
Long Time Member
Sounds Like There Is Talk Of A LL Committee Being Formed?

Sooner Or Later Something's Gonna Happen!

But Don't Get Too Nervous!

There Will Be ONE OF US On The Committee!

And 10 Or 11 OTHER Types!

People Like Niller Can NOT Be A Committee Member!

That's A COI Right There & Won't Be Tolerated!

Sooner Or Later Somethings Gonna Happen!

Even Though I'm Not a Life-Timer,I Think We Should Stand Up!

I Can't Even Imagine What A PITA It Would Be To Be Around Niller After They YAKNKED It From Him!

Let's Make A Stand Guys!

If You Let Them Take Em They'll Be Coming For Something-Else Shortly After That!
I like it. Back in the day it didn't take points for a GS tag. Now it does. LL should get a free application and a free point, but they shouldn't have a guaranteed tag every year unless it is truly an OTC tag.
I tend to agree with your point of view. Seems like guys that bought the LL were doing it to save a few bucks. (Just guessing on that one)
I would also like to see the wording on the “contract” when they were purchased if anyone can provide that. I believe there is a difference between a license and a tag.

I find my envy and jealousy towards LL holders is morphing into mild hostility. Good thing I took an emotional intelligence class to deal with these feelings.

"Each year, a lifetime licensee who is eligible to hunt big game may receive without charge, a permit for the unit of their choice for one of the following general deer hunts: archery buck deer; any weapon buck deer; or muzzleloader buck deer."


"The Division will issue a general buck deer permit to each lifetime licensee prior to the big game general hunting season, provided: (a) a current Lifetime Questionnaire has been completed prior to the application deadline, identifying the lifetime licensee's general season unit and hunt type choice, or according to the recent lifetime licensee record; and (b) provided the lifetime licensee does not apply for a general deer permit in the big game drawing."

The state has already made it clear on multiple occasions that they have no intention of reneging on the benefits promised to lifetime license holders. They're a dying breed, have minimal impact on harvest rates today and will be completely out of the picture in the next couple decades.
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(2)(a) Each year, a lifetime licensee who is eligible to hunt big game may receive without charge, a permit for the unit of their choice for one of the following general deer hunts:
(i) archery buck deer;
(ii) any weapon buck deer; or
(iii) muzzleloader buck deer.

If we are being honest, there are no General deer licenses anymore. They are all Limited Entry.

(4) Lifetime hunting and fishing licenses are not transferable.

This should be used to get rid of mentoring of LL. These licenses weren't meant for Grandkids. I'm sorry, but if you want to mentor your grandkid or the neighbor down the street, draw a regular license just like everyone else has to do. It's not really fair that little johnny has a tag every year when other kids, or adults, don't have that option.

"Each year, a lifetime licensee who is eligible to hunt big game may receive without charge, a permit for the unit of their choice for one of the following general deer hunts: archery buck deer; any weapon buck deer; or muzzleloader buck deer."


"The Division will issue a general buck deer permit to each lifetime licensee prior to the big game general hunting season, provided: (a) a current Lifetime Questionnaire has been completed prior to the application deadline, identifying the lifetime licensee's general season unit and hunt type choice, or according to the recent lifetime licensee record; and (b) provided the lifetime licensee does not apply for a general deer permit in the big game drawing."

The state has already made it clear on multiple occasions that they have no intention of reneging on the benefits promised to lifetime license holders. They're a dying breed, have minimal impact on harvest rates today and will be completely out of the picture in the next couple decades.
Thanks for posting, that answers my question.

Mentoring is another question altogether.
There aren't many units that youth can't get a GS tag every year. Not sure about you guys but I would love to have a LL. I only know a handful of people that have them.
Screenshot 2024-02-13 11.30.18 AM.png
13883 - 7369 = 6514 Youth that did not get a permit last year.

I would say that is far for hunting every year.
Of those 6,514 how many CHOSE to wait for a specific unit and how many parents that applied their kids that year DONT understand how the draw works?

Many youth fall victim to their parents/guardians every application season because they don’t understand how the system works or aren’t as worried about youth hunt opportunity as they are hunting out their back door.
And let’s not forget the OTC youth archery tags that are available to all youth who don’t draw a general tag, in every unit.

