My goofy neighbor


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-06 AT 12:19PM (MST)[p]
I found this fo be funny and thought that I would share it with y'all.
A couple of days ago I noticed that my neighbor across the road was spreading manure on his pastures. He owns 360+ acres that are bordered on 3 sides by Weyerhaeuser land. I stopped in to chat with him for a few minutes. I asked why he was poopin' up his fields now instead of next monthe when he usually does it. He explained that last week he chased off 11 different muzzleloader hunters that had jumped his fences and were hunting on his land. He was going to make sure that it was very uninviting for the rifle deer opener on Saturday. He has access to one chunk of land that he gets to through Weyerhaeuser property. He drug his poop spreader through that access and back to his land leaving a 20' swath of sh!t for the hunters to wade through if they wanted to hunt near his land. Some of you might be pissed that he would do such a thing, especially through Weyerhaeuser land, but I think that it is funny. The reason, every year he has folks tearing down his fences, tresspassing and even cutting locks or driving over his gates to drive onto his land to hunt. He has placed stumps at any place that someone could drive through but they still manage to do it or pull their quads over them. The adjoining timber land is walk-in access only, no motorized vehicles, yet folks still find ways around the gates. Mind you, that his land holds some reeeeealy nice bucks and elk on it. I have permission to hunt on it whenever I chose. In fact, I took one of my best blacktails off of his land. When hunting starts on Weyerhaeuser land the critters find refuge at his place. But that is no reason to tresspass.
What are your thoughts? Good for him or is he a jerk?

Good for him. I hope it gets all over the disrepectful idiots.

Use all means necessary to stop the tide of trespassers. They should buy their own land to hunt on.

I particularly like this line .. "Oh I didn't know I was on private land" yeah right a**hole now get off.
Good for him....hunters like that make it hard for the rest of us to get permission on private land.
Wouldn't stop me. Just have to clean my boots a little better -that's all. If they were trespassing however, a little buckshot will go a long ways - one shot and word gets around!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Well if nothing else works i guess you need to think outside the box. Thats pretty funny and i hate to see what next year brings when people disregard his latest attempt at stopping their trespassing.
I talked to him last night and he still had to run off a couple of high school kids that hiked through the only spot where he couldnt get at with the truck. It was right on the river in a spot where they really had to work at it to get onto his land. It is all posted so there is no way that they couldnt of known. They had to jump a barbed wire fence and meander through over 100 head of cattle to get where he found them. He held them until the Sheriff got there and had a little chat with the boys. He didnt press charges or call their folks and let them go with a warning. Makes you wonder about the kids today and the seemingly increasing lack of respect for others and their property.
I had a trespasser last year on my property during rifle deer season. I didn't know until the cops surrounded our property! Turned out there was an escaped convict hiding in our woods. Cops asked if I wanted to have him charged with trespassing. I said no, I'm sure he's in enough trouble as it is!

More power to him, but isn't it sad that people don't respect his private property with just a simple sign?

Pbear, he sounds like a pretty decent guy. Why the heck does he let YOU hunt?????LOL! Just kidding!

Eel He likes me because a few years ago I chased down and caught a drunk that plowed through his fence and then mine. Plus I helped his son pack out a huge bull that he shot in a pretty nasty hole. He is a decent guy, just dont cross him. He also owns over 700 acres a few miles down the road and I can hunt it as well. I usually dont though.
That is great more power to him. A friend of mine's family has about 1500 acres in goldendale. He will let some people hunt it if they ask. One year my buddy's dad didn't let a guy from Yakima hunt it during the bow season because there was already a few of us hunting when the guy wanted to hunt. A couple days after he told the guy no my buddy's dad found a GPS. The guy labeled my buddy's dads house MOF. We think that it meant mean old F$@k. The guy tresspassed and lost his GPS serves him right. I have been turned down on getting permission too many times because of guys that tresspass and ruin it for everyone else.
good for him! we live about 5 minutes from the vail gate too. sometimes i think we'll see people on our 3 acres looking for the "biggun". probably take a shot at our shepherds instead..

how thick can he spread the stuff ?
Sometimes 5-6" thick. It is some naaaaasty smellin' stuff! Another local boy eh? Which direction from the main gate?
vail cutoff headed toward yelm. 2 miles from gate? end of straightaway

6 inches of that stuff would sure stop me from walking around what are you doing on here at 4:52 am ?
Cool. Im on Vail Cutoff a cuple of miles in the opposite direction. Small world. 3:07 and getting ready for work and feeding critters.

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