BuzzH's latest activity

  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Biden's OUT! Rats....
    Correct, I registered as an R ten years ago for that very reason. They place $$$ and corporations as their top priority. Corporations...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Kamala 2024.
    Copy that, trump it is if that makes me more money quicker. But, I'm sure no matter which Corporatist wins, either will treat me well...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Biden's OUT! Rats....
    I don't care if the market isn't the economy and I don't care who claims what. I have a pension in the bag, SS offset, SS after that...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Kamala 2024.
    Harris or trump better for the markets? All I need to know, elkass seems to be dodging the question.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Biden's OUT! Rats....
    What does she have to say about 20% or better yearly gains in the market? Couldn't give a big rats ass about anything else.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Kamala 2024.
    I don't want or care about mother Teresa, I want the market to keep pace at 20%. Whoever is most likely to do that gets my vote.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Kamala 2024.
    I wonder how much money the D's will raise in 24 hours? Over 47 million so far. I'll go out on a limb...65 million in 24 hours.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Biden's OUT! Rats....
    I'm a capitalist, if only obviously.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH reacted to eelgrass's post in the thread Biden Is Out! with Haha Haha.
    I got this email recently... July 9, 2024 Dear Valued Investor, LPL Research recently unveiled Midyear Outlook 2024: Still...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Biden Is Out!.
    Is that a joke? 21 and 23 over 50% gain and that bullchit email is going on about an 18% lose in 22? 2024 already looking to beat 20...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Biden's OUT! Rats....
    I care about over 25% annual gains in the market. If trump likes McDonald's and KFC and Biden eats pudding and ice cream and I rake in...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Biden Is Out!.
    Inflation hasn't been close to 75%...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Grand Rapids Rally.
    Oh, and your jealousy is duly noted.
    • del-griffith-oh-sure-sure.gif
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Biden Is Out!.
    You didn't answer the question, I just want some assurance trump will make me more money and be better for the bottom line. Stone...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH reacted to treedagain's post in the thread Grand Rapids Rally with Haha Haha.
    Photo shopped. Nice try
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