Kids CAN hunt every year. Deer, elk, bear, lion, turkey OTC in utah. Every. Year. I don’t feel bad for any youth not drawing a rifle deer tag every year of their youth years. There’s plenty of other things to go hunt and chase around.
Maybe perhaps a bit too much youth opportunity? Their own draw, their own seasons, age limit lowered to twelve. Better weapons, better technology etc.
I think Utah has bent over backwards so far for the youth to the point they feel entitled to have any and all opportunity possible available for them whenever they want. And when it doesn’t work out that way, committees get formed and special seasons and hunts are implemented.
I tend to agree with your point of view. Seems like guys that bought the LL were doing it to save a few bucks. (Just guessing on that one)
I would also like to see the wording on the “contract” when they were purchased if anyone can provide that. I believe there is a difference between a license and a tag.

I find my envy and jealousy towards LL holders is morphing into mild hostility. Good thing I took an emotional intelligence class to deal with these feelings.
Good luck!!


Based on this data from UT DWR, there are 3886 active lifetime license holders. I would presume the discrepancy in "Eligible Applicants" and Permits Awarded to be the number of them that drew another type of buck deer tag (Dedicated or LE). My opinion, I don't think they should get rid of them. The state made an agreement with those individuals and should honor it. Those licenses will only decrease as time passes, but they aren't going away anytime soon. I personally know a guy that bought his son one the last year they were available. His son was only 4 years old, born in 89. Lucky kid, smart dad.
It's a problem that will be solved with doing literally nothing. Yeah it may take 20 years. It was a good investment just like anybody who bought land 20 years ago. Wish I would have but I didn't.

Leave it alone, life is not fair, get over it.
I like your analogy to the investment of real estate, but, as we all know, as the value appreciates, so do the taxes.

That is why I hereby propose a Property tax on lifetime licenses of, say $300 per year and subject to change as the value increases. If it doesn’t fit the definition of property tax then call it a user fee.
so you say there is talk about a committee,Who is talking about this,The only time I have read about the issue is on this site!
I would spend $300 plus for a GS tag this year that i won’t be able to draw and probably 5k or more on the LL. Imagine 5 or ten years from now. Anybody else want to throw out a number?
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This is a baby elephant. It weighs 250lbs at birth and is the biggest baby in the world except for LL holders who have gotten 30 years of licenses for $500 and are whining that life isn't fair and "but you promised"

Who is whining? Seems like you have your parties mixed up pretty severely here.

But hot dang...this year will be year 30 of my license! That's wild.
I like your analogy to the investment of real estate, but, as we all know, as the value appreciates, so do the taxes.

That is why I hereby propose a Property tax on lifetime licenses of, say $300 per year and subject to change as the value increases. If it doesn’t fit the definition of property tax then call it a user fee.
They are no longer for sale. Gone, a thing of the past. It can't appreciate they are dead, you can't sell them. People that bought land 20 years ago can sell it for a much higher price. Best gift my dad ever got me, and I am very grateful.
I think Utah has bent over backwards so far for the youth to the point they feel entitled to have any and all opportunity possible available for them whenever they want. And when it doesn’t work out that way, committees get formed and special seasons and hunts are implemented.

Let's be honest.

The youth OPPURTUNITY is the byproduct of the grey beard screw job.

They set a point system that favors them, had rules in which there are still guys with OIL points for all species(residents), and yes, LL holders are all grey beards.

So while I agree, kids have OPPURTUNITY, notice those OPPURTUNITY are the tags and hunts the grey beards don't want, like archery tags on GS, cows/ does, etc.

The youth have zero representation, there's zero youth on RAC or WB,so it's not surprising the youth are an afterthought.
Let’s form a committee! It’s time to eliminate the LL tags. They really are no general season deer tags anymore. If it makes people feel better, we could convert all the deer units to limited entry units except for the Box Elder unit and leave that as a general unit. Then all the LL tag holders could continue to be guaranteed their general tag every year. 😁😂😁😂

Hey hawky?

You Hiding A Few PISSCUTTERS In The Box Elder Unit Are You?

