

Long Time Member
Looks like you may be taking me on a hunt somewhere. Gas prices are coming down. Crude oil prices are coming down also. If Bush sets the price of oil and gasoline he must have bumped his head and pushed the wrong button.


They are even predicting lower prices over the Labor day holiday!!

So what, where and when are we going hunting?

Nemont, Zigga will not answer as he has no sack!

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
I don't think he "has no sack". I think he is busy figuring out what kind of hunt he wants to take me on.

Like I said yesterday.........."NO SACK"

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)

Maybe Zigga is out scouting for the best possible spot to take you hunting now that fuel prices are coming down.

The interesting thing is that the evil speculators are starting to short oil right now. There is as much money to be made on the short side of the market as there is on the long side. If they drive down the price of oil to cover their positions will that be bad also?

All I am wanting to know is when, where and what the hunt is? The criteria was a little iffy but I believe it was that GWB will increase the price of gasoline around holiday times to well over $5. It appears that due to lack of demand and growing inventories gasoline and oil are begining to trend downward. Stupid market, GWB better get on the horn to all the oil companies and tell them to raise their prices as he will soon be out of office and none of the oil companies can make money without him in office.

Anyway just trying to plan ahead.

I found my sack. It was in d's mouth the whole time. Anyway, you can reread the original post but I think I was referring to gas prices spiking before January which is when w's term is up. Using holidays as an example. The "We're gonna bend you over while we can" excuse. I'd be glad to take you hunting either way. I'm training my 5 month old Brittany as we speak. Big game is my bag if you like the backcountry. I have been scouting for sheep and finally found some. Unfortunately, it's not my tag. Sorry I didn't have computer access like they do in the Texas canned hunts some of you are familiar with.:) Like I have said before, we are here because of continual bad decisions by w.

If your brittany is ready you can come chase huns and sharptail on Sept. 1st. All wild birds and tons of fun. 4 Sharpies and 8 huns a day with a possession limit of 4 times the daily limit.

>If your brittany is ready you
>can come chase huns and
>sharptail on Sept. 1st.
>All wild birds and tons
>of fun. 4 Sharpies
>and 8 huns a day
>with a possession limit of
>4 times the daily limit.

I'd come too but I have an uncontrollable habit of shooting unruly dogs......and don't want zigga to cry in front of the guys.

Come on d, no comment about the sack in the mouth? I am still wiping laffy tears out of my eyes. My Brittany is 5 months old, of course it will be unruly but she'll out hunt anything you bring to the table. That e-collar is worth it's weight in gold. I've got 2 remote bird launchers on the way. I just hope I get to it before my wife does or I will have some explaining to do. She will be very ready for her age. I'll bring the kennel and let the trained experts have a shot too. :) Depending on work and budget I would love to plan on the first couple days of bird season. Where are we talking, the furthest reachest of the state? Great upland bird hunting is hard to come by around here.
Yep furtherest reach of the State up in no man's land. We will start on the In Laws ranch and work around that area. Let me know as we are planning on staying up there for a couple of days and then moving closer to home to hunt around here. I don't want to give specific areas but this is what it looks like.





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