And you think Utah non residents are the issue


Very Active Member
Take a look at this one you Wyoming snowflakes. Again how are Utah residents ruining your gravy hunting experience?

This maggot resident of Wyoming oughta have a lifetime hunting ban or some very serious time behind bars! I in no way love wolves but that’s just pure retardation to do.

I agree this is not something that most of us would do. Kill a wolf ---yes I would -- parade it around-- no.

However, it's hard for me to imagine, even with it's mouth taped shut, that that wolf would just be sitting down like a dog and not scrambling like crazy with it's feet to get out of there. Regardless of how tired it might be. Even with the guys arm tightly around it's neck that wolf should be desperately trying to escape.

Unless of coarse the guy shared some of the beers he's apparently been drinking with him.

Something seems funny about it but if it's a true story it's not a good public view of what real hunters are about and it's surely fodder for the anti's.
Amazing what meth and hunting can do.
You sure are throwing a lot of accusations and name-calling out there due to your new-found hate for all Wyoming people and the state. Get over it. I understand your frustration, but the hate is over the top.

The guy that committed this act is a sadistic a$$hole that deserves everything he gets. What a dumba$$. Pisses me off something fierce to see anyone do such a thing. Really gives a black eye to hunting and hunters. Don't even attempt to throw me or any other self-respecting Wyoming hunter (ALL of us) in the same category as this piece of garbage. What you typed says a lot more about YOU than it does us. I don't care that it was a wolf. His act was despicable.

Yeah, you finally struck a nerve with this previously silent Wyomingite.
The guy mounts 5 pt elk, enough said
You really got me on that one. I’d say everyone else disagrees with you on that bull. I looked for the slightest evidence of you ever killing an Elk on here and I couldn’t find one let alone a big one. Seems you’ve only killed some big moose. Congrats on those and I’m sure they were a blast. But at the end of the day don’t show up and run your mouth on a subject you appear to suck at you look stupid
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You sure are throwing a lot of accusations and name-calling out there due to your new-found hate for all Wyoming people and the state. Get over it. I understand your frustration, but the hate is over the top.

The guy that committed this act is a sadistic a$$hole that deserves everything he gets. What a dumba$$. Pisses me off something fierce to see anyone do such a thing. Really gives a black eye to hunting and hunters. Don't even attempt to throw me or any other self-respecting Wyoming hunter (ALL of us) in the same category as this piece of garbage. What you typed says a lot more about YOU than it does us. I don't care that it was a wolf. His act was despicable.

Yeah, you finally struck a nerve with this previously silent Wyomingite.
Oh so you Wyoming boys get to whine about Utah but when someone on your state does something I’m the bad guy to call it out. And don’t think for a second @nontypical that I lump you in with the 2 pompous douche bags that get on this forum and spew their hate towards Utah residents.
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I looked for the slightest evidence of you ever killing an Elk on here and I couldn’t find one let alone a big one.
Are you trying to say we have something in common because you haven’t killed a big bull elk? I hope you’re not a cop because your investigation skills suck.

I sure as hell don’t mount 5 points. 😂

Too easy pushing your buttons😂
Oh so you Wyoming boys get to whine about Utah but when someone on your state does something I’m the bad guy to call it out. And don’t think for a second @nontypical that I lump you in with the 2 pompous douche bags that get on this forum and spew their hate towards Utah residents.
Two? 😂 I guess can’t expect much more from a guy that can only count to 5.

Thanks manny!
Are you trying to say we have something in common because you haven’t killed a big bull elk? I hope you’re not a cop because your investigation skills suck.

I sure as hell don’t mount 5 points. 😂

Too easy pushing your buttons😂
Yeah cause Wyoming can’t grow mega 5’s you’d look pretty dumb mounting a rag. But hey to each there own. Yeah I must suck at investigating. The only elk I saw your name tied to when I searched your profile was you looking at everyone else’s wins. But hey keep on keeping on cross eyed cuck. Lose some weight too man t!ts.
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The title of this thread is misses the mark on a serious problem. This story is a black eye for all hunters and it gives the anti- hunters a segue to peddle their agenda.
I’m sure this story will help us leaps and bounds to get the opportunity to hunt wolves in Colorado or a grizzly season approved for Idaho, Utah and Wyoming.
I’m sure this story will help us leaps and bounds to get the opportunity to hunt wolves in Colorado or a grizzly season approved for Idaho, Utah and Wyoming.
I wanna see the guy who runs a grizzly over with a snowmobile! Just kidding.
Quire honestly, I didn't hear about this story until I read it on M.M.
Maybe the story isn't as big of a deal as we think it is.
This is not good for the hunting community!
It has nothing to do with the hunting community.

