Mule Deer Scouting Pic Contest!

Photo contest


Founder Since 1999
Click any photo above, and then give the post a thumbs up.

In this photo contest, let's see some of your Best Mule Deer Scouting Photos. They can be regular point-n-shoot camera pics, digiscoping pics or even trail camera photos. Feel free to post up to 5 photos for the contest, but post them in separate posts, as only the first photo in each post shows up as a thumbnail above.
Post them to this thread and I'll let reactions (Likes) help guide me to picking the winners.
Share a little detail about the pics too! And keep in mind that big antlers and quality photos definitely help.

We'll run the photo contest for a month or so and winners will be picked early in April.

The contest prizes will be a Phone Skope Kit for 1st place and Pyro Putty and an Arch Lighter for 2nd place. Thanks to the folks at Phone Skope for the gear! If you don't already own the a Phone Skope, then get over to their site and get one......that is if you don't win one here! It's a valuable piece of gear to have with you for helping to preserve your hunting and scouting adventures.

Get Yourself a Phone Skope
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Thus pic was from last August not real clear but he is a nice buck and he made it through this year's hunts seen him last week he should be a dandy this year and this is a general season hunt unit

I located this giant in early July last year and then comparing it with pictures of a buck I found and had passed on during the prior year's rifle hunt. Knowing they were the same buck and that there was a good chance it would migrate to the same area again during the rifle hunt, my hopes were high. Instead it was killed during the archery hunt.
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Then in August higher on the mountain, this buck came into one of my trail cameras. This buck instantly became my new #1 buck to try and find. Luck would have it that he stayed in the same area and I was able to kill him on opening day of the early rifle.
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Some amazing deer and photography on this thread!

This cute little California buck watched me set up camp from about 50 yards away. He was bedded right on the edge of a lake and didn’t leave until I swam up 10 yards away from him.
The unit I drew in NV this year for deer was loaded with elk. This is one of the better pics I took of a bull. I was so distracted by the elk every scouting or hunting trip I would lose focus that I should be trying to locate deer.
I located this buck in velvet before our muzzleloader season then turned him up opening day. I blew several stalks on this guy trying to get a shot opening week. I got to watch him shed his velvet in the spotting scope & ended up developing an odd stalker type relationship with this deer after a week of hunting. As of the end of muzzy season he was still alive... hopefully he made it through rifle season.
In more than 50 years, I can count the number of droptine bucks I’ve seen in person on two hands. I can count the number of bucks I’ve seen with double droppers on one finger. We named this guy “D2” and chased him around with a stick and a string. Had several very close encounters, but had no shot opportunities. He was one of a kind...
this was a double left beam buck with dropper i saw on private land. got private access about a mile away the next year. passed a nice heavy buck as rut started to kick in waiting for this guy. never saw him and ended up shooting a 3x4 as season drew to a close. i'll try to find better pic
This one was while I was work a few years ago. He is on public land and this was during hunting season. Couldn't find him after work. but did see him after hunting season


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