Let’s form a committee! It’s time to eliminate the LL tags. They really are no general season deer tags anymore. If it makes people feel better, we could convert all the deer units to limited entry units except for the Box Elder unit and leave that as a general unit. Then all the LL tag holders could continue to be guaranteed their general tag every year. 😁😂😁😂

Let's be honest.

The youth OPPURTUNITY is the byproduct of the grey beard screw job.

They set a point system that favors them, had rules in which there are still guys with OIL points for all species(residents), and yes, LL holders are all grey beards.

So while I agree, kids have OPPURTUNITY, notice those OPPURTUNITY are the tags and hunts the grey beards don't want, like archery tags on GS, cows/ does, etc.

The youth have zero representation, there's zero youth on RAC or WB,so it's not surprising the youth are an afterthought.
I thought there was a youth on the tech committee?
I tend to agree with your point of view. Seems like guys that bought the LL were doing it to save a few bucks. (Just guessing on that one)
Most of the people that were buying them in the last year were doing it mainly so they could beat the system. Saving money was just another perk. I had a few friends that were buying them and told me that I was a fool for not getting one. I couldn't afford one at the time. They said, "there would be no more standing in line to get a tag and when the time came that the hunts went to a draw system, they would always get a tag". Therefore beating the system.
Most of the people that were buying them in the last year were doing it mainly so they could beat the system. Saving money was just another perk. I had a few friends that were buying them and told me that I was a fool for not getting one. I couldn't afford one at the time. They said, "there would be no more standing in line to get a tag and when the time came that the hunts went to a draw system, they would always get a tag". Therefore beating the system.
I am kicking myself in the ass for not getting one. I just didn’t like the idea of forking over 500 at one time. I, like most people had no idea what was going to happen down the road
I started a paper route at 8 years old, taking over for my older siblings.

At 13 I was able to come up with $500. I got it before I could even big game hunt. Peddling that bike with bags full of newspapers paid off big time!

People get convinced that LL are a problem by people that don’t want you to know what the real problems are. Keep barking up this tree while those that are convincing you of the evil LL are continuing to take away your opportunities to hunt!
In all honesty they should probably just leave them alone. Let the people who have them enjoy the rest of their time on earth deer hunting. I wished I had one. I wonder what they would be worth in todays market if they were to offer them.
There's Talk They Might Take Them Back!

But To Be Fair They're Talking Of Putting The Same Number Of Tags Back Out On Auction So It's Fair To Everybody & The People That Had Them Can Bid On Them To Try & Get Them Back!
I'm pretty sure all of this talk you're talking about is between you and yourself. Not hearing one squeak about it from anywhere else.
You’re going to have to understand that bobcatbess doesn’t even know who “they” are! And if he did, there is no way “they” are letting him into the room.

He just likes to throw stuff like this out when he gets bored. He will be back on his non-regulation HELL-RIGHT 50+ new regulations before too long.

But don’t get him hot! You won’t want to see that!!!!
That's what Everybody Thought About The MUZZ Scopes Too!:D

Not My Doing!

They Stirr This Up Every Year!

I Don't Think They Can Take Them From You Guys That Have Them!

They Gotta Have A Committee For Everything Now Days Don't You Know?

I Can't Wait Till The F'N FAKE PHONY AI Is Brought In!

I'm pretty sure all of this talk you're talking about is between you and yourself. Not hearing one squeak about it from anywhere else.
That's what Everybody Thought About The MUZZ Scopes Too!:D

Not true. There was a real committee everyone knew about created by the Wildlife Board in an open public meeting to look exactly at that issue.

So, anyone that thought that was either ignorant to how things were going along or had willfully buried their head in the sand. You have a bad habit of saying things that aren’t true!
I'm Not The One That Started It!


I Said:I Don't Think They Can Legally Take Them!

And I Hope Nothing Happens With It!

But Don't Sit Back & Do Nothing!

Don't Say I Didn't Warn You!

Them Committee's Always Have One Person On Them Like Me & You!

The Other 10 or 11 Types?

Who The Hell Knows?

Not true. There was a real committee everyone knew about created by the Wildlife Board in an open public meeting to look exactly at that issue.