It would be more logical for people to see that picture and say "We need new beer laws." But the reality is the people who will use this against hunters hate them anyway. Doesn't have anything to do with that dumb dog getting whacked and the whores running the newsreel love that. They know they can control BuzzH and a million other puppets by their emotion buttons.
It has nothing to do with the hunting community.

It would be more logical for people to see that picture and say "We need new beer laws." But the reality is the people who will use this against hunters hate them anyway. Doesn't have anything to do with that dumb dog getting whacked and the whores running the newsreel love that. They know they can control BuzzH and a million other puppets by their emotion buttons.

You've always been stupid...

We aren't trying to convince the antis, genius.

WE ARE trying to keep the large undecided population from becoming anti.

Bet your ass the antis knew what they were doing writing "Wyoming hunter....."

1. Make hunters guilty by association.

2. Draw attention to Wyoming law as Colorado stocks wolves on its border.

Every poll shows hunting for food is supported in the US.

Killing and torturing, aren't.
It has nothing to do with the hunting community.

It would be more logical for people to see that picture and say "We need new beer laws." But the reality is the people who will use this against hunters hate them anyway. Doesn't have anything to do with that dumb dog getting whacked and the whores running the newsreel love that. They know they can control BuzzH and a million other puppets by their emotion buttons.
What a tool!!
You've always been stupid...

We aren't trying to convince the antis, genius.

WE ARE trying to keep the large undecided population from becoming anti.

Bet your ass the antis knew what they were doing writing "Wyoming hunter....."

1. Make hunters guilty by association.

2. Draw attention to Wyoming law as Colorado stocks wolves on its border.

Every poll shows hunting for food is supported in the US.

Killing and torturing, aren't.
There is no association. None. Zero. Zip.

Anyone who looks at this and decides this was a hunting problem is an absolute monumental idiot. I know you feel right at home with idiots but the rest of the world doesn't waste any time basing decisions off of them.

How long has it been since you saw the sun?
This act makes me sick. As a resident Wyoming hunter he has disrespected the animals, us as residents, and definitely all hunters. I am really disappointed that nobody in that bar fed him his teeth! It’s a sick individual who takes pleasure out of something suffering. They should search his place he probably is guilty of other things as well.
This act makes me sick. As a resident Wyoming hunter he has disrespected the animals, us as residents, and definitely all hunters. I am really disappointed that nobody in that bar fed him his teeth! It’s a sick individual who takes pleasure out of something suffering. They should search his place he probably is guilty of other things as well.
I feel so disrespected.🙄
There is no association. None. Zero. Zip.

Anyone who looks at this and decides this was a hunting problem is an absolute monumental idiot. I know you feel right at home with idiots but the rest of the world doesn't waste any time basing decisions off of them.

How long has it been since you saw the sun?

Sheila Jackson Lee is a congresswoman from Houston proving there are lots of idiots who know nothing, but vote.

Like I said, you've always been stupid, especially when it comes to public relations. That Napoleon complex shines through
Sheila Jackson Lee is a congresswoman from Houston proving there are lots of idiots who know nothing, but vote.

Like I said, you've always been stupid, especially when it comes to public relations. That Napoleon complex shines through
Now SheJack is a threat to your hunting??????

This is just getting better.

Can you provide a flow diagram about how drinking and snow mobiling with red stucco tape is going to invigorate voters in rigged elections and take away your hunting privileges????


It's 6:30 in the morning. Quit hitting the bottle.

This song is dedicated to Hossblur. Since those bad dark folks in the city are after his hunting.

Now SheJack is a threat to your hunting??????

This is just getting better.

Can you provide a flow diagram about how drinking and snow mobiling with red stucco tape is going to invigorate voters in rigged elections and take away your hunting privileges????


It's 6:30 in the morning. Quit hitting the bottle.

Put in for a mtn lion tag in California and get back to us when you draw
Seems straight forward to me - this guy is a stupid POS. He makes humans look terrible. I am all for regulated wolf hunting (I have legally killed one) but running them down on a snowmobile does not seem like fair chase.

