those numbers, too close to I said, no way for the top 2% to lose. I'll vote trump and hedge my bets he...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH reacted to Hatchet Jack's post in the thread Biden's OUT! Rats... with Haha Haha.
    What kind of Jack Arse would go on a hunting forum to brag about his wealth and properties?
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH reacted to Flyjunky12's post in the thread Biden's OUT! Rats... with Haha Haha.
    Isn’t that the democrat way? By trying to brag buzz just showed his true colors.
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