So, anyone that thought that was either ignorant to how things were going along or had willfully buried their head in the sand. You have a bad habit of saying things that aren’t true!
I wonder how many $5 tickets would go into a bucket for a LL in the Expo. They should give one away every year, everyone would want to get in on that one.
But Don't Sit Back & Do Nothing!

Don't Say I Didn't Warn You!

I'm aware there are misinformed and other whiney folks that want to get rid of LL as they are the root of all evil in deer hunting. However, I'm also aware of the legal advice the WB has been given on what the likely outcome for this would be if they tried to get rid of them.

Go ahead! Anyone can kick that hornet's nest if they choose.

And after it is all said and done, there will still be the same people trying to take away hunting opportunities from you all and I will still have a LL. So we'll be back to square one wondering why there is not more chances for us to hunt deer, but less.
The State of Utah should just refund their money and take away the licenses. This isn't an issue about their impact on the herd, its about the impact on moving forward with a better system.

100% agree. Take away LL, AND TAKE AWAY POINTS.

1 person, one chance for a tag.

12yr old has same chance as 80 yr old.

Otherwise stop whining about how someone else's advantage is different than your advantage
Lifetime License holder #1731 here and all you butthurt crying little Karens are a bunch of 🐔🍭. I was a broke college kid/part time truck driver and I pawned my new Winchester model 70 stainless classic .338 winny to scrape up the $500 (I did later on get the gun out of pawn).

Two friends of mine also bought L.L., I tried to talk everyone I knew into buying one but they pretty much all laughed at me. Why would I spend $500 when I can just go to the sporting goods store and buy one they said. It's called foresight people. Every one of those folks who chose not to waste $500 deeply regrets it now. There were already states that had gone to a draw system and it was just a matter of reading the writing on the wall before it happened here.

Just to rub it in lets not forget Lifetime fishing license and small game licenses are included with the yearly deer tag even if we move out of state and become non-residents. I can only imagine what it must feel like to wait 3-5+ years in many cases and getting longer every year just to be able to get a general deer tag, OUCH, THE HORROR IT MUST BE!

I also like how it says in the big game regs every year "for those of you lucky enough to have a lifetime license":ROFLMAO: Lucky my azz!

Good luck in adding conditions or eliminating these licenses, bring it on. I for one plan to be the last man standing with a lifetime license and I don't care if I'm 132 years old because my great great grandkids will be pushing me in my wheel chair to get me into position for a shot at what will be by then the last mule deer left alive in Utah and only because I shot the second to last mule deer the year before.😁

By the way Bessy didn't hear anything about a committee, he's just stirring the :poop: as usual and you all are acting like my son did the year I put itching powder in his underwear on April fools day.

EAT YOUR HEART OUT YOU BITTER LITTLE SNOWFLAKES! Maybe i'll see you all in the hills this fall during the deer hunt but then again probably not😂😂😂
Glad you have one, wish I did. Still think change is coming and I'll look forward to deadibob's post of itching powder in his underpants.

At the very least they need to make it available to purchase for everyone, and they will sale more licenses then available tags, and then it will go to a draw like everything else, good revenue for the state and we will all cry, but at least it will be FAIR!!! 🤣
Lifetime License holder #1731 here and all you butthurt crying little Karens are a bunch of 🐔🍭. I was a broke college kid/part time truck driver and I pawned my new Winchester model 70 stainless classic .338 winny to scrape up the $500 (I did later on get the gun out of pawn).

Two friends of mine also bought L.L., I tried to talk everyone I knew into buying one but they pretty much all laughed at me. Why would I spend $500 when I can just go to the sporting goods store and buy one they said. It's called foresight people. Every one of those folks who chose not to waste $500 deeply regrets it now. There were already states that had gone to a draw system and it was just a matter of reading the writing on the wall before it happened here.

Just to rub it in lets not forget Lifetime fishing license and small game licenses are included with the yearly deer tag even if we move out of state and become non-residents. I can only imagine what it must feel like to wait 3-5+ years in many cases and getting longer every year just to be able to get a general deer tag, OUCH, THE HORROR IT MUST BE!

I also like how it says in the big game regs every year "for those of you lucky enough to have a lifetime license":ROFLMAO: Lucky my azz!