Thank goodness someone had the courage to turn him in and hold him accountable.
Put in for a mtn lion tag in California and get back to us when you draw
Please post the photo of someone that ran a mountain lion down with a snowmobile and taped his mouth shut that led to the closure of hunting there.

The worst part of this, and similar stories about jackasses, is tge apologists for them.

Not even a troll can be this tone deaf, meaning Tristate has actually convinced himself his positions make any sense.

I always wondered who is a P1 infowars listener.
The worst part of this, and similar stories about jackasses, is tge apologists for them.

Not even a troll can be this tone deaf, meaning Tristate has actually convinced himself his positions make any sense.

I always wondered who is a P1 infowars listener.
Go back and quote where I apologize for other people and I'll leave this forum.

You don't even know why you hate me.🤣
Did you put in for that mtn lion tag yet?

How about a spring bear hunt in Colorado?

Did you get in for Grizzly in Wyoming this year?

I know. The point blew right past you.

Like most things
you normally do a pretty good job at looking dumb already. really no reason to go out of your way for it with comments like this

we get it, you're from texas. already doing a bang up job of representing the state. take a break, you've earned it.
What about this picture has anything to do with hunting? The beer the tape or the snow mobile?

The only reason this is about hunting is because you let it.
It has nothing to do with the hunting community.

It would be more logical for people to see that picture and say "We need new beer laws." But the reality is the people who will use this against hunters hate them anyway. Doesn't have anything to do with that dumb dog getting whacked and the whores running the newsreel love that. They know they can control BuzzH and a million other puppets by their emotion buttons.
That’s what I mean. There are misfits in any and all activity’s, hobbies, sports, ect but with hunting everything related to an animal reflects on the hunting community unfortunately. So it sucks for us all and will only add ammunition to the anti hunting group.
That’s what I mean. There are misfits in any and all activity’s, hobbies, sports, ect but with hunting everything related to an animal reflects on the hunting community unfortunately. So it sucks for us all and will only add ammunition to the anti hunting group.
Do you ever get in a debate with someone who is anti-hunting? If you do and they bring up that picture, let them know that's not hunting. The debate is either over or moves onto the next fabricated spit show they want to point at.


No one can logically make an argument that beer drinking snowmobile riders that run over wolves are hunters. Don't play into their plan.

When I have had non hunters start talking about non hunting problems, i.e. poaching, as hunters I correct them and they instantly realize there is a difference.
Do you ever get in a debate with someone who is anti-hunting? If you do and they bring up that picture, let them know that's not hunting. The debate is either over or moves onto the next fabricated spit show they want to point at.


No one can logically make an argument that beer drinking snowmobile riders that run over wolves are hunters. Don't play into their plan.

When I have had non hunters start talking about non hunting problems, i.e. poaching, as hunters I correct them and they instantly realize there is a difference.

We live in a post truth world, and whoever creates the best narrative wins. Nobody cares that you can identify that this "isnt really about hunting". Congrats, youre so smart.

The whole "youre playing into the narrative" is irrelevant and pointless. Hunters are a very small percentage of the population, it doesnt matter what the "real" story is, all that matters is what the majority opinion wants it to be.

Also, if youre the one "letting people know what hunting is and isnt", we are collective f#cked. Im sure you so beautifuly let every non hunter you know how and where they are wrong, and they immediately bow to you. 🤡 🤡 🤡
I Can't wait For The 1st KALI-RADO Wolf To Cross Our Eastern Border When Somebody Thinks It's A Big Coyote!

It'll Happen!
He’ll be fined on the captivity charge…… I doubt for anything more.

Doesn’t mean he was ethically right…… in some people’s mind. Yet others would see him as a hero for running it over and killing it.

Displaying it in a place of business was stupid. Stupid is what stupid does. He certainly doesn’t have a monopoly on stupidly.
We live in a post truth world, and whoever creates the best narrative wins. Nobody cares that you can identify that this "isnt really about hunting". Congrats, youre so smart.

The whole "youre playing into the narrative" is irrelevant and pointless. Hunters are a very small percentage of the population, it doesnt matter what the "real" story is, all that matters is what the majority opinion wants it to be.

