Acceptable Poaching


Very Active Member
As this Covid thing worsens I see some concerns about poaching being discussed.

To alleviate these concerns, should the bans on the taking of so called “wild” horses be lifted?

Best Hurry!

I've Got Relatives that Have Been Thinning them Out!

I Don't Know where the Steaks are Going?:D
if it really comes down to that for survival....we're going to call it something else
I 'THINK' I've Ate Horse Too!

The Star in ELKO Nv Fed Me a Steak that was Way Bigger than Any Steak I've ever Ate anywhere!

Whatever it was?

It was Damn Tasty!:D
If we keep letting a health provider or a scientist make all the decisions on this virus, at some point the food distribution system will break down. People are still shopping like it's their last opportunity for months. And then they go back the next day and do it all over again.

Poach horses? Sure, but I'd rather cut it into steaks and fry it. ;)
It might be a good time to settle an issue like those horses and donkeys. All the rich white women and their money grubbing lawyers and the courts and the federal agencies aren't looking and don't want to look.
I remember my Dad telling me about the time in WWII when they liberated a Polish POW camp in the forest of Germany. The first thing the POW's did was kill a horse, build a big fire and eat it. It was too rich and most of them got sick. It still didn't stop them from going into the German village that night and burning it to the ground.

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