Good luck in adding conditions or eliminating these licenses, bring it on. I for one plan to be the last man standing with a lifetime license and I don't care if I'm 132 years old because my great great grandkids will be pushing me in my wheel chair to get me into position for a shot at what will be by then the last mule deer left alive in Utah and only because I shot the second to last mule deer the year before.😁

By the way Bessy didn't hear anything about a committee, he's just stirring the :poop: as usual and you all are acting like my son did the year I put itching powder in his underwear on April fools day.

EAT YOUR HEART OUT YOU BITTER LITTLE SNOWFLAKES! Maybe i'll see you all in the hills this fall during the deer hunt but then again probably not😂😂😂
Haha love it!!! LL holder for life🤜🤛😂.
Someone pissed deadibob off!

He nailed how people that continually whine about this sound each year, that’s for sure! Tell us how you really feel, Bob! :ROFLMAO:

Hey Bessy, I heard there is a committee starting that will explore adding one OIL species tag each year under the LL. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya!
I don’t have an LL.
Am I jealous, heck ya!
Do I want them taken away, heck no!
Just because others were smarter with their money than me is absolutely no reason for a government contract to be broken.
I bought a duck club share on the GSL 6 yrs ago that then was a lot of money to me.
I saved my money for years for that share.
Six years it has appreciated more than I thought possible and no way could I replace it in todays value.
My example is no different than someone smart enough to buy a Corvette with a 427 and hang on to it for 50 yrs.
Or a Powerstroke with the best engine.
Or a fine firearm that eventually becomes discontinued.
I guess what I am saying is we all have different choices at different times of our lives.
We either make the right choice or not.
No reason to penalize those that made the right choice.
So Niller?

You're PUSSFOOTIN Around With Adding Just One Tag?

WTF Is Up With That?

Remember,You Want Un-Limited Tags!

Someone pissed deadibob off!

He nailed how people that continually whine about this sound each year, that’s for sure! Tell us how you really feel, Bob! :ROFLMAO:

Hey Bessy, I heard there is a committee starting that will explore adding one OIL species tag each year under the LL. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya!
I have never said they should be taken away and neither has elk assassin that I am aware of but let me pose a question.

Suppose that years ago we would have had a bigger population of moose or sheep or bison and the same people or government entity would have issued LL for those species for a time and then said “hey this isn’t sustainable, we better quit selling them”

Wildlife is not private property unless it’s on your land in Africa.

Is it a right or privilege to be able to hunt deer every year?

Did the powers that issued those licenses really even have the authority to do so? Guarantee or sell a right or privilege for a time and then remove it?

I am not saying one way or the other, just posing the question.
Why wouldn't they have that authority? The legislature authorized them.
Disclaimer: I don't have a LL. Good on the guys that do.

Near as I can tell the legislature has been making laws and policy for a long time. Not all I like or agree with but it is the way it is. They made the decision to quit offering them as an option for what ever reason. But they did make a contract with those that took advantage.

If you were not able to take advantage of the offer when it was available too bad. Be that limitations at the time or the fact you didn't exist. Doesn't matter.

Dumb me didn't buy one and I didn't buy Apple when it was first offered. My decisions and I'll live with them.

If you weren't born yet maybe sit down and have serious talk with your dad.
I could have articulated better. I understand the legislature’s authority to write laws, policies etc.

What I am questioning is their ability to “sell” a right or privilege in the form of a license or contract, (wildlife) more to one guy than the next guy.

In Mr Shane’s example he is able to hunt Ducks on private property but he is not allowed to shoot more ducks than the next hunter.

What is going to happen down the road is LL holders will be able to shoot 4,5 or ten deer to the next guys one deer.

I have nothing against guys who possess them.

They shouldn’t have been issued to begin with but who can see the future thirty years from now.

Again wildlife is not private property
What will happen down the road is LL holders will have a chance to kill a deer every year they live and desire to go. Will they? I don't think so. No more than they do now. The now mandatory reporting should give you and anybody else a basis for their impact.

I have been either lucky or good but have drawn a tag every year since 1966 and have at least two more years before I need to worry about it. All that means is I got a chance to make a decision to kill a deer. To me it is not about the kill.