Also, if youre the one "letting people know what hunting is and isnt", we are collective f#cked. Im sure you so beautifuly let every non hunter you know how and where they are wrong, and they immediately bow to you. 🤡 🤡 🤡
If any of that were true then arguing about this stupidity would never happen and it wouldn't matter that people do believe this is hunting.

Are you saying you believe drinking, running over dogs, and wrapping them up in tape is hunting?
If any of that were true then arguing about this stupidity would never happen and it wouldn't matter that people do believe this is hunting.

Are you saying you believe drinking, running over dogs, and wrapping them up in tape is hunting?

It is true, just look at... well, everything. The only thing that matters is who creates the most compelling narrative. Truth no longer exists, and for those who try to find it, nobody really cares. Anti hunters and non hunters are the overwhelming majority, they create the narrative. It doesnt matter what you or I think

Here, an illustration to help you. Youre the guy in red, ill be the fat guy.

It is true, just look at... well, everything. The only thing that matters is who creates the most compelling narrative. Truth no longer exists, and for those who try to find it, nobody really cares. Anti hunters and non hunters are the overwhelming majority, they create the narrative. It doesnt matter what you or I think

Here, an illustration to help you. Youre the guy in red, ill be the fat guy.

View attachment 142158
Good. Then all these fellas have nothing to complain about when they see stupid stuff on the internet. According to you no law or public movement is going to stop the stupidity. So they can quit the hyperbole and washing of teeth and go do something constructive, LIKE ACTUAL HUNTING, and quit worrying about dumb drunk snowmobile dog catchers.

Basically you have agreed with me.
Good. Then all these fellas have nothing to complain about when they see stupid stuff on the internet. According to you no law or public movement is going to stop the stupidity. So they can quit the hyperbole and washing of teeth and go do something constructive, LIKE ACTUAL HUNTING, and quit worrying about dumb drunk snowmobile dog catchers.

Basically you have agreed with me.
does it get uncomfortable sitting on a phone book to type?
The title of this thread is about painting with a broad offends others who also paint with a broad brush and along comes tri, wading through all of the broad paint brushes lying around this site and stammers, no worries, nobody paints with broad brushes...and if they do don't let them...

Gold thread!
Do you ever get in a debate with someone who is anti-hunting? If you do and they bring up that picture, let them know that's not hunting. The debate is either over or moves onto the next fabricated spit show they want to point at.


No one can logically make an argument that beer drinking snowmobile riders that run over wolves are hunters. Don't play into their plan.

When I have had non hunters start talking about non hunting problems, i.e. poaching, as hunters I correct them and they instantly realize there is a difference.

You don't get to debate in a poll booth
He’ll be fined on the captivity charge…… I doubt for anything more.

Doesn’t mean he was ethically right…… in some people’s mind. Yet others would see him as a hero for running it over and killing it.

Displaying it in a place of business was stupid. Stupid is what stupid does. He certainly doesn’t have a monopoly on stupidly.


Now right or wrong, the bar gets heat
Read something today the local sheriff's office was also taking a look at the situation. Sounded like the pro wolf nuts are starting to throw out death threats. This scumbag probably outta grow eyes in the back of his head.
Read something today the local sheriff's office was also taking a look at the situation. Sounded like the pro wolf nuts are starting to throw out death threats. This scumbag probably outta grow eyes in the back of his head.
He’s an outstanding man according to tri. But so are the poaching lemons and Waldrips. Birds of a feather…….
Read something today the local sheriff's office was also taking a look at the situation. Sounded like the pro wolf nuts are starting to throw out death threats. This scumbag probably outta grow eyes in the back of his head.
I would love to see see them fight.
Read something today the local sheriff's office was also taking a look at the situation. Sounded like the pro wolf nuts are starting to throw out death threats. This scumbag probably outta grow eyes in the back of his head.

Nothing proves your moral superiority like threatening to murder someone.

Hopefully those loons come to town, and the sheriff can grab all of them.
What about this picture has anything to do with hunting? The beer the tape or the snow mobile?

The only reason this is about hunting is because you let it.
Yes, but what if he is a hunter or a guide or outfitter? Would it be about hunting then? Just curious really. Definitely sheds a bad image on hunters as he most likely is a hunter even thought this has nothing to do with hunting.
What about this picture has anything to do with hunting? The beer the tape or the snow mobile?