I agree it sucks that you may not have the chance to make that decision. But that is not a problem caused by LL.
What I am questioning is their ability to “sell” a right or privilege in the form of a license or contract, (wildlife) more to one guy than the next guy.

Every single Utah resident had the exact same opportunity to buy a LL as the next person did. They stopped selling them, but anyone alive at the time was able to buy one if they chose.

Most chose not to. This whole notion of it not being fair is so silly and quite frankly, well, just refer back to deadibob’s post. He said it well.
Hey Niller?

Do You Have A Son With The Same Name As You Like deadi Has?

Asking For A Friend!

Every single Utah resident had the exact same opportunity to buy a LL as the next person did. They stopped selling them, but anyone alive at the time was able to buy one if they chose.

Most chose not to. This whole notion of it not being fair is so silly and quite frankly, well, just refer back to deadibob’s post. He said it well.
I could have articulated better. I understand the legislature’s authority to write laws, policies etc.

What I am questioning is their ability to “sell” a right or privilege in the form of a license or contract, (wildlife) more to one guy than the next guy.
See resident vs nonresident example. That should clear it up. lol

Stings doesn’t it?
The committee that needs to be formed is the one to only allow non-residents to apply for one OIL specie.
How did that ever happen to allow nons more opportunity than residents????
The committee that needs to be formed is the one to only allow non-residents to apply for one OIL specie.
How did that ever happen to allow nons more opportunity than residents????


Nothing more, nothing less. The amount of NR OIL (or even LE) permits is so low, they figure they let them apply for them all to drive up revenue.
Maybe we should get a committee together that to gain Utah residency you have to pick one LE and one OIL species to keep points.

Seems like lots of people around here are in favor of taking things away people paid for fair and square. I heard “they” were talking about this.
I agree we (Utah residents) should only be allowed to apply for one.
It pizzes me off than nons can apply for every one of them for decades and then move to Utah with gobs of points for every specie.
They were sold the points. They paid money. You can't change the rules now. Promises were made. Blah blah blah.

The same arguments against dumping LL could be made against erasing NR points when NR move here.

PS. I really don't care either way. I don't even remember the last time I had a GS deer tag in Utah so it's not affecting me one bit.

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Hey grizzly?

You Must Be Waitin For Another 45"ER Here In DRATville To Mysteriously Show Up Out Of Nowhere On Here On A General Unit?

They were sold the points. They paid money. You can't change the rules now. Promises were made. Blah blah blah.

The same arguments against dumping LL could be made against erasing NR points when NR move here.

PS. I really don't care either way. I don't even remember the last time I had a GS deer tag in Utah so it's not affecting me one bit.

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Hey Niller?

You Think Committee's Are Bad?

Wait Till They Dump The BULLSSSHITT AI On Us!


We're Living In A World That Looks To Be Headed For HELL Before Long & There's Gonna Be Way More Important Things To Worry About Before Long!

Maybe we should get a committee together that to gain Utah residency you have to pick one LE and one OIL species to keep points.

Seems like lots of people around here are in favor of taking things away people paid for fair and square. I heard “they” were talking about this.
AI, you say? I’ve already seen that movie, and the sequel. I stopped after Terminator 2 though. If you ever meet a Sarah Connor, protector with all your might!

I don’t mind committees that actually do something. It’s the made up ones I dislike.
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And what Is AI Niller?

AI, you say? I’ve already seen that movie, and the sequel. I stopped after Terminator 2 though. If you ever meet a Sarah Connor, protector with all your might!

I don’t mind committees that actually do something. It’s the made up ones I dislike.
They were sold the points. They paid money. You can't change the rules now. Promises were made. Blah blah blah.

The same arguments against dumping LL could be made against erasing NR points when NR move here.

PS. I really don't care either way. I don't even remember the last time I had a GS deer tag in Utah so it's not affecting me one bit.

View attachment 138546
How do you have 13 GS points?
Just hunting other states. Utah has horrible herd management, IMO, and there are better places to hunt GS deer... like pretty much any western state (except maybe Idaho, which has destroyed their herd trying to satisfy an exploding resident population).
That makes sense
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