The only reason this is about hunting is because you let it.
Anti-hunters and the large percentage of the people that do not care one way or the other about hunting, will in fact assume that he is a hunter and that this is related to hunting.
Yes, but what if he is a hunter or a guide or outfitter? Would it be about hunting then? Just curious really. Definitely sheds a bad image on hunters as he most likely is a hunter even thought this has nothing to do with hunting.
So the problem is people making assumptions.
Perhaps in some cases anti-hunters are just making assumptions, but in many cases they will intentionally use stories like this to support their narrative and advance their goals even if they know this is not representative of hunters. As far as the rest of the population, it is very likely that many people will make assume some kind of association with hunters.

I have a friend in KS that knows I am an avid hunter. He is one of the more intelligent people I have known, but he has complained to me about local “hunters” that allegedly killed a trophy buck at night with spot lights, which is reprehensible to him (and me). We can argue whether or not these are real hunters, but he views this as hunters that are out of control and I can’t really disagree.
Perhaps in some cases anti-hunters are just making assumptions, but in many cases they will intentionally use stories like this to support their narrative and advance their goals even if they know this is not representative of hunters. As far as the rest of the population, it is very likely that many people will make assume some kind of association with hunters.

I have a friend in KS that knows I am an avid hunter. He is one of the more intelligent people I have known, but he has complained to me about local “hunters” that allegedly killed a trophy buck at night with spot lights, which is reprehensible to him (and me). We can argue whether or not these are real hunters, but he views this as hunters that are out of control and I can’t really disagree.
Everything you say has and does happen without a doubt. But that doesn't give us carte blanche to lynch everyone we want on the internet. Deal with the misinformed and liars head on.

When your friend has a problem with poachers let him know hunters can't stand that either and this isn't a hunter problem. It's a criminal problem. We have specific laws for his problem and specific servants to help him get justice. The reality is if hunting went away poaching would not go away. Hunting isn't the problem and is actually part of the solution to his poaching problem. Hunters are paying for that game warden that will help him.

Publicly, let him face charges with media reports about HUNTERS pushed for his arrest.

Just like HUNTERS publicly forced this to come to a head. Otherwise your good friend would have stayed quiet

Publicly, let him face charges with media reports about HUNTERS pushed for his arrest.

Just like HUNTERS publicly forced this to come to a head. Otherwise your good friend would have stayed quietView attachment 142972
I used to think you were just a habitual liar. But I'm starting to think your mind operates in some alternate reality only you believe.
Here we go AGAIN.

For the Texans too lazy to read

"Another egregious example of the hatred against wolves occurred recently in Wyoming, where someone ran a wolf pup down with a snowmobile, bound his muzzle shut, then showed off the injured animal at a bar in the town of Daniel. The person then shot the animal. For this act of animal cruelty, the perpetrator only received a $250 fine. "

Gee, it's almost like someone said this would happen
Here we go AGAIN.

For the Texans too lazy to read

"Another egregious example of the hatred against wolves occurred recently in Wyoming, where someone ran a wolf pup down with a snowmobile, bound his muzzle shut, then showed off the injured animal at a bar in the town of Daniel. The person then shot the animal. For this act of animal cruelty, the perpetrator only received a $250 fine. "

Gee, it's almost like someone said this would happen
What would happen?. You mean another article restating what's already happened.
Everything you say has and does happen without a doubt. But that doesn't give us carte blanche to lynch everyone we want on the internet. Deal with the misinformed and liars head on.

When your friend has a problem with poachers let him know hunters can't stand that either and this isn't a hunter problem. It's a criminal problem. We have specific laws for his problem and specific servants to help him get justice. The reality is if hunting went away poaching would not go away. Hunting isn't the problem and is actually part of the solution to his poaching problem. Hunters are paying for that game warden that will help him.
So you preach to gundog about taking these things head on but give the lemonheads a pass. God you’re a self righteous piece of work.🤦‍♂️
Here we go AGAIN.

For people too lazy to read

"Another egregious example of the hatred against wolves occurred recently in Wyoming, where someone ran a wolf pup down with a snowmobile, bound his muzzle shut, then showed off the injured animal at a bar in the town of Daniel. The person then shot the animal. For this act of animal cruelty, the perpetrator only received a $250 fine. "

Gee, it's almost like someone said this would happen

I corrected that for you. Texas certainly has our fair share, but there are people like that in every state.

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